Nick Kyrgios is not soft!
If I could choose just one athlete on earth to work with it would be this guy.
Raw talent, technical skills, and all the physical attributes you could want, he's got it. While he raises some questions about work ethic in his comments I think it safe to say that he puts in the work because you don't get to the quarter finals of Wimbledon without it.
So what's missing?
Well if you consider the above the answer would seem pretty obvious. But while the path to Mr Kyrgios' break through tournament lay in something that is simple, the obvious answer is not the answer.
It's in his head!
Yes this is the obvious part of the dilemma, but the fact lost on most arm chair critics, sport psychologists and caring family members is which way the path out of this dilemma actually is.
The temptation and "obvious" path for this young sporting prodigy will be to go to work on the content of his thinking. To set up a regime to counter the bad or negative stuff that flies through his head and holds him back. But this is a path that is destine to fail as he takes on an endless supply of thinking that is far more formidable than Andy Murray turning it up in a game of tennis.
But there's another way, a far simpler way that focuses on understanding what thought is and why and when he can trust it, and it's a way that will point him back to what got him there in the first place. And it's this path that will see him becoming one of the most successful tennis players to come out of Australia in recent times.
Nick describes himself as soft but we know he is far from soft. He wasn't soft when he beat former world number one Raphael Nadal and there's no doubt about his assertiveness skills when it comes to tennis officials.
Nick has all that he needs to get his head straight and once again engage with the qualities that have seen him get to where he is - poise, focus, resilience, creativity, it's all there laying just beneath the surface underneath his rampant negative and completely unnecessary thinking.
Nick has everything he needs to complete this puzzle and confirm his place along side (and maybe ahead) of the best players in the world.
At this point there are two paths in the road for Nick Kyrgios one that leads to more thinking and away from everything that he already has and is capable of, and another towards a place free of unnecessary thinking and back to what he is.
Nick isn't soft, he's just on the wrong path.
Murray suggests he may need psychological help