Are you getting ready to start your road trip? Make sure you are well rested and have your journey planned with plenty of stops. Don’t travel for more than 8 - 10 hours a day. Stay safe! See you soon.
@tacvictoria @vticnews #PauseStop #drivesafe #roadtrip #longweekend #cupweekend #everybitdifferent
#visitapollobay #visitgreatoceanroad #visitotways #stayclosegofurther #visitvictoria #travelkind #visitcolac
Let's drive into November and the Melbourne Cup weekend safely using these easy and reasonable strategies:
Plan your journey and breaks ahead of time using the Pause Stop interactive map.
Start well rested with a good night’s sleep.
Plan to pause from the road at least every two hours.
Avoid driving at times when you would usually be sleeping.
Don’t travel for more than 8 - 10 hours a day.
Take a 15 minute powernap if you feel drowsy.
Don’t drink alcohol before your trip.
Pause for a coffee.
See you soon!
#pausestop #EveryBitDifferent #greatopia #visitapollobay #visitotways #visitgreatoceanroad #visitvictoria #travelkind #stayclosegofurther #IAMapollobay #IAMgreatoceanroad
Are you getting ready for your road trip to the Great Ocean Road this weekend? Don't forget to pause and make the journey part of your quality time. #TACPauseStop #EveryBitDifferent #EveryBitDifferent #greatopia #visitapollobay #visitotways #visitgreatoceanroad #visitvictoria #travelkind #stayclosegofurther #IAMapollobay #IAMgreatoceanroad
Check out the reel that Toyota shared suggesting a Great Ocean Road Itinerary and featuring some of Apollo Bay’s businesses! 🤩 @icarowholefoods @wildlifewondersaus @big4apollobaypiscesholidaypark
Watch the full reel on @greatoceanroadaustralia or @toyota_aus