Tassie East Coast Tours
Tassie East Coast Tours are here to showcase the picturesque East Coast of Tasmania. 🌿
Enjoy our wine, golf, or leisure tours with family and friends.
Relax, experience and enjoy one of our tours or contact us for a custom tour for your next event. 🥂
Send us a message to find out more and to book a tour with us.
Whilst we take a break from tours, we are home exploring the amazing-NESS of Tasmania 😀
A little trip down to Hobart and a visit to Mona....We loved the weird, wonderful and the spectacular architectural design.
Definitely needs to be visited when In Hobart 😀
#monatasmania #rediscovertasmania #visittasmania #Hobart #tassie
Golf Championship - Lefties v Righties Day
GAME ON!!! Are you a Lefty or a Righty?
It's time to get your game on and prove who IS the best golfer....
Move over Wilson's Cup here comes Tassie East Coast Tours Cup 🙃
Saturday 4th December @ScamanderRiverGolfCourse ⛳️
Great Prizes
All Welcome
Sponsored by Tassie East Coast Tours.
#scamanderivergolfcourse #lefty #righty #lefthandervrighthanders #lefthander #righthander #golfday #golf #tassiegolf #eastcoasttassie
#tassiesunset loving our spring time sunset...we had the most perfect day here on the East Coast 😃
We had a few days off, so we headed down south... So many beautiful places to see... How great is nature 😀
listen with sound on to hear the sound of rocks and ocean. REMARKABLE CAVES are just that... remarkable.
Pop it onto your to do list when in Tasmania.
Sunshine, sparkly Crystal Clear Water another day in Tassie Paradise🙏
#tassieeastcoasttours #thisistasmania #TassieOffSeason #discovertassie #tassieeastcoast #binalongbay #crystalclearwater #watersparkles #oceansounds #beach #beachtime #ocean
Is it the swing or the clothes that maketh the golfer 🤔
Scamander, deserted beaches, golden sands and no high rises = afternoon delight 😍
Winter in Tasmania 🌅😊
#travellingtasmania #tasmania