Connecting brains and bodies. WOOP!!
And that’s a wrap! Work for 2024 done and dusted. This year brought so much progress for my clients and such a leap professionally for me. I am full of gratitude.
Love love love what I do! 💃🏼
Wishing everyone a safe and smooth holiday period. 🙏🏼
So many cool things happening already with the addition of CFT to my practice. Here’s just one example!
The technology these days!!! My bleary eyes are happy to see Sydney. One more flight to go!
My last afternoon in New Hampshire 😍
If you’re curious to know why I went to the effort of flying across the world to learn Gillespie Approach CFT, then listen in!
I’m a classic for telling it the long way.
If you like the short, concise version, here it is:
I chose to train in the Gillespie Approach because
🧠 I like that it is an ‘out of the box’ idea and is thinking about two known systems as one
🧠 I like that it’s client led, the body gets to choose what is released
🧠 I think the primitive reflexes (my thing) will be better able to do their job in bodies that have become strain free in their fascia and whose cranial sacral system is working optimally
🧠 Fitting in a short course into my life seemed plausible, unlike studying something else more in-depth
Often my clients tell me they have trouble explaining what I do to others. I love that the reason they want to share is because they see that it works and they want to help others!
So here's a bit of an explanation:
I have taken the time to learn about what's called Primitive Reflexes, natural and temporary movement patterns in infants that drive movement development. They are what helps a baby learn to go from being a helpless, lying bub to an upright, active toddler. The different stages of movement also play a vital role in creating neural networks in the brain and prime the brain for learning, socially, emotionally and academically. If this process is interrupted, the primitive reflexes can hang around and the subsequent development doesn't take place to it's potential.
My job is to identify which primitive reflexes are still active and use movement exercises to help the body and brain to complete the developmental process. The way we do that looks a bit different depending on the age of the client, but usually we see each other regularly and do movement together and chosen exercises at home, daily, in between visits.
This is not work just for children! We carry imbalances from our childhood into adulthood. The outworking of it may morph but it's still there. Or we had it together and life events have eroded our foundation and we need support getting it back. Adults are soo fun to work with and its rewarding for them to see what is possible, even after decades of living with certain things.
To compliment this work and to help address nervous system regulation, auditory processing, as well as speech and language delays, I provide Johansen Individualised Auditory Stimulation program. It is a powerful and effective tool.
Many challenges for my clients began very early on in life, so I am very very keen to support families to assist their children's development sooner rather than later. Infant Massage Instruction has become a very cool part of what I offer, it
Some bad news and some good news!
Tune in to find out 😁
#infant #mass #infantmassage #imis #massage #infant #mother #father #newborn #baby
We don't usually celebrate Valentine's Day in our house but this year it just so happened that our new aircon was being installed on Valentine's Day!