Thanks Kellie for taking the time to articulate this.
100% this is not talked about in the lead up to birth and I wish it was so that more people could make informed choices! And when C-sections occur they can be aware that their child may need extra support.
Babies who are born by C-section also will benefit from CFT, making sure their Craniosacral Fascial systems are functioning well which ALSO helps to make sure their reflexes are able to do their job!
I can help babies who are C-section with reflexes and CFT!
This post is not meant to alarm you but to educate you.
If you had a caesarean birth, I'm pretty confident that no one told you about primitive reflexes. So, I'm here to do just that!
These are automatic, involuntary, repetitive movements your baby does over the first few months of life. They are survival reflexes and play a critical role in keeping baby alive as well as helping the brain develop.
They develop in-utero and typically, 'kick off' by playing an important role in the birthing process. Unfortunately, a caesarean birth can mean that they didn't fully get to do their job.
Now, you can't change how the birth went but you can be aware that sometimes, primitive reflexes can retain or remain active when they haven't fully 'done their job'.
Typically, we see them integrate or disappear by 12 months of age. If they don't integrate on time, we can see delayed or skipped milestones or unusual patterns of movement (think odd crawling like bum shuffling) . These can be signs you watch for to ensure baby's neurodevelopment progresses as it should.
And if you ever have concerns, you can seek help from a health professional, like someone trained in primitive reflexes.
Follow me for more tips about baby's brain development and reflexes!