Even beautiful when it’s empty … what a building 🖤•
•Thankyou to every legend that worked at Made in Common
•Thankyou to all legend stockists of Made in Common - very privileged to have you grace our space
•Thankyou to every legend that shopped at MIC
•Thankyou to every legend 💇🏼♀️ 💇🏻♂️ who had hair done at MIC
•Thankyou to every legend who browsed at Made in Common
•Thankyou to every legend who just came in to say hi & a chat
•Thankyou to every legend from the chiropractor nxt door who had to have a stretch & wander after an appt, you chose to visit us 🖤
•Thankyou to our neighbours Sam @ Bat City for collecting our mail on a Monday & just being the loveliest person…
•Thankyou to Ghosty for our ‘afternoon delight’ of coffee delivered ….. your diner looks insane 🔥
•Thankyou Neil the best bloke in the whole world who cleaned our windows before we opened and kept them looking magnificent til the end.. you have a heart of gold
•Thankyou to my family & Friends
•Thanku Mum who helped me clean - you are a machine 💪
•Thankyou all the delivery fellas, always smiling no matter how under the pump you were - Steve you had the number one smile 😃
•How could we not forget Briga’s blooms from her garden every week, roses, birds of paradise - beautiful thankyou
•Also just clients/customers sharing their garden blooms w us - that’s you Eliza , Meg, Marg just to name a few.. thankyou
•Rick who made the hand rail at our front door to keep our customers safe going up and down steps - safety first, thankyou
My favourite was random catch ups customers had w friends in our space, hearing the banter & laughs , losing track of time - just made my day …
Made in Common’s personality and vibe was made by you all - the COMMONERS who worked, stocked, visited and supported it- you were the absolute soul of the place… I simply opened the doors.
For that I am forever grateful.
If you need a COMMONER Fix, pop on ‘madeincommon’ Spotify playlist
while you go about your day ….
Taking the wise words of the Wright sisters …
‘Our staff are as eclectic as our wares’ …… so is the playlist 🤣💃xo