Theresa Jones is the owner of Inner Sense Intuitive Counselling Services, offering personal counselling along with a range of energy healing therapies and techniques. She is passionate about health and wellbeing, life-long learning, connectedness, communication and community thriving. With more than 20 years of experience in social welfare and counselling, Theresa has enjoyed working in a variety
of programs and services including; Disability, Housing, Domestic Violence, Drug and Alcohol, Generalist Counselling, School Counselling, Community Education and Community Development. She enjoys setting up services and developing programs that enhance the wellbeing of individuals and the health of the community. Theresa has enjoyed lecturing and tutoring university students in Counselling and Groupwork Skills units. Drawing on years of practice wisdom, Theresa is an engaging intuitive healer and counsellor who can provide you with a person-centered service, along with her range of supportive therapies (EFT, Flower Essences and Reiki). These holistic modalities can assist you in working through difficult situations and experiences at a pace that is safe and nurturing for you. Her PhD research, published by Palgrave McMillan in April 2018, is titled “Raising the Dust: Tracking Traditional Medicine in the South of Malawi”. The aim of Theresa’s research is to raise awareness of the important interrelationship between human and ecological health. She takes a holistic, “mind, body, spirit” approach to remaining well through maintaining harmony and balance. In both her intuitive healing practice ‒ and in her research ‒ the concept of ‘body’ therefore also refers to the Earth (Gaia) as our mother, our provider. Theresa’s research seeks to understand, more deeply, the ways in which we are all part of this sacred Earth life. Theresa’s practices, writings, and academic research are therefore all governed by the belief that, in respecting and caring for the Earth, we are caring for and respecting ourselves. Everything we need to survive comes from the Earth, our breath, food, shelter and hydration. Illness, be that of mind, body, spirit or emotion, is thus the result of things being out of balance in our world. In order to heal, balance can easily be restored by; paying attention, by listening to ourselves, by honouring our purpose, by being true to ourselves and authentic in who we are, by walking gently as natural beings who are part of this sacred Earth, and through unconditional love and compassion.