Our staff and associates have the training, knowledge and experience to provide the help the gifted population may need. That help can be delivered through personal counselling, access to specialized resources, publications, seminars and groups. When gifted children, their parents or teachers experience difficulties, a Counsellor with a unique combination of specialised training, expertise and exp
erience in gifted education and counselling is needed to meet the specific intrapersonal, interpersonal and academic needs of the gifted. Michele Juratowitch is Director of Clearing Skies and provides a range of services to meet the needs of gifted children, their parents and teachers. Michele has qualifications in counselling, mental health and gifted education and provides counselling for gifted youth and their families. She worked in schools for over twenty years and has instituted a range of programs and provisions for gifted students. Michele develops resources; provides training for teachers and parents of gifted children; lectured in the postgraduate course in Gifted Education at the Gifted Education Research, Resource and Information Centre (GERRIC) at UNSW; is a consultant to schools and member of advisory committees. Michele is a co-author of “Releasing the Brakes”, the recent report on Australian acceleration practices and was awarded a Churchill Fellowship to study the counselling and intervention needs of gifted children.