Japan Southern Kyushu 南九州之旅
A big thank you to China Airlines ✈️and the Tourism Division, Southern Kyushu Prefectural Government for the special invitation❤️, giving us the chance to explore the beautiful Southern Kyushu, including Kagoshima, Miyazaki, and Kumamoto. During this unforgettable trip, we not only got to experience Japan's traditional culture ⛩️ but also enjoyed the delicious local food. We made countless wonderful memories and look forward to more travelers discovering this captivating place full of history, culture, and natural beauty.
29周年慶圓滿落幕,感謝大家的熱情參與與支持!今天我們也抽出了長榮航空亞洲來回機票的幸運得主。未來我們將繼續努力,期待大家一如既往地支持,與我們攜手邁向更多精彩的里程碑!再次感謝大家的陪伴!Our 29th anniversary celebration has successfully concluded! Thank you all for participation and support. Today, we also had the pleasure of drawing the winner of the EVA Air round-trip tickets to Asia. We look forward to your continued support. Thank you once again for being with us!
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🚢搭上迪士尼遊輪前往迪士尼魔法世界!! 🎉🎉 在遊輪上與迪士尼卡通人物奇遇、享受各種不同主題餐廳美食、觀賞精彩舞台表演!! 心動了嗎?想要探索迪士尼魔法世界嗎 ? 歡迎來電詢問與報名!! ⭐️
🚢Head to Disney magic world🎉🎉, meet all special Disney characters on board. Dine in at our various Disney themed restaurants and enjoy the wonderful shows. Do you wanna explore this magic world? Let our magic hand show you this magic world, just pick up the phone or visit our stores for more information. ⭐️
Departure for this year
22/10, 25/10, 28/10
Sunnybank office 07 3216-9866
Toowong office 07 3221-6658
Gold Coast office 07 5672-9966
Line: https://lin.ee/JzI3V4f
IG: https://instagram.com/allwaytravelau
*Conditions apply and all subject to availability
#disney #brisbane #australia #travel #cruise #遊輪 #澳洲 #布里斯班 #旅遊 #迪士尼