🧨💥Thursday Specials – Available 23.01.2025🧨💥
Box Bonanza Budget Buster
2.5 kg Rind On Primo Bacon
2.5 kg Short Cut Primo Bacon Under Half Price
2.5 kg Primo Slim Frankfurt
2kg Sliced Pastrami
Only $25.00, While Stocks Last!!!
Frozen Deals
1kg Sliced Pepperoni $5.99kg
1kg Sliced Hot Salami $5.99
Marinated Chicken Nibbles 2kg $9.99
USA Beef Ribs 2kg $9.99 (All Under Half Price)
Pork Meaty Riblets 2kg $9.99
Curried Sausages 2kg $9.99
Cost of Living Specials To Help Drive Your Dollar Further!!!
Under Half Price Deli Specials
Cocktail Frankfurt’s $3.99 kg
Slim Frankfurt’s $3.99 kg
Pre-Cooked Pork Sausages $4.99 kg
1kg Sliced Prosciutto $5.99 kg
Red Kabana $8.99 kg
Fresh Yearling Rib -Fillet -Sliced Free $28.99 kg
2kg 5 Star Premium Beef Mince $22.99
2kg Italian Meat Balls $18.00 Save $10.00
Frozen BBQ Pork Chops $8.99kg
Whole Rumps -Sliced Free (Value Buy) $14.99 kg
Sliced Rumps Steak (Good BBQ Buy) $18.99kg
10 Burger Patties (Buy of the Week) $15.00
Potato Scallops $6.99kg
Beef Brisket Bones and Beef Marrow Bones (Good Value) $3.99kg
Premium Quality Pet Mince $2.99kg