Australian Cryptozoology Gary Opit

Australian Cryptozoology Gary Opit Reports of unidentifiable animals received from listeners over 24 years of weekly radio shows Australian Cryptozoology book by Gary Opit

An automatic infrared video recorder set up by a researcher investigating wildlife captured a fascinating video of what ...

An automatic infrared video recorder set up by a researcher investigating wildlife captured a fascinating video of what looks very much like a thylacine walking amid unconcerned grey kangaroos. Scientists studying thylacine skulls preserved in museums found that the jaws were not strong enough to hold large struggling animals and believe that the marsupial dog did not prey on large animals and that it is adapted to prey on the abundant small animals such as native rodents. Hundreds of published encounter reports received by researchers provide evidence that the thylacine still inhabits our forests as they have always done. It can be viewed at this site

Gondwana Rainforest Thylacine (Tasmanian Tiger) filmed for the 1st time in HD thermal,14th September 2024. From 12hrs of footage from a stationary Thermal ...

The world is full of astounding animals and the South American White-faced Saki Monkey is a particulary wonderful-lookin...

The world is full of astounding animals and the South American White-faced Saki Monkey is a particulary wonderful-looking primate.

White-faced Saki Monkey


Texan Sasquatch


Giant amphibians dominated our planet for millions of years before the age of reptiles. These giant Asian salamanders give us an idea of what the dominant inhabitants of our planet were like. They illustrate how astounding it is that such ancient and unique animals still survive on our seemingly doomed planet as humanity exterminates all life bulldozing our last planetary life support forested ecological systems and committing genocide in the Middle East where the inhabitants profess to believe in a god that commanded no stealing or killing!

A very Yowie Christmas by Gary OpitIt’s Christmas beetle time again with lots of thunder and of rain. The green tree fro...

A very Yowie Christmas by Gary Opit
It’s Christmas beetle time again with lots of thunder and of rain. The green tree frogs began to croak and then the dark grey clouds broke. The sun came out, the birds did sing and many of them are on the wing. The flowers at the door are bright, the Yowie gave us such a fright when it bellowed with all its might.
During the day it is alright but as night falls, we hear its calls and the screams of the prey it mauls. The stomping of its feet around our house, we pretend it’s just a mouse. Its gruesome face at the window, we pretend it’s just a dingo.

It knocks at the door, we open it wide, so that it can come inside. It’s time for tea for you and me and the Yowie, it makes three. It smells a bit as it sits on the couch and then we notice it has a pouch. A marsupial woman is she and very dainty as she drinks her tea. Very muscular and hairy we see, when you live in the forest that’s the way it must be.
She eats her biscuits and watches TV, has a scratch and catches a flea. Her child in her pouch pops up its head, its hair is black, and its eyes are red. We stretch and yawn, its time for bed. She goes to the door; we open it wide and very carefully she steps outside.
She turned to say goodbye with a tear in her eye, and she spoke in a very gruff voice.
"It’s time to rejoice. Merry Christmas to you and thanks for the tea and all the news I watched on TV. I pray for you and humanity. I saw that many of you have had to flee. Its horrific to see how angry you can be.
Your leaders lied; they are full of pride while committing Palestinian genocide. They did the same to the Aborigine, cut down every tree, brought hatred you see. Everything you create is then used to destroy, nothing is sacred, girl or boy, killing them with glee as they try to flee in the land of Galilee.”

She gave a great roar as she bound from the door and since that time we have seen her no more. On TV they continue the war, the corporations are demanding more. More weapons to make, more people to die and the politicians continue to lie.
“I am your mate, I will make it great, just pay more tax, don’t expect a rebate. It’s not too late, I will put food on your plate, you may have to wait, no need to debate, I will make it great, I am your mate.”
We turned off the TV and walked out the door, the moon was bright with Bundjalung lore.

The Bombala Anthropoid illustrated by Will Donald Sydney Sun newspaper published10 November 1912

Bennetts tree-kangaroo is found south of Cooktown to just north of the Daintree River, an area of only about 70km by 50k...

Bennetts tree-kangaroo is found south of Cooktown to just north of the Daintree River, an area of only about 70km by 50km.

Check out this rare and exciting sight - a Bennetts tree-kangaroo with a joey in its pouch 😍

The elusive Bennetts tree-kangaroo is found south of Cooktown to just north of the Daintree River, an area of only about 70km by 50km.

📷 Daintree Safaris

Please take this opportunity to send a message to the Australian Federal Government to take action to save our wildlife ...

Please take this opportunity to send a message to the Australian Federal Government to take action to save our wildlife from the deadly disease that is exterminating all life across the planet. All of our beautiful pelicans, black swans and everything else could be extinct by the end of 2024 if we do not prepare for the horrible disease that has exterminated much of the wildlife of South America and now Antarctica.

Core to our work is protecting Australia's natural environment from harmful invasive species through prevention and early action.

There are no other birds alive today like these 2 species of giant ground dove, that were very fast running and intellig...

There are no other birds alive today like these 2 species of giant ground dove, that were very fast running and intelligent. The loss of the dodo and the solitaire means a unique branch of the pigeon family tree was lost because of habitat destruction and hunting. By understanding how birds evolved in the past, we are learning valuable lessons that could help protect bird species today.” The dodo and solitaire are members of the columbid (pigeon and dove) family. “Using cutting-edge computer technology, we are piecing together how the dodo lived and moved,” says University of Southampton co-author Markus Heller. “This isn’t just about satisfying our curiosity."

“” says Gostling.

Researchers who reviewed 400 years of scientific literature are challenging misconceptions about the extinct, flightless birds the dodo and solitaire.

The survival of the Thylacine in Tasmania and the Australian mainland is the topic of Part 2, of our 3-part Cryptozoolog...

The survival of the Thylacine in Tasmania and the Australian mainland is the topic of Part 2, of our 3-part Cryptozoology Series, for the School Broadcasting Network (SBN), radio for young people, by young people, on ABC National Radio, with SwitchOn Radio, Primary Perspectives and Little Scribe for their nation-wide and global children's audience. Listen here on Spotify to some of the most interesting close encounters on the mainland with reports of a live animal exhibited in a country town, and of cubs found, examined and released.

Could the still exist? Catch part 2 of Primary Perspectives series. Tara and Christian welcome back Gary Opit and the team also speak with researcher and EYE WITNESS Murray McAllister, along with young Tasmanian Tasmanian Isaac Dove, Reel Ransom S...


Not too difficult to believe in surviving Gigantopithecus if that is what Yowies and Bigfoot are when we already well know of less elusive big primates such as the orangutan in this video

The world first exclusive announcement of the discovery of the Nimbinji, an astounding new species of living medium-size...

The world first exclusive announcement of the discovery of the Nimbinji, an astounding new species of living medium-sized Australian animal in Bundjalung country of north-eastern NSW by the School Broadcasting Network (SBN), radio for young people, by young people, ABC National Radio, with SwitchOn Radio, Primary Perspectives and Little Scribe for their nation-wide and global children's audience. Listen on Spotify to their 3-part Cryptozoology Series beginning with the Australian Yowie, the Bunyip, the Nimbinji and the Junjurrie. Part 2 is devoted to the survival of the Thylacine in Tasmania and the mainland. Part 3 is devoted to the Nimbinji and the Junjurrie.

HUGE WORLD-FIRST EXCLUSIVE on Primary Perspectives - catch this not-to-be-missed CRYPTOZOOLOGY SPECIAL - PART 1. Christian, Tara and Sierra cover everything from folklore to latest eye witness sightings, with wildlife expert & consultant to ABC Radio Australian Cryptozoology Gary Opit. So what's the...


These peaceful little guys (who are the largest rodents in the world) are called capybaras, and they get along extremely well with literally every other animal species. Including humans.

A plesiosaur was clearly observed by captain Marvin McCamis and crew as they were inspecting undersea cables off the coa...

A plesiosaur was clearly observed by captain Marvin McCamis and crew as they were inspecting undersea cables off the coast of the Bahamas in October 1969 at a depth of 5,300 feet in the submarine Alvin.

The Alvin Sea Serpent is called such due to it being seen by witnesses aboard the Alvin, a mini-submarine. It was seen during October of 1969 during a dive off the coast of the Bahamas. The submarine's driver, Marvin McCamis, was one of the witnesses of the creature. McCamis' sighting was documented in Charles Berlitz's 1977 book Without a Trace.

“We were down about 5000 feet and then I went down into a crevasse about 300 feet deeper under a slight outcrop. We went deeper because the cable we were following spanned the crevasse. It was right there that I spotted it. The first thing I noticed was the movement. I thought we were moving along the cable and checked for drift but found that the sub was stationary and that it was the object that was moving. It then occurred to me that perhaps it was a utility pole, especially because of its thick shape. I swung the sub in an arc to get a better view along the cable or pole or whatever it was, when I was astonished to see a thick body with flippers, a long neck, a snakelike head with two eyes looking right at us. It looked like a big lizard with flippers - it had two sets of them. Then it swam upwards with its back turned before we could get the cameras angled. They were set to photograph 15 to 25 feet in front of the submarine and the thing had already swum out of the camera angle but was still around. I didn't like the way things were happening, so I came up. I couldn't believe what I was seeing but I didn't want to hang around.”

Interesting recreation of the mysterious aquatic animal known as the Cadborosaurus appears in this video created by youn...

Interesting recreation of the mysterious aquatic animal known as the Cadborosaurus appears in this video created by young people relating their own observation and interviewing a woman who observed the animal twice.

A night out at the beach turns into a frightening unforgettable experience. Watch as our group attempts to uncover the truth about what they saw that crazy n...

Australian Cryptozoology, the Yowie, the Bunyip, the Nimbinji, the Junjudee and the thylacine, have now become a nationw...

Australian Cryptozoology, the Yowie, the Bunyip, the Nimbinji, the Junjudee and the thylacine, have now become a nationwide primary school subject. I was interviewed by the students on the encounters with such unclassified animals that I gathered from listeners to my wildlife identification radio broadcasts, Wildlife Weekend, every Saturday morning on ABC North Coast NSW Radio 94.5 FM during the last 27 years and can be heard at this Spotify link:

HUGE WORLD-FIRST EXCLUSIVE on Primary Perspectives - catch this not-to-be-missed CRYPTOZOOLOGY SPECIAL - PART 1. Christian, Tara and Sierra cover everything from folklore to latest eye witness sightings, with wildlife expert & consultant to ABC Radio Australian Cryptozoology Gary Opit. So what's the...

A must watch for all those interested in cryptozoology and biology tonight on ABC TV Tuesday 25 June @ 8:00 pm and onlin...

A must watch for all those interested in cryptozoology and biology tonight on ABC TV Tuesday 25 June @ 8:00 pm and online, a two-part series, Megafauna: What Killed Australia’s Giants? "Australia was once home to extraordinary animals known as Megafauna. These giants lived here for millions of years - but what became of them? A team of scientists re-open this paleolithic cold case."

Rex and Heather Gilroy, beginning in the early 1970s, documented and published encounter reports of what appeared to them to be a few surviving species of megafauna, that were related to them from visitors to their natural history museum in the Blue Mountains. Thus began the modern history of Australian cryptozoology, a quest to determine whether there was any factual basis to these reports.

Cryptozoological research parallels research in any other investigative field. Similar to the activity within law courts without the generally strong emotional attachments, witnesses come forth to describe what they have observed and the jury, in our case those interested members of the general public, weigh up the evidence. As in a court of law, many individuals will have a very strong bias based on their cultural history and cannot bring themselves to believe the witness or the research, especially if the case has little direct evidence beyond anecdotal.

Highly educated, usually city-based experts are generally relied upon, and rural-dwelling experts are often dismissed. City-dwellers generally know that nobody would want to live in rural localities where there is often a lack of service and entertainment and the only things of importance are money and status, more easily obtained in the city. Rural environments have no value beyond the plundering of resources to enrich the city-dwellers since it is well known that all food and anything else of value originates in factories and supermarkets. Protection of the climate and the natural environment that makes food production possible is generally ignored, particularly by big business and their pet politicians. They all know that money is more important and that environmental and climate scientists, not involved in enriching them, can be dismissed. Rural dwellers must be ignored!
An example of this was when Lindy Chamberlain reported that “a dingo took my baby!” Highly educated, city-based experts dismissed her evidence because they knew that dingoes don’t eat babies and the grief-stricken mother was gaoled for years for murdering her daughter. Local first nation people who have lived with dingoes for thousands of years stated that dingoes are opportunistic and will eat babies, unable to understand that people are God-like and should not be preyed upon, but their evidence was ignored because educated, city-based experts know better. Eventually the baby’s clothing was found providing evidence, including DNA, that a dingo was responsible.
DNA evidence is now of primary importance to prove that an individual was present at a crime scene where no body or other evidence is available. DNA evidence is of importance in attempting to determine whether there is any factual basis to cryptozoological reports. There is no evidence for giant kangaroos and giant tortoises surviving out there in the bushland, though there have been a very few reports of giant flightless birds and diprotodons, also highly unlikely to have survived. However, there are many reports of thylacine-like animals, thylacoleo-like animals, gorilla-like animals, perhaps related to the marsupial bear / gorilla Hulitherium thomasettii or the giant Asian ape, animals that naturally occur in low numbers and generally inhabit inaccessible forested escarpments. Perhaps they are just misidentifications of mangy dogs and foxes, giant feral cats and hairy people gone bush. Interesting none the less.


Mr. Gary Opit PO Box 383
Brunswick Heads, NSW


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