I’m inviting you to join with me to bring a fresh approach and diversity to the Council. With proven skills and an undeniable reputation for committing to local issues/projects with passion, drive and dedication, I’m not afraid to ask the hard questions in council.
Training Coordinator - Relationships Australia WA and Protective Behaviours WA
Grad Dip. in Family and Relationship Therapy
Certificate IV in Training and Assessment.
NOTE: Was also a Company Director/Partner for husband’s business in the Building Industry for over 25 years (R & R Riccelli & Co).
Current Role
Parenting Coordinator, Parenting Connection Southwest (Anglicare). (You may have met me via my parenting workshops or on many committees, such as the Capes Early Years Network, ‘The Radiance Network’ initiative, and last year’s inaugural ‘Paint the CAPE REaD’ , as the organiser, chairperson and a key funder, reaching over 1500 families throughout the Cape).
Wide Ranging Expertise
Extensive knowledge dealing with diverse society, life situations and cultures.
Leading, mentoring, training and team building.
My Skills
Highly developed business, management, written and verbal skills, to deal with any council needs (strategic and social planning, project management, policy writing, creating action plans, implementing programmes and training manuals, investigative reports, risk assessments, extensive building industry knowledge, problem solving/lateral thinking skills and extensive facilitation/public speaking experience).
My Strengths
The ability to deal with every individual, using a supportive and strengths-based approach that I believe sets me apart, enabling others to feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and views. Active listening, a non-judgemental approach and clear yet flexible helping process leading to effective problem solving.
Background and Interests
My children - my daughter is training as a Marine Technician in the Navy and my son has just graduated in Mechanical Engineering.
Camping and holidaying in the Cape region since childhood have led me to make this my ‘forever’ home.
Passionate about the environment, sport and my furry friends.
My Future Aims
I will strive to: protect environmental assets, create a ‘safe’ community, enhance ‘vibrancy’ throughout Busselton/Dunsborough (supporting local business/tourism), improve facilities for seniors, support ‘at risk’ youth, improve sporting/recreational facilities, implement cost-effective strategies to tackle traffic congestion and prioritise airport expansion.
Community driven and passionate about families and children, I will work tirelessly to be ‘your voice’ on council should I be privileged to win your vote.
Candidate Name: Sue Riccelli
Phone: 0408 927 555
Facebook: facebook.com/candidateforcouncillor