If this is Taki she looks in a state of shock as she wouldn’t normally allow people to touch her belly.
We wouldn’t be able to know whether it’s Taki until this bird is well enough to display it usual behaviours 🙏
Old video of Taki singing to a friend she met in Burringbar ♥️
Burringbar was a place that Taki often visited and shared many special moments with the welcoming community 🙏
Imagine stopping on the side of the road, at a cafe or perhaps doing the school dip off and having an unsuspected visit by this beautiful creature.
This is what Taki gave many of us in the northern rivers.
It’s been about a month now since we last saw Taki but we are still remaining hopeful that she is still out there somewhere
We are following up with every lead and talking to reporters to get her name out further to hopefully find her make sure she is safe
We thank the community for remaining vigilant 🙏
A video has aspired from YouTube that was taken in the Sunshine Coast of a bird that looks like Taki
We have now found out that this was a video posted a few months ago so it’s unlikely to be Taki
But we will be looking into other areas
We are still after possible leads so please let us know if you have any information 🙏
A 2 year old video of Taki hanging out with my mum, a day after we initially found her 🐦
We attempted to return the bird back to where we found it. We bought her back to a tree thought to be her home in Beaumaris Victoria, but upon dropping her off Magpies and minors began to circle.
We quickly learned how vicious the bird kingdom was as they swooped at her in an instant. We didn’t hesitate answer to her screams of being attacked. We moved Taki to another spot but again the birds were merciless in their assault on her.
We jumped in again and Taki began to relate human company with safety. We tried again in another spot and again was attacked, but this time Taki quickly hopped back to us before the birds could even swoop.
We went back home to go to the drawing board trying to figure out how to re-reintegrate her into the wild but we didn’t know if she would ever be strong enough to so herself.
As we know, Taki loves welcoming people to the area.
And she did exactly that yesterday with this unsuspecting gentleman who was going about his usual daily business.
“I met Taki today and showed her how to drive a truck at Billinudgel. I was doing a delivery at Cawarra Cosmetics and this beautiful bird just decided to hop in and check out what I was doing”.
Now if she ever gets tired of flying she may be able to drive instead 😅
Taki having chilling out at Yeltsin rest stop ☺️
Something you may have noticed is that Takis beak, has gone back to grey from yellow in the past 6months or so.
When this breed of bird is an adult, their beak turns yellow, which is why it’s a little strange that her beak has turned back to grey.
It would be great if any wildlife experts out there who maybe able shed some light on this phenomenon 🤔
This is a lovely story of 2 people who encountered Taki last week.
They said “Me and my girlfriend went to Billinudgel the other day to buy a motorbike off a guy, Taki came down and blessed us it really blew our mind! We took it as a sign and bought the bike ☺️
Didn’t know her story until a guy walking by told us about her
Anyway it really captured all our hearts and we all felt special she chose to hang around with us, Starlings are also my mums favourite bird so it made it more special for me :)”
This was our first encounter with Taki. As you could tell from the video, we were very unsure of what to do.
Taki was barely able to open her eyes, as she paced up and down, flapping her wings with a piercing cry.
We tried feeding her, holding her, giving her water and making a nest, but Taki continued to cry.
So how did we get here? Very earlier that morning, I received a call from my brother after I knew he had just spent a big night out in the town, waking me up to tell me that “this bird won’t leave him alone”. Being in his later teens and in his party stage, I replied “It’s early in the morning, and I don’t want to hear about your girl problems”.
He then stressed to me he meant an “actual bird’. Turns out he left a home in Beaumaris Victoria, and as he walked to get to his car, he saw a little bird on the ground about to or being attacked (I can’t remember which one) by other birds. The other birds immediately flew away when he came closer and there was little Taki screaming on the ground.
For some reason, she took a liking to my brother. Perhaps it was noticing that she wasn’t being attacked whilst around him, or being too young to have learnt that humans are dangerous, that helped her find comfort being next to him?
Growing up in the suburbs my family had little to no experience with wildlife, so when I came back down over Christmas, my brother in his puzzled state thought he would call his ‘hippy brother’ because surely, he would know what to do.
I told him “Just to leave the bird there”, but he stressed that “it wasn’t safe and that the bird followed him into his car”.
I looked over to my partner both had just woken up and been very confused about the whole situation and just said “to drive home and we will work it out from there”.
I could not have imagined at that moment, that this little creature was going to make such a big impact on so many people's lives, especially ours.
Missing little Taki t
We all love a selfie with Taki until… 💩
Taki loves spreading the good luck whereever she goes 🤔
Who else has been blessed by Taki comment below ⬇️ 😂
Happy morning everyone!
Taki is getting way too much kid love and cleaning up spiders around the house ❤️
This was a special moment ❤️
When we found Taki, she couldn’t fly. As a little hatchling she followed us with her little feet flapping her wings as hard as she could to keep up with us.
She would hover just centimetres from the ground.
We continued this every day so that she could build up strength in her baby wings.
One beautiful summers morning in the beach town of Sandringham (in Melbourne Victoria), we took her for one of her daily walks.
She flapped her wings struggling to keep up and then a few moments later, SHE TOOK OFF!
She flew majestically about 20metres into the air. I watched with my partner feeling like a proud but sad parent watching their baby fly the nest knowing that this could be the last time they see them.
Then moments later she landed right back on my shoulder. We were shocked.
We placed little Taki back on the ground and ran forward for her to take flight again. She did loops about 40metres in the air this time and then landed straight back on my shoulder.
We continued this routine multiple times a day to make sure she built the strength to take on the wild and give ample opportunities fly away.
This is a video of one of our days taking Taki for fly ❤️