Established in its initial form in 1839, the AHA is an organisation of emloyers registered under the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009. Established in 1994, the Australian Hotels Association – ACT Branch is the peak industry body representing the interests of the licensed hospitality industry in the ACT. Its members include restaurants, cafes, bars/taverns, educational institutions, li
quor stores, nightclubs, convention centres and accommodation hotels. Many AHA members are small businesses operated by local proprietors, while others are part of some of the world’s largest and most recognisable companies. The AHA performs two key roles on behalf of its members.
•Firstly, as a federally registered employer association, the AHA provides a wide range of industrial relations services to assist members to comply with employment issues, regulatory and legislative matters.
•Secondly, the AHA’s services as a lobby group on behalf of the industry provide
the only voice for the collective interests of business owners in the hospitality industry. Situated in Barton at the foot of Parliament House, the AHA ACT branch provides the benefit of being ‘on the pulse’ of industry issues that arise at federal level as well as having dedicated ACT staff who service the Territory. Some of the significant policy issues affecting the AHA’s membership include liquor licensing, tourism, occupational health & safety, industrial relations and a host of small business issues. The Association has developed strong relationships with key local and federal parliamentary figures, and with senior public servants in relevant government departments and agencies. Objectives of the AHA
•To promote and protect the rights and interests of licensed hospitality industry businesses
•To maintain and promote high standards of service and conduct in the liquor and hospitality industry
•To advise our members on any pertinent issues including industrial relations, liquor licensing, training and tourism matters
•To watch all proceedings in local and federal parliament and to monitor and shape all issues affecting members