
Soma&Soul Soma&Soul offers the opportunity of knowledge, wisdom and soul based healing to awaken consciousness.

Soma (meaning body) and Soul (the spirit or essence) offers Intuitive Guidance & Tarot Readings, alternative and holistic health therapies including Reiki, Pellowah and Esoteric Soul Based Energy Healing, a variety of courses, workshops and student practice 'Share" events in a tranquil and relaxing environment. It is a privilege for me to be a part of a soul’s journey, whether that be their initia

l introduction to discovering the inner self or to simply be a step along the path to greater understanding, knowledge and connection. Experiencing those wonderful ‘light bulb’ moments when a connection is made, a piece of the puzzle falls into place or confirmation of an inner knowing comes to the surface for a person is a real joy to share. Raising conscious awareness at such an important and crucial time in our evolution and for our planet is an incredibly fulfilling role. If you have thought about making a meaningful step to change your life, needing to take some time out from the fast paced life we lead, seeking to experience or discover an alternative therapy for wellness, ready to bring balance into your world through simple techniques or a spiritual practice, or perhaps you are simply just curious – then now is your time. Welcome to my page – I look forward to assisting you to be inspired, motived, empowered and maybe, just maybe a little enlightened!

✨✨✨💫🙏🏻💛🌏🪐💛🙏🏻💫✨✨✨The Grand Cosmic Event - Planet Parade25 January 2025!Take the time to go outside, look skywards  and wi...

The Grand Cosmic Event - Planet Parade
25 January 2025!

Take the time to go outside, look skywards and witness this rare and extraordinary celestial alignment in our cosmos - it signals the beginning of immense energetic change upon our Earth.

This is a universal reset. A year long transition for our Earth, one which brings about profound harmony and change so many of us have been waiting for.

We are entering a time of unprecedented frequency elevation for humankind, activating the next phase of our light codes, awakening more dormant DNA, accelerating our evolution and propelling us all forward into a new earth age of consciousness on our beautiful blue planet.

What parts of your life need to align?

This energy provides the opportunity to reflect and set goals and desires to reorganise our lives into order and flow.

The alignment is one never witnessed in our lifetime and will bring intensified energies we will all experience in many ways - sensory heightening, unlocking and releasing emotions to an array of physical symptoms as we respond in our unique way to the planetary line up of our solar system. The gravitational pull of such an alignment affects our tides too, so we may see king tides or water events - what an experience to behold, to be present and part of in our collective human history.

Connect, harness this incredible energy configuration, send out your intentions for self and humanity on this special night as you gaze towards the heavens.

It is indeed a time to be alive.

- Sue x ✨💫💛💫✨


✨✨✨💫🙏🏻💛🌏🪐💛🙏🏻💫✨✨✨The Grand Cosmic Event -  Planetary Parade25 January 2025!Take the time to go outside, look skywards  an...

The Grand Cosmic Event - Planetary Parade
25 January 2025!

Take the time to go outside, look skywards and witness this rare and extraordinary celestial alignment - it signals the beginning of immense energetic change upon our Earth.

We are entering a time of unprecedented frequency elevation for humankind, activating the next phase of our light codes, awakening more dormant DNA, accelerating our evolution and propelling us all forward into a new earth age of consciousness on our beautiful blue planet.

The alignment is one never witnessed in our lifetime and will bring intensified energies we will all experience in many ways - sensory heightening, unlocking and releasing emotions, to an array of physical symptoms, as we respond in our unique way to the planetary parade of our solar system - what an experience to behold, to be present and part of in our collective human history.

Connect, harness this incredible energy configuration, send out your intentions for self and humanity on this special night as you gaze towards the heavens.

It. Is indeed a time to be alive.

- Sue x ✨💫💛💫✨


🌟🎄💛✨🌟🎄🌟✨🎄🌟✨💛🎄🌟Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays Everyone! Wherever you find yourself this Christmas, be it with family, f...

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays Everyone!

Wherever you find yourself this Christmas, be it with family, friends or perhaps this year it’s one you spend on your own - may the magic of Christmas and the brilliance of Universal Light surround you with love and peace this Festive Season.

It is with immense gratitude I thank everyone who connected with Soma&Soul during 2024 - I appreciate your trust in me to walk beside you.

Such a pleasure to be a LightWorker, Spiritual Teacher and Mentor providing encouragement, support and guidance through immense change and challenging times - I love celebrating your soul growth, your wins and being inspired by your amazing transformational experiences - it makes my role so very special and fulfilling.

2024 - wowsers, what an extraordinary year we were given and are yet to fully complete.

It is indeed the ‘watershed’ year on a momentous scale - it was tough for many, I know it was the toughest year I’ve ever encountered.

Through the extreme and diverse circumstances, showing us our strength and resilience to get through the hard yards - but we found a way through and did it!

To have that awakening and understand where change is truly needed in life and our path was beckoning loudly - looking into that mirror and having those realisations is not easy, particularly if you are the only one who can see it and it doesn’t suit others…..forge ahead.

To let the people, places and things in our lives that were once so precious go with grace - (it can be a relief and/or a truly painful experience) - it may have come into your world knowingly, out of the blue or like a tornado in order for a life to come to a close, to complete soul contracts, sever old karma and ties, or to move you willing or not into your next chapter and place where you need to be for the coming 2025 year.

Those ‘tower moments’ are rough and occur to make way for new alignments and connections that are necessary for growth and expansion, even if at first you cannot see over the hump and what lay ahead of you - this one you have to hand over and surrender to Faith, Trust and a Higher Power. Whatever it was it was BIG!

Perhaps your 2024 has been the most incredibly uplifting year on record - inspiring, energised, reaching milestones, goals and making dreams come to fruition. Were you feeling more connected and in the flow than ever before, things simply fell into place, your intuition and awareness was on point - if this was you and the ride was magical. Well done!

Many of us had the biggest purges, clearings, realisations and breakthroughs, on top of keeping up with the energy surges, the plethora of physical symptoms of upgrades and internal changes, the constant and increasing light code rollercoaster ever that just keeps coming….. all amidst the turbulence of a transforming planet in a most extraordinary 12 month cycle humanity has ever experienced.

Was it exhausting - I hear a resounding Yes!

In the final days of 2024, I hope you have the opportunity to relax, slow down and just is the time to replenish, nurture and enjoy yourself in simple ways that bring balance, harmony and uplift you.

Then make time to set some wonderful intentions for the future you would like to create and build as we enter the new year and frequency of 2025 - The Year of Humanity Awakening!

Love & Christmas Blessing to All.

- Sue ### ✨🎄💛🎄✨

Sue Morris

✨✨✨💫💫🌎💫💫✨✨✨The Schumann Resonance in a nutshell are the vibrations of the Earth's atmosphere.  It allows us to view the ...

The Schumann Resonance in a nutshell are the vibrations of the Earth's atmosphere.

It allows us to view the energy surges, fluctuations and frequencies that are steadily increasing and is clearly showing the ascension of our planet and human kind.

In recent times the recordings have been quite incredible in the level of intensity - it’s becoming impossible not to feel or sense change, even if you don’t understand the what or why.

The photo below is the fluctuation that occurred overnight (17th/18th June 2024) with the Schumann Resonance - it was HUGE.

If you are one of many who are sensitive to these energies, you may well have experienced and felt the affects quite dramatically physically, emotionally and/or through your energy layerings in the past 24hrs.

We have had many high recordings, this was one of them with more to come with regularity.

Did you have a bumpy or unsettled night and literally wondered what on Earth is going on, what am I feeling?

Rest assured you are not going mad nor crazy (again) ……. you are consciously experiencing an energetic shift into the new vibration of New Earth and felt the frequency surge.

Whilst these surges have a specific purpose of assisting us to increase our Light , unlock and activate dormant DNA coding, to awaken, to release density of the Earth and that of ourselves in order to increase consciousness - it can be uncomfortable or unbalancing for a lot of people as it transforms and filters through.

For those who slept soundly and didn’t register anything - that’s ok, how you experience these changes may occur whilst in a place of deep rest.

Animals are also sensitive to the vibrations and shifts of our Earth, so if your fur baby was unsettled or behaving a little odd, this could be the reason why.

Symptoms can include and affect:

✨Mood and Emotions
✨Internal Vibration
✨Ringing in the Ears
✨Feeling Ungrounded
✨Disorientation/Spaced Out
✨Change to Blood Pressure
✨Body Aches
✨Increased Dreams
✨Increased Awareness
✨Changes in Appetite
✨Visions, Insights & Downloads
✨Needing Stillness/Quiet

…… and many more that will be unique to each individual.

It is not something to be feared, it is our organic and natural way for humans to ascend and move into higher vibrational frequency states of Being.

Having an understanding of what is taking place will help you to manage your own fluctuations and sensations.

Some tips to ease the way can be as simple as:

✨Keep Well Grounded - this is number one on my list.

✨Connect with Nature

✨Inner Work & Connection to Self - Meditation, Breath Work, Yoga, Journal, Creative Expression, Be Present

✨Take a bath/immerse in water - a natural energy conduit and balancer of emotions.

✨Time Out from social media, electronics, turn off the TV and unplug yourself for awhile.

✨Drink plenty of filtered water for both extra hydration and to aid the grounding of your energy physically.

✨Eat nourishing foods, avoid processed and junk.

✨Use intent to expand your energy outward a little and widen your base area to help the energy shifts move through and increase your stability.

✨Acknowledge What You Need!

Just having some information and knowledge of what is occurring energetically in our world and to you, will put your mind and body at ease.

Most importantly, know you are not alone in what you are experiencing, there are plenty of us going through the process of upgrading.

If you need some guidance, help with energy tools and techniques to make life a little easier and smoother - reach out.

Stay Well Balanced Everyone

- Sue ✨💛💫


✨✨💫🙌🏻💛🙏🏻💛🙌🏻💫✨✨2024 is a most extraordinary year for healing and energetic ‘shifts’, a year like never before.  It’s spee...

2024 is a most extraordinary year for healing and energetic ‘shifts’, a year like never before. It’s speedy, it’s pushy and it invites you to seek, look deeper, lighten the load - to invite and embrace change on a much grander scale.

We are being activated more intensely now by frequencies emanating from the galactic, and from our Sun, filtering through our bodies via an array of light and tones, invisible to most but definitely felt by many. Our own innate light codes held within our DNA and in every cell in the body is responding physically, emotionally and spiritually as humanity continues to become more of its brilliant ‘hue-man’ self.

As for how this reflects in your own life….. it may bring you the good, the bad or the ugly, maybe all three. Nevertheless they are all experiences. Some are old, new or repeating the familiar, but bring it to you it will because it’s time.

From the subtle changes you feel within, the uncomfortable and bewildering physical symptoms of releasing density to ascend, to the twists and turns, the unexpected, the irrevocable change that just knocked at your door or completely smashed it down, to those Kabooms you just didn’t see coming….. all are part of your personal ‘renovation’.

It’s cliche I know, but these events happen for us - not to us.
When you know that you can ride the tsunami wave, albeit at times more than a bit wobbly. It beats tread water or feeling like you are drowning in the ocean of emotion.

The big ones that present are known as our ‘Tower Moments’ and they come when things have to crumble, like it or not, so you can rebuild anew.

The kabooms will also arrive if you have gone off your soul contract path, if you are heading in the wrong direction, to remove you from harm and destruction, and if you are fighting the change you desperately need out of refusal or fear - know this is the course correction you needed as the situation cannot continue.

And just like our beloved planet who is transforming, she is also taking us right along with her, so change is inevitable in some shape or form in your own life and is occuring all around us.

If that’s not enough, we have the plethora of extraordinary and never before experienced planetary alignments, regular X Class Solar Flare eruptions that can create a bit of dissaray for the more sensitive amongst us, and the Schumann Resonance that’s often right off the charts. And of course there’s the everyday we’ve come to know as ‘the whole worlds gone a little crazy’ to contend with.

Wowsers - is it any wonder it can be a little hard right now to stay grounded and find some stillness or inner peace. Everything is moving and rapidly realigning us to a whole new way of Being.

And it’s okay to ‘feel it’ - and by that I mean to really feel rotten and downright horrible, to shed the buckets of tears, yell and scream or whatever comes up.
It’s normal, it’s natural and it’s a key part of being human - it’s how we let it out and heal.

To feel it is to express it, otherwise we suppress and push it away, only to add it to the layers we may have already stored.

Somewhere written in the soul contract a request was made.
This lifetime it will be different; I will understand; I will grow; I will find the answer; I won’t repeat the whatever it is; the relationships and connection that are not good for me or align anymore will end; I will create my best life from the difficulties and challenges or out of the ashes.

These mountains or molehills come to make you see, to get off the merry-go-round, for the message to finally get through and to take you on a new path that’s far more aligned with who you are becoming, who you want to be and what you came here to accomplish on the ‘to do’ list - be that the little wins you chalk up, perhaps you are working away in the background as the quiet achiever instead of centre stage or it’s the truly profound change that comes from a multitude of lifetimes of climbing your own Mount Everest but only to base camp…. this time you reach the summit.

The profound and illuminating frequencies continuously gracing our planet and flowing into our energy fields enable that which lay hidden or only partially aware to surface, and fast.

We are entering a new time where the emotional baggage of the old, packed up and taken from place to place, can’t come along for the next ride. It’s why its hit your world and flipped you upside down. You cannot rise up if weighed down by the sandbags of emotions belonging to yesterday - we are travelling Light.

For consciousness to grow and the human soul to develop into a new shinier version of self, it has to have some faith and at least muster a little bit of courage despite the fear or resistance. Then it has the starting tools and when you are ready, add more.

You begin to back yourself.
You are your own refuge.
You hold the power.

Granted it can be confusing when things in your world don’t make any sense, the clarity is still yet to come, the desire for a different outcome can be exhausting or exasperating, and how you feel inside has run well past it’s usedby date long ago.

But you are half way there if you sense the change or a need for it. To reach the point and know it’s time to leave the past in the past and look to the future you wish to co create, now that spark begins the process to liberation.

You are after all a Master Creator, even if you don’t know it yet.

Wounds, hurts and traumas we carry can run deep, very deep - they can be from just a day ago, a week ago, held onto for a month, carried over years, decades or lifetimes.

They can feel like little drops of poison that have seeped into your soul….. but what if it’s time, to really feel into it, to acknowledge the heaviness, to forgive despite the pain and the hundreds of paper cuts, to understand the why, what and how it came to be and use this as a profound learning - to allow yourself to take back your power, to heal and be free.

What would that feel like?

Can you picture or imagine that?

If you can it will be so because you will be ready to let it go.

Some parts of us heal fast, others need some time and patience no matter how hard you want to push and have it done and over with.

It depends on the circumstance and every soul is different and unique - healing is a process with stages it moves through.

If you are here now, you came for a very specific reason. You bought a ticket for this particular once in a lifetime cosmic theme park exploration.

Incarnation comes with highlights but there’s generally a few kickers thrown in to keep the script interesting.

We are in one of the most incredible times of change in human history and you are here to witness, be part of it and weave your own special magic into the collective mix.

Some came here loaded up in their personal 747 aircraft, whilst others have carry on luggage. Whatever it is for you, be encouraged to know there is always a way through, you can and will heal if you are willing.

You are creating your greatest masterpiece - the new You.

You are never truly alone, which is always a good reminder when it feels gnarly or overwhelming.

Reach out, put your hand up and ask, support will be there in the seen and unseen.

Needing some Guidance, a few Energy Techniques to help you navigate through, feeling it’s time to explore the huge benefits of Energy Healing or return to it - I’m here to help.

Big Love to All

- Sue 💜

✨💫💕💕💕🎉🎉🎉💕💕💕💫✨     Happy New Year Everyone!

Happy New Year Everyone!

✨💫🎃 31st October 🎃💫✨             All Hallow’s EveThe veil thins between the two worlds!This day on the calendar is known...

✨💫🎃 31st October 🎃💫✨
All Hallow’s Eve

The veil thins between the two worlds!

This day on the calendar is known by many names:

✨Day of the Dead
✨All Hallow’s Eve
✨All Soul’s Day
✨All Saint’s Day

Halloween’s origins come from an ancient Celtic harvest festival for the dead called Samhain - or “Summer’s End”.

The Celts, who lived in the region now known as Ireland, the United Kingdom and northern France thousands of years ago, celebrated Samhain on November 1st to mark the end of summer and the harvest.

It also signalled the beginning of a New Year, one which commenced with the bitter cold winter, a season typically associated with death.

The Celts believed that on the night before the new year, “the lines between the worlds of the living and the dead became thin and blurred” and ghosts of the dead returned to earth and ravaged the crops. They also believed the ghosts and “otherworldly spirits” gave Celtic priests, or Druids, a vision into the future.

For a people entirely dependent on the volatile natural world, these prophecies were an important source of comfort and direction during the long, dark winter. And so, on the eve of Samhain (31st October), the Druids built enormous bonfires, and the Celts, dressed in costumes made of animal heads and skins, sacrificed their crops and animals to the Celtic gods.

When the Samhain celebrations were coming to an end, the Celts re-lit their hearth fires with fire from the sacred bonfire built by the Druids, in the hope that its heat will keep them safe during the coming winter.

Why is it called Halloween?

The name comes from Catholicism’s All-hallowmas, a three-day holiday honoring the saints and recently deceased.

During the 7th century, Christianity spread throughout Celtic lands and influenced Celtic religion and popular traditions, including the famous Samhain. The All Saints’ Day celebration eventually became known as All-Hallows Eve and later, Halloween.

But there’s a deeper spiritual meaning that underlies the holiday for Pagans - those who follow earth-based Goddess traditions that predate Christianity - it was a celebration for not only the New Year, but to honour the cycle of death and regeneration.

In Northern Europe, Samhain was the time when the cattle were moved from the summer pastures to winter shelter. It was the end of the growing season, a time of thanksgiving, when the ancestors and the spirits of the beloved deceased would return home to share in the feast.

People would leave offerings of food and drink for their departed loved ones, and set out candles to light their way back home.

Those traditions gave us many of the present day customs. Now we set out jack-o-lanterns and give offerings of sweets to children—who are, after all, the ancestors returning in new forms.

Death and regeneration are always linked in Goddess theology - birth, growth, death and renewal are a cycle that plays over and over again through all natural systems and human lives.

By embracing this cycle, we don’t need to fear death, but instead can see it as a stage of life and a gateway to a new form of being.

Samhain is when we remember and honour those who have died, to celebrate their lives and appreciate their gifts, to tell stories about them to the next generation, so their memory will not be lost.

Samhain is also a time for deep spiritual work, where we can bring forth the energies of renewal, rebirth and creativity that emerge from the darkness - the unmanifested becomes manifest.

Halloween, and it’s traditions are often misunderstood, so this year I invite you to remember the deeper meaning of this holiday:

‘That death is no barrier to love, and every ending brings a new beginning’.

Happy Samhain/Halloween - and should your departed loved ones come calling, may you be open to sensing and feeling their loving presence.

- Sue ✨🎃✨


✨✨✨🌟💫🌍💫🌟✨✨✨If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of Energy, Frequency and Vibration.

If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of Energy, Frequency and Vibration.

✨💫💛🎄⭐️⭐️⭐️🎄💛💫✨A Very Happy Christmas to all my wonderful clients, students and those who simply enjoy what I share on th...

A Very Happy Christmas to all my wonderful clients, students and those who simply enjoy what I share on this page.

May the Light always surround and embrace you on this special night and always.

With Love & Blessings to all.

- Sue x


✨🌛🌕🌖🌗🌘🌑🌘🌗🌖🌜✨Full Lunar Blood Moon Eclipse in the sign of earthy Ta**us.:The Eclipse will commence at 8.09pm and conclude...

Full Lunar Blood Moon Eclipse
in the sign of earthy Ta**us.
The Eclipse will commence at 8.09pm and concludes at 11.49pm AEDST.
Tonight the Full Moon will appear red in the sky, hence its name Blood Moon.
During a Lunar Eclipse, Earths atmosphere disburses sunlight, allowing red, orange and yellow light to pass through, scattering away the blue light that is typically seen with the moon.
So let’s be straight up front - there is no reason to fear an eclipse or have a sense of dread given the intensity it brings, it’s quite the opposite. It opens a karmic doorway and portal for a period of 28 days, which can allow for anything, literally anything to transform and transition in this heightened period - it only asks that you be willing.
This Eclipse falls on the Scorpio axis - a polarity associated with life and death, marking culmination points and opportunity for renewal. It signifies beginnings and endings of cycles in your life and helps to illuminate that which you need to see and act upon.
This Eclipse is also conjunct the North Node, the activation point of destiny. If there have been decisions, actions or choices you have been avoiding, destiny may very well step in and force your hand and throw in a dose of fate for good measure.
The final Eclipse of the year will be the most potent of 2022, it speaks to our earth connection and our place upon her, our long held values and self worth, shinning a light on aspects and insights you have kept deeply hidden from yourself.
This can be confronting and uncomfortable as facing our own truth forces us to change, something we humans can have a difficult time embracing, even if that change is obvious or necessary.
It is not a time to hide away or play the victim, we are being encouraged by this energy to climb out from the shadows, to step forward and let go of fear and move into the heart, dare to open up, leave behind the old and create a new version of ourself, to seek and ask for what we need for mind, body and soul growth.
Find the courage to make a change, to let go of any old beliefs, negative thoughts, the relationships that no longer work nor support, use this energy to break through the fear of speaking your truth and using your voice, release control and limitations that are holding you back - it’s time to break free.
Perhaps it’s a case of needing more calm, peace and space in your life, is this what you truly are lacking? If saying no to others or scheduling that time in for self is a challenge, it could be the change to bring about. Whatever surfaces for you, it’s time to take note, take action and up the self care.
The overwhelm and overload on our nervous systems many are feeling or sensing right now is very real, so you are not alone if this is you. Not only are we receiving the highest level of light codes from the central sun and photon belt to upgrade and expand us, but the earth itself is sending frequency and energy through our body and fields in an increased level we have not experienced before. It’s an earth purge that assists us to shed our density layers in unison. Having awareness of this phenomenon, and drinking lots of water will help.
Celebrate you, all you have accomplished, triumphed, endured and overcome - it’s a mammoth year on every level and making it this far is deserving of high praise. Indulge in some earthly pleasures and the gifts that nature shares with us (greet the ocean, do a forest walk, eat delicious fruits) - you deserve it.
This is a tremendous time for growth and taking a leap forward - be brave and find it within you.
Eclipses have long lasting affects and bring to light what has been hidden in the shadowy depths, so be aware that you may experience now or in coming days your own revelations and epiphanies.
Eclipses enhance intuition, psychic ability, bring clarity, allowing us to receive visions, downloads and access to our subconscious. It activates deep release and clearing.
The moon finds itself very uncomfortably close to Uranus, a planet that influences sudden upheaval, the unexpected, shocking truths and secrets exposed, both individually and on a global scale to liberate us - we are in for some very interesting times for humanity as the veils are finally being lifted now and in the coming months.
Take time to self nurture and self care, sensitivities are at an all time high - it’s common to feel exhaustion, fatigue, insomnia, body discomfort, headaches, disorientation, ringing in the ears, altered dream states, fluctuating and intense emotions and many other experiences and sensations during a Full Moon, and more so with an Eclipse in the mix.
For others it may be quite the opposite with a sense of being energised, uplifted as you sail through feeling wonderful.
The gift of this season is stepping out of the power games and into self love and inner empowerment, which only serves to ground us into a new sense of safety, sovereignty, restoring self worth, acknowledging our needs and a deeper connection to heart space, oneness and love. Come home to yourself.
Place your beautiful crystals outside upon the earth tonight to clear them, the powerful moon rays will charge them up ready to serve their purpose with you.
Take a moment to turn skyward and capture a glimpse, it will be an awe inspiring lunation sight in the heavens.
May this event be the change you have been waiting for.
Much Love,

Sue ✨💛💫

✨🌟💫✨✨💫🙏🏻💫✨✨💫🌟✨Happy Diwali Everyone!:May the Light always surround, guide and shine brightly in all aspects of your life...

Happy Diwali Everyone!
May the Light always surround, guide and shine brightly in all aspects of your life.
What is Diwali?
Diwali is the ‘Festival of Lights’ and one of the most important festivals within Hinduism.
It usually lasts five days, or six in some regions of India, and is celebrated during the Hindu lunisolar month Kartika - (a month in the Hindu calendar that typically overlaps October and November).
Observances during this time include Diya (small oil lamps lit during the festival to symbolise prosperity in the new year) along with many other types of lighting, home decoration, shopping, fireworks, Puja (prayers), the exchanging of gifts, many feasts, and an abundance of traditional sweets.
It’s a time for families to gather together and celebrate this special religious Hindu tradition.
I guess you could say it’s a bit like our Christmas festive season -symbolising Light over Darkness, Good over Evil and Wisdom over Ignorance - something we can all embrace.
I was fortunate enough to experience this festival in 2014 when I visited India.
It was truly beautiful - so many cars, trucks and buses were adorned with brightly coloured flowers, buildings and homes were lit with lamps, candles and fairy lights, traditional Hindu symbols were drawn with coloured chalk on pavements and outside temples with candles displayed in the centre, the sweets and chai was delicious.
So on this day of Light, take a moment to welcome in the blessings, abundance and prosperity.
Bring the magic of Diwali into your space by the lighting of a candle.
Happy Diwali

- Sue x


✨✨✨💫💫💛💫💫✨✨✨R.I.P. Dame Olivia Newton-John26 Sep 1948 to 8 Aug 2022A beautiful soul who touched so many hearts returns ho...

R.I.P. Dame Olivia Newton-John
26 Sep 1948 to 8 Aug 2022

A beautiful soul who touched so many hearts returns home to the Light on such an auspicious day, leaving us with wonderful memories, amongst them a favourite song of mine that I believe speaks more now for the time we are in, than it did when it was first released all those years ago.

When a soul passes who had an extraordinary life, who made a significant impact on others and embodied the qualities of kindness, humility, compassion and love - it gives us an opportunity to reflect upon our own life and where we can fold more of these aspects within and send them out into our world.

The heaven’s are shining a little brighter in the higher realms - she was sheer Magic.

✨’You have to believe we are Magic

✨Nothing can stand in our way

✨You have to believe we are Magic

✨Don’t let your aim ever stray

✨And if all your hopes survive

✨Destiny will arrive

✨I’ll bring all your dreams alive for you....’

- Sue x 💛



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Castlemaine, VIC

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Our Story

Soma&Soul offers Knowledge, Wisdom and Soul Based Healing to ‘Bring Forth Your Light Within’ and be your authentic True Self.

Soma (meaning body) and Soul (the spirit or essence) has been assisting those beginning, or on the Enlightenment path with Psychic Readings and Intuitive Guidance, holistic wellbeing therapies including Reiki, Pellowah, Energetic and Esoteric Healing.

We also offer a variety of Courses, Workshops and Shares in Melbourne and Maldon Country Victoria, providing ongoing support for students to practice and refine their abilities and techniques, a place for you to connect with like-minded souls, an opportunity to expand consciousness, develop your intuition and innate gifts, sacred spaces for personal growth, gaining valuable life skills and deepening your connection to Mind, Body and Soul – all in a tranquil, relaxed and welcoming environment.

It is a privilege to be a part of a soul’s spiritual journey, whether that be their initial introduction experiencing a Reading or Healing for the first time, to walking beside those finding the courage to try something new and out of their comfort zone, or assisting the truth seekers ready to delve deep beneath the surface and discover hidden aspects and gain self realisation. Simply being a step along the path to greater understanding, learning and knowledge is a role I am deeply grateful for.