2024 is a most extraordinary year for healing and energetic ‘shifts’, a year like never before. It’s speedy, it’s pushy and it invites you to seek, look deeper, lighten the load - to invite and embrace change on a much grander scale.
We are being activated more intensely now by frequencies emanating from the galactic, and from our Sun, filtering through our bodies via an array of light and tones, invisible to most but definitely felt by many. Our own innate light codes held within our DNA and in every cell in the body is responding physically, emotionally and spiritually as humanity continues to become more of its brilliant ‘hue-man’ self.
As for how this reflects in your own life….. it may bring you the good, the bad or the ugly, maybe all three. Nevertheless they are all experiences. Some are old, new or repeating the familiar, but bring it to you it will because it’s time.
From the subtle changes you feel within, the uncomfortable and bewildering physical symptoms of releasing density to ascend, to the twists and turns, the unexpected, the irrevocable change that just knocked at your door or completely smashed it down, to those Kabooms you just didn’t see coming….. all are part of your personal ‘renovation’.
It’s cliche I know, but these events happen for us - not to us.
When you know that you can ride the tsunami wave, albeit at times more than a bit wobbly. It beats tread water or feeling like you are drowning in the ocean of emotion.
The big ones that present are known as our ‘Tower Moments’ and they come when things have to crumble, like it or not, so you can rebuild anew.
The kabooms will also arrive if you have gone off your soul contract path, if you are heading in the wrong direction, to remove you from harm and destruction, and if you are fighting the change you desperately need out of refusal or fear - know this is the course correction you needed as the situation cannot continue.
And just like our beloved planet who is transforming, she is also taking us right along with her, so change is inevitable in some shape or form in your own life and is occuring all around us.
If that’s not enough, we have the plethora of extraordinary and never before experienced planetary alignments, regular X Class Solar Flare eruptions that can create a bit of dissaray for the more sensitive amongst us, and the Schumann Resonance that’s often right off the charts. And of course there’s the everyday we’ve come to know as ‘the whole worlds gone a little crazy’ to contend with.
Wowsers - is it any wonder it can be a little hard right now to stay grounded and find some stillness or inner peace. Everything is moving and rapidly realigning us to a whole new way of Being.
And it’s okay to ‘feel it’ - and by that I mean to really feel rotten and downright horrible, to shed the buckets of tears, yell and scream or whatever comes up.
It’s normal, it’s natural and it’s a key part of being human - it’s how we let it out and heal.
To feel it is to express it, otherwise we suppress and push it away, only to add it to the layers we may have already stored.
Somewhere written in the soul contract a request was made.
This lifetime it will be different; I will understand; I will grow; I will find the answer; I won’t repeat the whatever it is; the relationships and connection that are not good for me or align anymore will end; I will create my best life from the difficulties and challenges or out of the ashes.
These mountains or molehills come to make you see, to get off the merry-go-round, for the message to finally get through and to take you on a new path that’s far more aligned with who you are becoming, who you want to be and what you came here to accomplish on the ‘to do’ list - be that the little wins you chalk up, perhaps you are working away in the background as the quiet achiever instead of centre stage or it’s the truly profound change that comes from a multitude of lifetimes of climbing your own Mount Everest but only to base camp…. this time you reach the summit.
The profound and illuminating frequencies continuously gracing our planet and flowing into our energy fields enable that which lay hidden or only partially aware to surface, and fast.
We are entering a new time where the emotional baggage of the old, packed up and taken from place to place, can’t come along for the next ride. It’s why its hit your world and flipped you upside down. You cannot rise up if weighed down by the sandbags of emotions belonging to yesterday - we are travelling Light.
For consciousness to grow and the human soul to develop into a new shinier version of self, it has to have some faith and at least muster a little bit of courage despite the fear or resistance. Then it has the starting tools and when you are ready, add more.
You begin to back yourself.
You are your own refuge.
You hold the power.
Granted it can be confusing when things in your world don’t make any sense, the clarity is still yet to come, the desire for a different outcome can be exhausting or exasperating, and how you feel inside has run well past it’s usedby date long ago.
But you are half way there if you sense the change or a need for it. To reach the point and know it’s time to leave the past in the past and look to the future you wish to co create, now that spark begins the process to liberation.
You are after all a Master Creator, even if you don’t know it yet.
Wounds, hurts and traumas we carry can run deep, very deep - they can be from just a day ago, a week ago, held onto for a month, carried over years, decades or lifetimes.
They can feel like little drops of poison that have seeped into your soul….. but what if it’s time, to really feel into it, to acknowledge the heaviness, to forgive despite the pain and the hundreds of paper cuts, to understand the why, what and how it came to be and use this as a profound learning - to allow yourself to take back your power, to heal and be free.
What would that feel like?
Can you picture or imagine that?
If you can it will be so because you will be ready to let it go.
Some parts of us heal fast, others need some time and patience no matter how hard you want to push and have it done and over with.
It depends on the circumstance and every soul is different and unique - healing is a process with stages it moves through.
If you are here now, you came for a very specific reason. You bought a ticket for this particular once in a lifetime cosmic theme park exploration.
Incarnation comes with highlights but there’s generally a few kickers thrown in to keep the script interesting.
We are in one of the most incredible times of change in human history and you are here to witness, be part of it and weave your own special magic into the collective mix.
Some came here loaded up in their personal 747 aircraft, whilst others have carry on luggage. Whatever it is for you, be encouraged to know there is always a way through, you can and will heal if you are willing.
You are creating your greatest masterpiece - the new You.
You are never truly alone, which is always a good reminder when it feels gnarly or overwhelming.
Reach out, put your hand up and ask, support will be there in the seen and unseen.
Needing some Guidance, a few Energy Techniques to help you navigate through, feeling it’s time to explore the huge benefits of Energy Healing or return to it - I’m here to help.
Big Love to All
- Sue 💜