The Schumann Resonance in a nutshell are the vibrations of the Earth's atmosphere.
It allows us to view the energy surges, fluctuations and frequencies that are steadily increasing and is clearly showing the ascension of our planet and human kind.
In recent times the recordings have been quite incredible in the level of intensity - it’s becoming impossible not to feel or sense change, even if you don’t understand the what or why.
The photo below is the fluctuation that occurred overnight (17th/18th June 2024) with the Schumann Resonance - it was HUGE.
If you are one of many who are sensitive to these energies, you may well have experienced and felt the affects quite dramatically physically, emotionally and/or through your energy layerings in the past 24hrs.
We have had many high recordings, this was one of them with more to come with regularity.
Did you have a bumpy or unsettled night and literally wondered what on Earth is going on, what am I feeling?
Rest assured you are not going mad nor crazy (again) ……. you are consciously experiencing an energetic shift into the new vibration of New Earth and felt the frequency surge.
Whilst these surges have a specific purpose of assisting us to increase our Light , unlock and activate dormant DNA coding, to awaken, to release density of the Earth and that of ourselves in order to increase consciousness - it can be uncomfortable or unbalancing for a lot of people as it transforms and filters through.
For those who slept soundly and didn’t register anything - that’s ok, how you experience these changes may occur whilst in a place of deep rest.
Animals are also sensitive to the vibrations and shifts of our Earth, so if your fur baby was unsettled or behaving a little odd, this could be the reason why.
Symptoms can include and affect:
✨Mood and Emotions
✨Internal Vibration
✨Ringing in the Ears
✨Feeling Ungrounded
✨Disorientation/Spaced Out
✨Change to Blood Pressure
✨Body Aches
✨Increased Dreams
✨Increased Awareness
✨Changes in Appetite
✨Visions, Insights & Downloads
✨Needing Stillness/Quiet
…… and many more that will be unique to each individual.
It is not something to be feared, it is our organic and natural way for humans to ascend and move into higher vibrational frequency states of Being.
Having an understanding of what is taking place will help you to manage your own fluctuations and sensations.
Some tips to ease the way can be as simple as:
✨Keep Well Grounded - this is number one on my list.
✨Connect with Nature
✨Inner Work & Connection to Self - Meditation, Breath Work, Yoga, Journal, Creative Expression, Be Present
✨Take a bath/immerse in water - a natural energy conduit and balancer of emotions.
✨Time Out from social media, electronics, turn off the TV and unplug yourself for awhile.
✨Drink plenty of filtered water for both extra hydration and to aid the grounding of your energy physically.
✨Eat nourishing foods, avoid processed and junk.
✨Use intent to expand your energy outward a little and widen your base area to help the energy shifts move through and increase your stability.
✨Acknowledge What You Need!
Just having some information and knowledge of what is occurring energetically in our world and to you, will put your mind and body at ease.
Most importantly, know you are not alone in what you are experiencing, there are plenty of us going through the process of upgrading.
If you need some guidance, help with energy tools and techniques to make life a little easier and smoother - reach out.
Stay Well Balanced Everyone
- Sue ✨💛💫