Breaking News!!! BIG Changes to STA in the FAQs released.
NDIS have released new information on STA. A new operational guideline will be released in December they state and likely a new pricing document will follow suit. We will work through the new information and subsequent information when it is released.
We will still be offering respite at little tern, we just have to work through the costing to participants for meals etc as that is no longer able to be included within ndis funding for individual stays. We will also be able to advise of the model we can offer for participants whom like to bring their own staff as ndis have stated more information will be in the new guideline that will be released in December.
*How does STA work? (New)*
STA is designed to help informal supports continue their caring role. It is one option that provides participants and their informal supports time apart.
STA allows participants to stay away from their homes and informal supports for a short time. It can be funded for up to 14 days at a time to a maximum of 28 days per calendar year.
STA funding can be used for assistance with self-care or community access and short-term accommodation. It cannot be used to pay for day-to-day living costs such as food and groceries, lifestyle costs or travel.
STA cannot be used to pay for items on the list of non-NDIS supports.
Providers offering STA in a centre or group residence may include meals and activities within the daily rate charged – in line with the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits – however these cannot be included if the participant choses to use STA in an individual setting.
We know there are still some questions about what can be claimed under STA, particularly if you want to use a hotel or other accommodation options. A new operational guideline about STA will be available in December 2024 with more information.
*How is STA funded? (New)*
STA is funded in a participant's core budget if it relates to their disability support needs, and where it is reasonable and necessary.
It does not need to be stated in a participant's plan.
Participants can access STA as part of the 'assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement' category on the NDIS supports list.
The NDIS funds standard rates for STA, which are available in the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits.
Generally funding for STA is for a group price, unless there is evidence that a participant needs individual support.
STA cannot be used to pay for items on the list of non-NDIS supports.
*Does STA cover the cost of transport? (New)*
Participants cannot use STA funding to pay for transport to the accommodation funded through STA.
If a participant wants to access STA supports far away from their usual home, the cost of the travel is a day-to-day living cost they are expected to pay for separately. Participants should consider this when choosing an STA option that is right for them. Some participants may have funding for transport to an activity or other support already in their plan. If a participant usually needs transport support because of their disability, their provider may include the cost of transport from the accommodation to activities they provide.
*Can STA be used for holidays? (New)*
No. STA is not for holidays or tourist travel. It is designed to provide participants and their informal supports time apart.
STA cannot be used to pay for items on the list of non-NDIS supports.
NDIS funding can’t be used to pay for:
- cruises,
- holiday packages,
- holiday accommodation and airfares,
- passports, visas, or travel and vehicle insurance,
- accommodation or travel expenses for family members or support workers,
- theme parks, music, theatre, cinema, sporting events, and conferences
- day-to-day living costs such as food or meals.
In some cases, your provider may include meals as part of your STA in a centre or group setting. The NDIS funds standard rates for STA, so you may need to negotiate these costs with your provider. Once you have used your STA funding, you can’t ask us for more. You can find the rates in the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits.
If a participant requires support while on holiday, they can continue to use their usual non-STA supports from their NDIS plan.
Participants should speak with their support coordinator, local area coordinator, early childhood partner or planner if they are going on a holiday and need their NDIS supports delivered in another location.
*Is STA available for participants in Supported Independent Living or living alone? (New)*
No. This is because if a participant is living alone or in a supported independent living arrangement, they already have time apart from family and informal supports.
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