Dear Guests,
We are reaching out to ensure that everyone is staying safe and working together to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in our community.
It is important to follow advice from NSW Health to keep everybody safe and protect those most vulnerable. This means that we all have to make sacrifices and keep our distance.
To keep each other and our families safe, it is also important to follow the health advice and get vaccinated. Getting vaccinated will help stop the spread and protect those we love most from getting COVID-19.
Those that are vaccinated are less likely to get the virus, pass it on to a loved one or fall seriously ill.
Getting the Vaccine
Both AstraZeneca and Pfizer are effective vaccines. If you haven’t had your vaccine yet, book your appointment as soon as possible to protect your loved ones.
By getting the vaccine, you are helping to protect our community and minimise the chances of serious illness by up to 90 per cent.
Pop-up clinics and updates can also be found via the Western NSW Local Health District page. These are constantly being updated with more times being made available. Please keep checking to find your closest pop-up vaccination hub.
Further information such as time and location for vaccine hubs in Western NSW can be found here (https://wnswlhd.health.nsw.gov.au/).
Don’t forget to wear a mask when you’re not at home and keep your distance. Together we can protect our community and help stop the spread.
For assistance, call the National Coronavirus and COVID-19 Vaccine Helpline on 1800 020 080.
• If you need a free telephone interpreter, ring 131 450 and say the language that you need. Ask the interpreter to connect you to the National Coronavirus and COVID-19 Vaccine Helpline.
• The Translating and Interpreting service (TIS National) is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, or visit www.tisnational.gov.au.
We hope you stay safe during this difficult time, and we look forward to welcoming you back through the doors once our community overcomes these challenges.
Best regards, .
The Dubbo RSL Club Motel.
The Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) provides access to phone and on-site interpreting services in over 150 languages.