Can anybody see what I can see?
The young #whiting fish live in shallow waters, often in close association with jellyfish. They move to the bottom when they reach about two or three inches long. After they reach a year old, they migrate to deeper waters farther off shore. 🐟
These large lizards originated in Asia about 65 million years ago and made their way south, to Australia and the Indonesian archipelago between 39 and 26 million years ago. 🦕
Love the way these monitor lizards move. Without jerky movements, their smooth style looks effortless and efficient. Found this one taking a dip and showing interest in day trippers also enjoying the waterways in @australias_southwest 🦎💦🌳
Boxing kangaroos
Two young males testing each other’s strength in a practise bout on last nights nocturnal encounter!
Weekend Sunrise on 7 this morning! 🤙@margaretriver @australias_southwest
ROUND 1 - Fight 🦘vs🦘
Who do think is the winner?🥊
Freshwater crayfish are an important part of the eco system here in south west river systems. Over a hundred different species of native crayfish exist in #australia including marron, yabby, gilgie and #koonac . Koonac’s can survive drought by burrowing and staying underground for months at a time. 🦞
Wow! What an experience! On a recent reconnoiter to another wildlife hotspot in Western Australia we came across this mother and calf Dugong. Had to share this encounter with one of the oceans most mystical and unusual creatures. Through total luck they swam past us while filming some tropical reef habitats. 🦭🐠
During a recent nocturnal wildlife tour, we witnessed this energetic territorial dispute between two middle-weight bandicoots. 🐀vs🐀