QTM is a continually evolving Western Australian based traffic management, civil and electrical contractor that places a high emphasis on development and progress. Our mission is to foster professionalism across the traffic management industry in WA by promoting the principles of progress, development and satisfaction. It is always our aim to provide our clients, employees and the public a safe wo
rk area whilst maintaining an efficient traffic environment. QTM was founded in 1998 and is highly experienced in the fields of Traffic Management, Traffic Management Planning and Design, Training, and Signals and Street Lighting Installation and Maintenance. QTM combines experience and flexibility with a strong desire for progress, without curbing on safety, to achieve maximum satisfaction among our clients. With QTM you can always be assured you are receiving the highest quality services, as our staff all hold current MRWA Basic Worksite Traffic Management (BWTM) and Traffic Controller (TC) certifications with some holding Worksite Traffic Manager (WTM) or Advanced Worksite Traffic Manager (AWTM) certification. Our in-house Road Traffic Manager (RTM) ensures the highest quality is always maintained, especially when dealing with ‘complex’ works. Our success is largely a credit to our employees who are rigorously trained in safety procedures and are given the tools and technologies needed to create and maintain a safe work area for both our clients and the general public. Through quality practises and stringent adherence to industry regulations and advancements, QTM has achieved numerous commendations and awards, including:
2007 WA Employer Award – CRS Australia
CRS Australia Appreciation Award
2005 Prime Minister’s Employer of the Year Award (WA state winner for a medium sized business)
In order to provide the highest levels of service QTM has become a member of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry; a member of the Civil Contractors Federation and a key member of the Traffic Management Association of Western Australia. QTM is Quality Assured (QEC 22733), a process of recognition which sets a standard for businesses to place a visible and valuable emphasis on customer satisfaction, continual improvement and efficiency. Quality Assurance is about managing business processes so that both the supplier and the customer are satisfied with the quality and consistency of the services provided; and nurtures a confidence in consistently high standards.