My travel career is my passion. I love helping people to explore the world. Helping them to combine a total package of travel experiences. I joined MTA - Mobile Travel Agents (MTA) because they are a progressive company with fabulous training and support. Keeping up to date with the latest in airfares and products is imperative in this ever changing industry and MTA has wonderful tools and support
in these areas. I am also available to my clients 24/7 which is a bonus for my corporate clients who are often in different time zones around the world. I began my travel career in 1999 at Traveland Helensvale. I worked hard and learnt from the best in the industry. Fabulous familiarisation opportunities saw me travel to the USA, Canada, Bali, Singapore, Fiji, Vanuatu, Norfolk Island and many cruises. In 2002 I moved to Hope Island Travel which was a Travelscene American Express franchise. A new level of client base was opened up to me and also included organising school group travel and many high end clients. I won a Qantas business class incentive to New York City which is still a highlight of my travel experiences. Other educational experiences were a Mexico cruise, California, and Thailand. Personal travel has also seen me travel to France, Italy, Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Switzerland UK and Ireland, Japan, Singapore, Bali, Fiji, Vanuatu, Hawaii, Thailand, New Caledonia, New Zealand and I have also been on many cruises. A special place for me is Jasper in Canada. Jasper holds fond memories for me of spectacular scenery and also being trapped in my room with 2 suspicious elks right outside our hotel door at Jasper Park Lodge. Such a pretty place with quaint little shops and restaurants. On my "to do list" are the Greek Islands, Caribbean, Africa and Dubai - watch this space! I love the saying "Without a Travel Agent you're on your own"! It's so true and came to light with the collapse of Air Australia. I was able to notify my clients of the collapse at 6:00 am in the morning and had them rebooked on other airlines within the hour (all before they even knew of the events unfolding). About MTA - Mobile Travel Agents
In the late 1990's MTA - Mobile Travel Agents recognised the future of the industry and pioneered the remote working travel agency business model in Australia. MTA is highly awarded, respected and recognised within the travel industry, both nationally and internationally and we enjoy 'big agency' buying power with exclusive deals and unique travel experiences in both the corporate and leisure markets. In 2000 MTA became a member of the Travelscene American Express network as a corporate member. In 2007 we were invited into the exclusive international Virtuoso network, ensuring global connections at the highest level. Also, in 2007, MTA was selected by Sir Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic team and appointed one of Australia's eight Virgin Galactic Accredited Space Agents. Today MTA - Mobile Travel Agents employs Australia's leading team of travel experts, right across the country. MTA - Mobile Travel Agents (Mobile Travel Agents of Australia) is a national Australian family owned leisure and corporate travel agency licensed since 1991. Head office:
Suite 208 "Eastside Building"
232 Robina Town Centre Drive
Robina QLD 4226
P: (07) 5593 3322
F: (07) 5597 3700
Licence TAG903