Surfers Paradise Whales making the most of the lovely weather☀️
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📍: #SurfersParadise | Experience Gold Coast
📸: Whale Watch Queensland | #Queensland
Surfers Paradise Whales making the most of the lovely weather☀️
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📍: #SurfersParadise | Experience Gold Coast
📸: Whale Watch Queensland | #Queensland
Whale Watching from Sanctuary Cove is a fantastic way to see the whales on the Gold Coast with a beautiful day welcoming us to the sighting grounds this morning☀️ Still conditions settled over the Broadwater after a solid week of wind and rain the feeling of winter was less noticeable today. Barely a breeze was around as we departed the seaway and multiple pods were observed migrating north🐳
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📍: #SanctuaryCove | Destination Gold Coast
📸: Whale Watch Queensland | #Queensland
Gold Coast whale tours was much fun today as boisterous males protected their female companions with powerful tail slapping and a spectacular breach amongst the picture perfect winter morning as the boys broadcast their dominance towards other approaching pods💪🐳❄️☀️ See More at The Daily Whale™️
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📍: #SurfersParadise | Destination Gold Coast
📸: Whale Watch Queensland | #Queensland
The Queensland Humpback migration can be observed every June to October as over 37,000 Humpback Whales make their way north towards their breeding and calving grounds🏝️ Today we had the wonderful opportunity of meeting a very large mother whale and her equally large and healthy yearling calf northbound past Surfers Paradise🐳 See More at The Daily Whale™️
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