What the shell?
A Kemps Ridley Sea Turtle from Mexico was recently found washed up in the chilly 6 degree waters around Wales.
These turtles are usually found in warm waters where the temperature is around 25 degrees. So how did 'Tally' get there? Was it a turtally spontaneous vacation to cool down?
Scientists speculate that a storm may have carried 'Tally' off course. Lucikly the local Anglesea Sea Zoo are warming her up and making travel plans to get her back home.
Sea you in Mexico, Tally!
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The Irukandji jellyfish has a reputation as being one of the most venomous animals on the planet. Impressive for an animal the size of your thumbnail that has no brain or teeth and is made up of 97% water. These little blobs of gloop march to the beat of their own tentacles and do things a little differently to their box jellyfish relatives. They actively fish for their prety by extending their tentacles and using them like fishing rods to lure prey to their doom.... which ends in a face full of venomous harpoons.
For more Science Talk, head to https://www.oceansiq.org.au/!
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How have they con-sealed this secret for so long?
Using audio devices scientists recently recorded high-pitched ultrasonic calls of up to nearly 50 kHz (above the human limit of hearing) from Weddell seals. It's the first time such high-frequency vocalizations in any wild seals, sea lions and walrusess have been documented.
But why would they do this you might ask? Great question and thanks for asking.
It could be an active form of biosonar, similar to echolocation used by bats and dolphins. They send out sounds and the sounds bounce back, giving them a picture of their surroundings... if there is something that is going to eat you, if there is something you can eat and if you're going to bump your head on a massive iceberg kinda thing.
So it would be super useful especially when the visibility underwater is poor, when the seals are swimming under thick ice or during the Antarctic winter when there no daylight for months on end.
What are your thoughts?
Visit https://www.oceansiq.org.au for more info
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Orphan octopus - While most babies sleep at night, some babies are just waking up and looking for a feed. Unfortunately this baby Pale Octopus doesn't have a mum to attend to its needs as she kicked the bucket when it was born (insert sad music here). So it emerges from the safety of a recycled shell at night to hunt on shrimp and other small crustaceans. You can see all the tiny mysid shrimp darting about and even this little octopus managing to snavel a few. You go little octopus!
Video 📹 Sheree Marris
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Fin-credible, isn't it?
Sharks are a type of fish known as 'elasmobranchs'. It's a fancy pants word which means they have a skeleton made from cartilage.
Does the word cartlidge sound familiar? It should, it the same stuff found in our ears and nose. Who would of thought, humans and sharks have something in common.
Head to www.oceansiq.org.au for more jaw-some ocean content.
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We all know colour reefs are ridiculously colourful and big.. some so big they can be seen from space.
What few people know is what actually powers these amazing animals and it's not what you think.
Associate Professor David Suggett gives us the lowdown, by diving deep into the tissue of corals to reveal symbiodinium, the and unsung heros of corals.
Check out the full interview by clicking the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWlEEE262t0&t=14s
Dive in at www.oceansiq.org.au for more ocean content!
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Let’s Talk Coral
Corals are the crowning jewels of tropical reefs have a secret superpower, symbiodinium!
Symbiodinium are tiny single celled organisms that capture and convert sunlight into sugars which are taken by the coral host - what a thief!
In return symbiodinium recieve nutrients and a safe place ot hang out.
When water temperatures rise, the symbiodinium can become toxic and are kicked out by the coral causing it to become ghostly white coral or 'bleached'
Swim on over to https://www.youtube.com/c/Oceansiq for more Science Talk.
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Shark nets are installed at some Australian beaches to allow swimmers to venture into the sea to keep us 'visitors' safe.
But what about the life that call these waters home? It doesn't keep them safe, for some it's a death trap.
According to official data, 284 dolphins, turtles, sharks and rays were killed in these shark nets last season.
183 of these are classified as threatened.
Is the cost to our wildlife worth it? Comment your thoughts below!
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Wow...these cute little fish don't clown around!
This relationship between the anemone and clownfish is described as mutually assistive symbiosis. In return to the clownfish luring in prey, the anemone provides them with protection from predators and food scraps to eat.
Sea you at www.oceansiq.org.au for more fun!
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Dr Heather Ford is a scientist with a superpower!
She can tell what past oceans conditions were like... admittedly will the little help of marine microfossils that she digs up from ocean.
These microfossils are like time capsules that help reconstruct past ocean conditions from over 3 million years ago. What they're discoverying and what it can tell us about the future will blow your mind!
So swim on over to Science talk at www.oceansiq.org.au to experience some underwater time travel and find out more ...
To see more of Dr Ford's work check out her website: https://www.heatherlford.com/
Sea you there!
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