It is with much regret that we must inform our followers that, due to a culmination of circumstances, the Amphora Issue has ceased activities indefinitely. Despite the best efforts of our Collective, we have been unable to secure enough reviewers for the articles for the current volume. We value the integrity of this journal and believe it would be a disservice to both authors and to the journal to publish without completing the review process.
This circumstance is the unfortunate culmination of academic casualisation, ever-increasing staffing pressures and teaching loads, and the ongoing impacts of the pandemic which create intense time-constraints on the academics who must volunteer their time when they review for a small journal such as ours. Personal challenges and circumstances faced by the collective, who also volunteer their time and energies, have forced us to make this difficult decision.
We thank all authors, readers, and reviewers for their support over the last few years.
The Editiorial Collective.