Vent …. From a snake catcher family… please take the time to read.
When you have a 🐍 on your property and need it removed, hence calling a snake catcher, you are obtaining a SERVICE and as such will need to pay for the service. So many times lately we are having people and BUSINESSES not pay for our service regardless if the snake has been caught and removed, I know from personal experience that the catcher sometimes spends hours trying to locate the snake, even going through and moving piles of leaves, firewood, rubbish, etc, all whilst in protective clothing, steelcapped boots and the heat! I’m sorry but I find not paying for our services appalling behaviour. How would you feel if the role was reversed and you didn’t get paid for your job/service. We all offer an invoice option so if you can’t pay on the day, you can pay it within our given terms.
Everyone needs to remember we have licences, public liability insurance, workcover, life insurance, motor vehicle expenses that we need to pay for as part of this service, apart from the financial costs there is also the cost to the family - we can’t organise anything on days that are going to be warm and if we do you can guarantee that we will receive callouts, meaning whatever we are doing comes to a very quick end. Not only do we (the family) miss out on spending time with our partner/father/Grandpa, but they also miss out on spending time with family and sometimes important events. We are on call 24/7 every single day of the year!!!!
One of the best things about the Geelong and surrounding region, if for some reason (fulltime work) we can’t get to your job we will always go out of our way to find the closest catcher to your location and get them to attend. We work closely with the other catchers in the area to get the best result for not only you but the snake!
Maybe time for all the snake catchers to start a “Do NOT attend, will not pay” list between them all.