Another Tour
I’m excited…
I've been blessed with the opportunities to travel to many interesting and wonderful places.
Recently I was looking out to where two oceans meet in the south west of Western Australia.
I couldn't see the line where they met, (lol) but it was awesome to be in a spot where a massive amount of water meets another massive amount of water.
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I know two famous birthplaces.
One is in my patch in western Queensland (see video below).
The other is in Chiaravalle, Italy (see video below).
QANTAS, Australia's airline (the flying kangaroo), was born in western Queensland.
Maria Montessori, amazing woman, was born in Chiaravalle.
Would you like to see where she was born and stand in the house where she spent her first few years?
Join the 'Montessori's Italy Study Tour' in October November 2024 and experience Maria Montessori's birth town - its history and its culture - Chiaravalle, Italy.
Rome only - Euro 1006
Perugia - Euro 1789
Full tour - From Euro 2787
Tour now closing MONDAY 19 AUGUST 2024. Spaces are limited. Don't miss out.
Find out more and secure your spot. Email: [email protected]
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#montessoriactivity #associationmontessoriinternationale #montessori #montessorihistory #mariamontessori
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I know two famous statues.
One is in my patch in western Queensland (see video below).
The other is in Perugia, Italy (see video below).
Do you like statues?
Join the 'Montessori's Italy Study Tour in October November 2024 and see for yourself one famous statue.
Come to Rome.
Come to Perugia.
Come to both.
Tour closing: Friday 16 August 2024. Book now.
Email: [email protected]
P.S. If you want to see the other famous statue, don't come to the Outback of Australia in October November, as I won't be there...
Have you ever thought about a trip to Africa?
There is so much to see and so many countries in this huge continent that it is hard to decide which country to choose first.
Montessori Tours and Travel is starting with Kenya. Did you know that Montessori is alive in well in Kenya? Of particular interest are two Montessori projects that I have been following for many years which I would like you to see in person.
Save these dates for the experience of a lifetime - 01 to 12 June 2025
To whet your appetite for Kenya, please meet Jaros, Kenyan born and bred, whom I met when recently travelling through his country. This video was taken at the Il Ngwesi Lodge, owned and run by the local Maasai people.
To express your interest and be the first to know about this exciting tour email: [email protected]
Welcome back Jacqueline Hendricksen, our Experience Facilitator for France, with another special message for you, this time about the Montessori Maison ... (see video)
This beautiful home for Montessorians is in the south of France. Come and 'retreat'.
Join us in this beautiful place and dive deeper into what Montessori'' means, experience local culture, visit a school, taste the delights of the local area and much more. Travel with us to Italy for a walking tour of Montessori's Rome.
Two very different experiences in one tour. A fabulous opportunity. Come with us.
Montessori Experiences in the South of France (16 - 21 June) & Rome (21 - 26 June) 2024
Check the website of Montessori Tours and Travel or send a message. And please....... share, share, share…
The south of France is on my mind today... and here's Jacqueline Hendricksen, our Experience Facilitator for France, with a special message for you ... (see video below)
It's not everyday that you can have the opportunity to retreat to a beautiful spot, to discuss with peers and colleagues a life changing philosophy whilst immersing in local culture.
Montessori Experiences in the South of France (16 - 21 June) & Rome (21 - 26 June) 2024 will do just that for you, your colleagues, your friends.
Questions? Check the website of Montessori Tours and Travel or send a message. And please....... share, share, share…