SAT 2 MAR 2:00PM�Next Hotel, MelbourneTALK - AGELESS STYLE��Presented as part of the PayPal Melbourne Fashion Festival’s 2024 Independent Programme,Four Melbourne women muse on dressing to express that knows no age limit.From timeless designs, what to wear and who’s wearing it - this will be an engaging conversation with four very Melbourne women defining and designing ageless style, including previews of new collection pieces from Kara Baker Couture and Julie Goodwin CoutureFacilitated by executive wellbeing coach and model, Januta Ribinskas along with Melbourne PR maven, Susan Wright and esteemed designers and couturières Kara Baker and Julie Goodwin, expect an engaging Q&A on defining and designing ageless style.Hosted in the sophisticated surroundings of The Club at the city’s boutique hotel Next Hotel Melbourne, enjoy afternoon tea, sparkling wine and thoughtful conversation - plus the chance to view some of Kara and Julie’s latest designs to inspire your own ageless style.Tickets $30 please find the link to book. @[email protected] @juliegoodwin@melbfashionfestival@me#PayPalMFF #agelessstyle #inspiringaging #inspiringwomen #wellnessandfashion #steadinessandease #disruptingaging
There are a lot of people suffering at the moment "Gratefulness " is a powerful state to get to know as when applied it changes your brain if we do that collectively it will add to world peace Love Januta ❤️
#mondaymotivation #influencer #worldpeace #instaquote #happiness #stress #calmness #positiveinfluencer #entrepreneur #modelife #modelover50 #healthylife #mentalhealth #melbourne #europe #paris #
Being 58 I hope this inspires you that age has no barriers & there will always be a practice to suit you. This is Padma Lolasana swinging lotus . I also love wearing the @seedheritage crop & @lululemonausnz pants Love Januta❤️
#yogaforeveyone #yogafit #agepositive #ageless #ageisjustanumber #beautyisageless #classicmodel #melbournemodel #entrepreneurlifestyle #editorial #fashionblogger #fashionover50 #fashionover40 #activewearmodel #happiness #love #health #melbourne #europe #paris #commercial #acceptyourself #
Important information about vitality . I hope you like it love Januta❤️
#vitality #happiness #antiaging #mindfulness #balance #followyourdream #itsalluptoyou #motivation #model #classicmodel #classicbeauty #yogagirl #worldpeace #youcanmakeadifference #50andfabulous #fitnessoverfifty #feirclyfeminine #happinesscomesfromwithin #gamechanger#innerpeace #ilovemyjob #melbourne #australia #paris #europe #l@lululemon #
This is the balancing integration posture for "The Knowing Flow "Vinyasa yoga sequence I developed I hope you like it .Im also trailing my new @seedheritage sports crop top Love Januta ❤️.
#yogagirl #melbourneyoga #yogafitness #yogaforallages #yogabalances #love #happiness #janutathemodel #melbourenmodel#feirclyfeminine #bethechange #modelsover50 #beautyhasnoage #australia #paris #europe #activewearmodel #photographicblogger #fitnessover50 #fashionblogger#seedsport #gamechanger #
Pincha Mayurasana or Scorpion pose builds strength & flexibility in upper torso & spine opening the shoulders & chest also building trust awareness & focus & balance & anti aging benefits & more. This also helped me trial the new @seedheritage sports crop top I loved it !!! love Januta ❤️
#yoga #yogagirl #fitnessmodel #activewearmodel #fashioninmelbourne #fashionover50 #agelessbeauty #beautyistimeless #beautybloggers #advancedyoga #beyourself #classicmodel #bloggerau #influencer #strongwomen #melbourne #australia #europe #paris #beconfident #flexible #seedsport #
Exploring the @seedheritage active wear range @ the new sports focused store @malverncentral . I look forward to seeing how it goes teaching Yoga Love Januta ❤️ps have a fab Saturday !
#etsy #
#love #happiness # livingwell #beinghealthy #agepositive #health #happiness #agediversity #beauty #supermodels #model #bodyinspiration #classicmodel #beauty #ageless #agelessbeauty #fashionmodels #beautyistimeless #beautyhasnoage #sydney #melbourne #paris #fashionover50 #girlsaroundtheworld #silverfoxmgmt #spring #warmwheather #europe #influencer #beinghappy #forcesoffashion #activewear #fitness #yoga #
Happiness is your natural state it's a feeling and it activates your glow from within Love Januta ❤️
#love #happiness # livingwell #innerglow #beinghealthy #agepositive #health #happiness #agediversity #beauty #supermodels #model #bodyinspiration #classicmodel #beauty #ageless #agelessbeauty #fashionmodels #beautyistimeless #beautyhasnoage #sydney #melbourne #paris #fashionover50 #girlsaroundtheworld #silverfoxmgmt #spring #warmwheather #europe #influencer #beinghappy #beautifullday #
How divine is this sky as I head to the Tree House to teach "The Knowing Flow "Vinyasa yoga sequences as we integrate Love Januta ❤️. -
#love #beauty #sky # happiness #timeless beauty #world peace #modellife #agelessbeauty #melbourne #australia #paris #europe #divine #nature #warmwheather #loveyourselffirst #girlsaroundtheworld #spring #
Bakasana, Sirasana ,Chaturanga Dandasana Sanskrit for Crane ,headstand,plank,upward downward dog sequence with Love Januta ❤️#love #happiness # yoga #livingwell #beinghealthy #agepositive #health #happiness #agediversity # agelessbeauty #beauty # #supermodels #model #bodyinspiration #classicmodel #beauty #ageless # agelessbeauty #fashionmodels #beautyistimeless #beautyhasnoage #sydney #melbourne #girlswhoruntheworld #silverfox #spring #silverfoxmgmt #paris #europe #beyourselfatanyage #loveyourselffromtheinsideout # strength #flexibility #youcandoit #
lots of people ask how I stay so agile well & calm? My response is practicing Yoga and the ancient philosophies relating to psychology and inter connectedness. This awareness translates in to strength and flexibility of body and mind. this all activates anti-aging and balance from the inside out I'm grateful to jump around on the mat like a kid at 58 Love Januta ❤️ #love#happiness#livingwell#beinghealthy#agepositive#health#happiness#agediversity#agelessbeauty#beauty# #supermodels#model#bodyinspiration#classicmodel#beauty#ageless#naturalbeauty#fashionmodels#beautyistimeless#beautyhasnoage#sydney#melbourne#girlswhoruntheworld#silverfox#spring#@silverfoxmgmt#paris #europe #melbournefashionweek #beyourselfatanyage#loveyourselffromtheinsideout#fashionover50#beingfiftyeight#
Yoga arm balance Eka Pada Koundinyasana . I'm grateful to share this dynamic pose that builds strength flexibility focus & the awareness of surrendering with lightness & ease Love Januta❤️#love#happiness#livingwell#beinghealthy#agepositive#health#happiness#agediversity#agelessbeauty#beauty# #supermodels#model#bodyinspiration#classicmodel#beauty#ageless#naturalbeauty#fashionmodels#beautyistimeless#beautyhasnoage#sydney#melbourne#girlswhoruntheworld#silverfox#spring#@silverfoxmgmt#paris #europe #melbournefashionweek#yoga#ekapadakoundinyasana #