Two discreet herds that have only been together for 24 hours calmly enter into a confined space (where food is involved!). Amazing how calm they were and how integrated they are after only being together for 24 hours!
Here is a video of the early morning migration to the sheds for breakfast and another day of 'work!' (I noticed them walking past my bedroom window so I raced outside to get this video!)
Last week we opened up the back paddocks for the horses for the first time. The next morning they were standing on the ridge looking down towards the sheds. I had to go up there and show them how to get down, where the creek crossing was, how to get through the gate.... The way to guide the herd is to lead the alpha mare. The herd tend to fall into their hierarchy (pecking order), and don't race ahead of the lead mare. After this day, they found their way back every day and are waiting for me in the morning!
Leading the herd
Here is the continuation from the previous video - bringing the horses down from the ridge. Once they crossed the bridge they started to get excited and a few when ahead of us!
Here are a few stragglers - Grace nearly ran me over as she rushed past!
Breakfast during commotion
This morning the horses came in calmly for their breakfast - DESPITE the 'commotion' of builders cutting through steel and a dingo digging trenches!
Chillin' after breakfast
Sitting with the horses after their breakfast ... so good to be in the shelter of the sheds today as it was quite chilly with strong winds and ocassional showers.
First breakfast in their new sheds...
Horses are discovering their new space and shelter! They spent hours in there this afternoon!
Horse Moments at Breakfast
Here are the horses contentedly munching away at their breakfast yesterday morning.
Horses exploring their new paddock
Just finished fencing a paddock, and the horses are invited in for the first time!
Stepping into our new home
Unloading the first group
Bliss! When food tastes so good, you don't need to check out what anyone else is having! (Turn up the volume!)
Another ground work session
Today we did our session on the ground - again!