What Is One Of The Most Powerful Forces That Will Stop Anyone From Achieving Success In Their Life?....FEAR!
In our lives we realize that there exists a proper fear that can act as a protection. Fear of coming too close to the edge of a precipice or a healthy fear of acting against legitimate authority are some examples that can keep us out of trouble.
This form of fear recognizes or considers something that may cause us injury or damage, causing one to exercise reasoned caution and intelligent foresight. This form of fear can be classified as beneficial and can alert an individual to proceed with due caution in the face of danger, thereby averting disaster.
However another form of fear exists in all of us that is debilitating, restrictive and self defeating. Often this form of fear is not real, it is an imagined emotion with an expectation of harm or pain and is characterized by alarm, dread or disquiet.
In the Bible it is correctly stated that 'fear exercises a restraint'- because fear can hold us back from successful self development. By imagining and telling ourselves that 'I can't do it' or I'm not smart enough' we are defeated even before we start.. Even if these sentiments are true, a person CAN learn the necessary skills and overcome these real or imagined impediments and move on to greener pastures.
Therefore in the context of desiring to achieve success in our life we need to recognize and eliminate imagined blockages and alter our thinking patterns. It has been correctly stated that 'it is not what you think you are...but what you think, you are.' Therefore adopt a "Can Do" attitude and get or develop the skills necessary to get you where you want to go.
Other REAL blockages may be: procrastination, being disorganized, negative personality traits and so on. These can be reversed when our thinking connects with our heart (our source of motivation) to make the necessary changes. For more info about this: Click on www.howtoachievesuccessinyourlife.com
Oh sure, you started out all fired up about your new goal. You were so excited about it that you ran on pure adrenaline for awhile. And you spent a lot of time imagining what life would be like once you achieved your goal.