Bon teaching Maxie about the 'spinning dates' play manoeuvre. He learned quick because its a big winner in the dOlympics
Well its almost one month down and two to go but Nola's Arc continues to take care of the doggies. Little Cocoa Bean went home today and he was excited. This little man is just one special boy. And our house sitter Suzanne is just amazing with the pups. Thank you for the video Suz - we are in love.
We are on our way home but just saw this little video of Maggie B, Hazel, Polly and Hudson. If we are not here to take care of the pets, Suzanne is. Watch this
I finally bit the bullet and had the surgery and now got a new hip. Just got to relax, stay focussed and allow it to settle into its new home. I hope it loves it. Meantime, Bon was doing it tough, stoic and bravely facing each day without her mama. She was so excited to see me when I got home, she could not contain her love to one person. Archie got a good dose of happiness too. So, don't judge me on the tracky daks - I just had a big op and cannot dress myself properly.
Well, I guess this is our life for the next week, with Freddie and Ollie getting along so well. Thankfully Ayla will be here soon to keep Bon company.
Hudson takes aging in his stride.