Applying for a Student Dependent Visa is an important step to ensure you can accompany your loved one during their educational journey. Reuniting with your loved one shouldn't be stressful. Let Nepaaus Immigration make your dream a reality!
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Disclaimer: This is general information only and does not constitute legal advice. People seeking advice on migration law should speak to a registered migration agent. The responsibility to verify the accuracy of information is on you as Migration regulations continuously change.
The Code of Conduct: The Code of Conduct binds the RMA. A hyperlink to the Code of Conduct that governs the parties’ relationship is accessible here: https://www.mara.gov.au/tools-for-agents-subsite/Files/code-of-conduct-march-2022.pdf.
Consumer Guide: A hyperlink to the Consumer guide is accessible here: https://www.mara.gov.au/get-help-visa-subsite/FIles/consumer_guide_english.pdf. The consumer guide is available in multiple community languages.
Liability is limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.