Site 3 Stage 2 NTACNRM Landcare site inspection of lantana control on a riparian waterway, spring fed further up stream. We will be planting out 7,000 trees and shrubs in this area to restore a fragmented area through generational logging to create a threatened species corridor on private land that flows into the head of South Cedar Creek Ravenshoe NQ backing onto 3 National Parks. This place is also a very culturally significant First Nations ceremonial area. We are all volunteers and if you are interested in joining us we'd love to have you on board. Contact at [email protected] 🌳🌳
NTAC NRM Land Care
NTAC NRM Land Care Stage 1 Cedarvale Ravenshoe, setting up feral animal management control and making way for the native wildlife <3
NTAC NRM Land Care Stage 1 Cedarvale Ravenshoe, setting up feral animal management control and making way for the native wildlife <3
In My Ancestors Footsteps 'Cedar Vale' Ravenshoe NQ
Its been a hive of activity this past 2 months, 2 cyclones and a big wet with the promise some say of Black Frosts on the Atherton Tablelands, NTAC NRM get the job done for Stage 1 before plant out for Plant 20 Million Trees Project 2018-2020 on Cedar Vale Ravenshoe NQ.
Its been a hive of activity this past 2 months, 2 cyclones and a big wet with the promise some say of Black Frosts on the Atherton Tablelands, NTAC NRM get the job done for Stage 1 before plant out for Plant 20 Million Trees Project 2018-2020 on Cedar Vale Ravenshoe NQ.
In my Ancestors Footsteps 'Singing the country' Thomas Gertz
Congratulations Thomas M. Gertz a Ngyangabarra Ngadjonji descended man of the Jirrbal also spelled Djyrrbal language speaking peoples of North Qld. Sometimes things don't go the way they should and the best thing is Ng:tja aka Barry Clarke is home and all your foundation guidelines were adhered to in caring for the return of your Apical Ancestor in bringing him back home to his rightful country... he knows you and his spiritual family bought him back to his spiritual country <3 May he now RIP...