Greenhills Home Nursing is a family owned community nursing service providing comprehensive personalised home nursing and personal support care services in those suburbs and towns within the following community Local Government Areas (LGA's). Bankstown
Blue Mountains
Goulburn Mulwaree
At the heart of our services is providing respectful and reliable home nursing and personal support care that meets the needs of the client and delivered with courtesy and consideration. Paramount is client, family and/or carer participation and consultation in all decisions regarding care and treatment. This approach ensures informed consent and the satisfaction of knowing all care will be delivered in the comfort and safe familiar surroundings of their home. In providing these services our goal is to promote physical independence and encourage social well-being. Upon referral, you will be contacted to arrange a suitable and convenient time for our Care Coordinator to visit and discuss your needs. As part of this process, information will be gathered in consultation with you, your family/carer and your General Practitioner (GP). If required, an interpreter can be organised to assist in this process. After this process is completed, a personalised care/treatment plan will be established, which may also include referrals to additional services e.g. After reading and understanding your care/treatment plan you will be asked to read the information contained in the following;
Your Rights and Responsibilities
If you find this information acceptable, you will then be asked to read, sign and date a consent form. Your consent will then allow Greenhills Community Nursing to visit and provide you with the agreed care/treatment in the comfort and familiar surroundings of your home. To ensure consistency of care, a folder will be left in your home. It is important that this folder be kept in a secure location ensuring that the nurses and other health care professionals are aware of its location at every visit. As the information contained in this folder will relate to your care/treatment, it is to remain in your home at all times. This folder is only to be accessed by authorised personnel with only relevant written entries to be recorded by those who are directly involved your care, as this is a legal document and remains the property of Greenhills Community Nursing. To assist in remembering the agreed days of your scheduled visits, you will be provided with a card, which will clearly show the days of these visits. As a reminder, it is recommended this card be kept in a visible location e.g. on your fridge door.