*******Soul Readings*******
Join me for a 1 Hour Reading consisting of Magical Blessings from the realm of spirit. You may be gifted with some insights/answers to some challenging roadblocks that have caused concerned for you from the unique voice of your soul. A deceased loved one may also pop in to say hello, the exchange of dialogue can be a very profound and healing experience. Alternatively,
you may have a specific focus for your 1 Hour reading, spirit will be happy to accommodate your needs/concern. Refer to my website for a broader understanding of what I offer and what you can expect.
****Intuitive Healing & Mentor Sessions*****
Your chakras are a database of information to relay information to the healer so that we can proceed with what you require in order to over come unhealthy energetic patterns. We must never underestimate the power of faith and the ability to heal yourself with the loving assistance of an Energy Healer and an attentive ear to listen to your concerns and timeline of events in your life. Support Mentor: I can assist you with any unease you may be experiencing in your life ( business, relationships, mental health issues, sexual dysfunction, energy blocks, repetitive cycles, conscious parenting, fatigue, anything that is steering you away from happiness and fulfillment. I offer weekly or fortnightly sessions, as often or as little as you may need. Blessing of the Prayer for Peace
Are you experiencing constant chaos, unhealthy bouts of stress and dis-empowerment? Contact me for information relating to a powerful prayer offered to you from Heaven and the loving service from the White Brotherhood to clear, cleanse, support, and heal you and your loved ones. Duration for the work is between 30mins to 1 Hour. The Goddess of Alchemy is a registered business:
ABN: 94946808362
Visit my website for information relating to how my service will benefit you, and in turn, your family and loved one's.