Irlen Awareness Townsville Region

Irlen Awareness Townsville Region This page provides a forum for people to share their experiences with Irlen Syndrome in the North Queensland region.

Yes, I had a client tell me this major change when he got his Irlen filters

Yes, I had a client tell me this major change when he got his Irlen filters

This is a difficulty in recognising faces, even those familiar to the person and it is a neurological condition (brain-based) and can occur without other aspects of visual processing or intellectual functioning being involved. We see people who have Irlen Syndrome, and some of them have difficulty remembering faces or can only see parts of a face at any one time. One example was a young woman who could not remember her grandmother's face but could remember her grandmother's lounge room. She also worked in a retail store, and after approaching an individual to enquire if they needed help, she would forget what that person looked like and would repeatedly approach the same person and ask the same question. When she had her Irlen glasses on, this did not happen..she remembered who she had spoken to. The message here is that Irlen Syndrome is NOT ALL ABOUT READING. It affects many aspects of an individual's life.


Is your child struggling at school for no apparent reason?
Has the teacher asked you to tested for the following?
* Eyesight.... "perfect"
* Behavioural Optometry... "no problems"
* ADHD........"No"
* Hearing..... "perfect"
* Dyslexia....."No"
* Brain Development.... "perfect"
Despite this, your child is still struggling to read, concentrate and learn?
The above testing regime DOES NOT include Irlen Syndrome, which is a Visual Processing dysfunction, which is not an obvious difficulty, but is often the cause of the following..
* Reluctance to go to school?
* Coming home with headaches regularly or spend lots of time in sick bay?
* Being tired, cranky and irritable when they come home from school?
* Complaining the smart board hurts their eyes or the words keep changing?
* Messy, uneven and disorganised handwriting?
* Having to constantly to re-write work copied from whiteboards?

If you answered YES to any or all of these questions then your child may be having difficulty with the bright lighting in the classroom which causes the visual processing difficulty known as Irlen Syndrome.

Take a Self Test to determine if an assessment would be beneficial.


I am seeing as many adults as I am children. They are able to clearly explain how the Irlen tint has made a difference f...

I am seeing as many adults as I am children. They are able to clearly explain how the Irlen tint has made a difference for them.

Do you know just as many adults suffer from Irlen Syndrome as children?
This is because Irlen Syndrome is genetic which means we are born with it and it can not be cured or "just go away" as we get older.
The signs and symptoms of Irlen Syndrome can be different in adults as they are in children, because they are no loner in a classroom working off bright white paper under bright lights, and tend to adjust their environment to suit their needs as much as possible.
Adults with Irlen Syndrome will have some or all of the following symptoms:
* Strain and fatigue when using computers and other devices
* Unable to go outside without sunglasses and/or a hat
* Difficulty with remembering what they are reading, even though they can read
* Avoid reading wherever possible
* problems completing forms which lots of text boxes
* consistent and frequent headaches or migraines with no medical cause


More information can be found at

So true. These tinted filters are carefully selected for each individual. In the 15 years I have been an Irlen diagnosti...

So true. These tinted filters are carefully selected for each individual. In the 15 years I have been an Irlen diagnostician I don't believe I have given 2 clients exactly the same colour.

Do you struggle to work off computers for extended periods of time?
Do computers give you headaches and/or sore eyes?
Do you have difficulty reading long emails and online documents?
Do you need to take frequent breaks when studying online because you are too tired to concentrate?
Do you need to turn your screen brightness to the lowest point and still feel it is too bright?
Do you invert you colours where ever possible to have a black screen with white writing?
If you answered yes to some or all of these questions you may have a visual processing difficulty caused by the brains inability to process light.
Our visual system relies heavily on light in order to function efficiently and allow our brain to process what our eyes see into images that we can interpret and understand. For people who have Irlen Syndrome some of this light that shines through the eyes can not be processed correctly and so it creates a glare sensitivity which is often exacerbated by the blue light from computer screens and devices.
Irlen Syndrome is easily treated by the wearing of specifically tinted lenses in glasses which filter out the offending light allowing the brain to function more efficiently with out fatigue, sore eyes or headaches. These are NOT blue light filtering glasses they are specific to each individuals needs to provide the optimum relief.
More information can be found at

'Learning with a sensitivity to light and implications for later in life.'I have been invited to talk about Irlen Syndro...

'Learning with a sensitivity to light and implications for later in life.'

I have been invited to talk about Irlen Syndrome at the 'Mind, body and Soul Festival' at 11am this Saturday.

Some of us find learning and working in artificial light difficult, fluorescent or LED.

As adults we could be experiencing, fatigue, stress, anxiety, migraines or headaches.

Our children could be finding learning at school very difficult.
* They could be falling behind their classmates,
* They could be complaining of headaches
* At the end of the school day they could be very tired and/or irritable.

How children experience their school days will influence the choices they make and how life flows for them in adulthood.

⭐'How do I know this?' I have listened to many adult clients telling me about their lives over the years.

Find out about Irlen Syndrome, and how living with a sensitivity to light can affect our lives, 11am Saturday.

Some very good suggestions to help your child learn spelling words.

Some very good suggestions to help your child learn spelling words.

HOW CAN A GOOD READER BE A POOR SPELLER? Could they have Irlen Syndrome?
* Reading requires us to RECOGNISE a word.
* Spelling requires us to RECALL the letters and their order in a word.
* They are different skills but many good readers are also good spellers.
* Many of our clients are good readers but poor spellers.
White paper is used in schools and schools have fluorescent lights AND spelling lists are usually provided on white paper. This combination causes visual distortions for students with Irlen Syndrome. These distortions can include:
* Letters change positions within words.
e.g., "letter" could look like "lettre"
* Letters change form due to parts fading.
e.g., "E" could look like "F" if the bottom line fades away.
* Words can blur so much that it is impossible to see them clearly, so how can they recall how they are spelt?
* Copy the spelling list onto a sheet of each of the following coloured papers.
* Blue, Pink, Green, Lilac. (make sure that the colour is not very pale or very fluorescent or bright).
Ask your child to select the coloured paper that makes it easier to see the words.
* Break up the list into small groups. E.g., if a child is having problems spelling, it is better to help them to learn 5 words properly than to ask them to remember say, 20 words at once. It can be very overwhelming for a child who is struggling to look at a long list of words that they have to learn. Talk to the classroom teacher if necessary and explain what and why you are doing this.
Hopefully, the information provided above can help your child develop their spelling skills.
If you suspect that your child may have Irlen Syndrome you can do a Self Test on our website.

There is always more to learn so we can help our clients.

There is always more to learn so we can help our clients.

Members from across Australia got together in Brisbane over the weekend to share ideas and experiences. To help improve our own services to clients.

In the last few years I have seen more adults than children.When they see me and realise how Irlen Syndrome has affected...

In the last few years I have seen more adults than children.
When they see me and realise how Irlen Syndrome has affected their lives right from early school age I know why I am still an Irlen Diagnostician.
Their comments are so different when they return for a colour check in 12 or more months time. Lives have been changed.


Don't forget I am at Fairfield Central today offering mini Irlen checks.

I have just now seen a year 3 student who could not read my chart, a distance of 2 metres. With her chosen tint she had ...

I have just now seen a year 3 student who could not read my chart, a distance of 2 metres. With her chosen tint she had no difficulty and certainly knew all the letters.
This means she has not been able to read the board at school for the last 3 years.

Many of us are thinking about 'Back to School'. Christmas and the holidays are nearly over.As the Irlen Diagnostician I ...

Many of us are thinking about 'Back to School'. Christmas and the holidays are nearly over.

As the Irlen Diagnostician I have been quite busy on my Irlen Fridays.
Parents are bringing children in to see me because they are concerned about their child's progress at school last year and they really want to see a change in 2024.

Then there are parents who are pleased with the school results their children achieved wearing their Irlen lenses in 2022 and 2023 and are bringing their children back to check that the tint in their glasses is as good as it can be.

⭐⭐I will be at Fairfield Central Shopping Center on Saturday to show you what Irlen Syndrome is all about and to answer your questions.
On Sunday I will be at Cotters market with our Townsville Tea and Green tale book stall and will be happy to chat.


Irlen Spectral Filters are better than other colored lenses because they're not just a colored lens. Irlen Spectral Filters are the result of an in-depth diagnostic process designed to find the individualized color formula that works just right for you. The Irlen Method is a dynamic process of color selection that changes with you as your brain grows, changes, and heals. Irlen is a process, not a product. No other colored lens can compare.

People with Irlen Syndrome are especially affected by artificial light sources like fluorescent and LED lights. These types of artificial light sources tend to have dramatic spikes at specific points along the visual spectrum, unlike natural light which makes a smooth curve. Irlen brains don't like these spikes! They cause more discomfort and difficulty functioning for people with Irlen Syndrome.

Good question. Let's all think of 2 things for the comments.

Good question.
Let's all think of 2 things for the comments.

For some of our children the book they are given to read can look like this book, there is no visible print.The child ma...

For some of our children the book they are given to read can look like this book, there is no visible print.
The child may not realise that other children are seeing the page differently.

⭐I remember a number of years ago when I was working with a girl from year 3 as we got closer to her special colour in the tint assessment process she started excitedly saying 'I can see words, I can see letters!' ... she had not seen them before.

Parents and teachers had been at a loss and had no idea how to help her. The young girl was refusing to go to school.

Irlen coloured glasses made a tremendous difference as she successfully worked her way through the year levels at school.

Maybe I can help your child.

July 28th, 2023.It's happening again a big attempt to raise awareness of Irlen Syndrome/Visual Stress.In the last 12 mon...

July 28th, 2023.
It's happening again a big attempt to raise awareness of Irlen Syndrome/Visual Stress.
In the last 12 months I have seen many clients of all ages.
Let's see if we can keep the momentum happening helping more people.

Hello followers and supporters.
Most of you know me, I am the Irlen diagnostician in Townsville and surrounding region. Over the last 22 years I have helped many children and adults.
🙂My concern is there are still many people who have not heard how a sensitivity to light can really affect their lives in many different ways.

Imagine how I feel when I meet a fifty year old who struggled all the way through school and has spent many years dealing with anxiety, headaches and depth perception difficulties (especially when driving.) 💛If that person had known about Irlen Syndrome/Visual Stress her life could have been very different.

I am passionate about sharing this information so that more people develop an understanding.

⭐️For the next few weeks on Channel 7 there will be ads about Irlen Syndrome provided by the Australasian Association of Irlen Consultants.

* I have made a commitment to support them with posts in a number of Townsville groups where promotions are allowed.

* 🙂my request to you is, if you see one of them could you please, like, comment and/or share.

* If you have experienced the benefits Irlen filters can make please spread the information by sharing with others.

I will also put the posts on this page so you have the opportunity to share. ❤️LET'S MAKE A DIFFERENCE


Hello followers and supporters.
Most of you know me, I am the Irlen diagnostician in Townsville and surrounding region. Over the last 22 years I have helped many children and adults.
🙂My concern is there are still many people who have not heard how a sensitivity to light can really affect their lives in many different ways.

Imagine how I feel when I meet a fifty year old who struggled all the way through school and has spent many years dealing with anxiety, headaches and depth perception difficulties (especially when driving.) 💛If that person had known about Irlen Syndrome/Visual Stress her life could have been very different.

I am passionate about sharing this information so that more people develop an understanding.

⭐️For the next few weeks on Channel 7 there will be ads about Irlen Syndrome provided by the Australasian Association of Irlen Consultants.

* I have made a commitment to support them with posts in a number of Townsville groups where promotions are allowed.

* 🙂my request to you is, if you see one of them could you please, like, comment and/or share.

* If you have experienced the benefits Irlen filters can make please spread the information by sharing with others.

I will also put the posts on this page so you have the opportunity to share. ❤️LET'S MAKE A DIFFERENCE


Yes, this certainly can happen. It is so life changing.

It's so often hard for clients to describe how they feel when they first come in for an appointment. Once they have chos...

It's so often hard for clients to describe how they feel when they first come in for an appointment.
Once they have chosen the correct it becomes so obvious and they will tell me how they used to feel.

Hughenden Outback Skies festival last weekend.The weekend was a success, I talked to a number of people about Irlen Synd...

Hughenden Outback Skies festival last weekend.
The weekend was a success, I talked to a number of people about Irlen Syndrome, gave out brochures, and carried out mini Irlen screenings.
We also watched some bull riding, saw a sculpture display, walked around the lake in a very strong wind ( must be the reason there is a wind farm down the road), had a stall in the market looking over the lake so we were able to watch the lanterns coming to shore.

I am heading out to Hughenden tomorrow to prepare the Irlen stand at the Festival of Outback Skies on this weekend. (29t...

I am heading out to Hughenden tomorrow to prepare the Irlen stand at the Festival of Outback Skies on this weekend. (29th and 30th.)

I will be sharing Irlen information and offering mini Irlen screenings.

The screenings will diagnose Irlen syndrome/Visual Stress and discuss possible 'next steps' to be taken.
(My aim is to reduce the number of trips to Townsville for appointments for concerned families)

Irlen Syndrome causes difficulties learning to read, writing ideas down, staying focused and concentrating, headaches, migraines and fatigue.

Listening to my clients it is amazing to hear all the positive changes they find when wearing corrected tinted Irlen gla...

Listening to my clients it is amazing to hear all the positive changes they find when wearing corrected tinted Irlen glasses. These glasses filter out the particular wave lengths that are causing the difficulty. In many cases it is 'life changing'.

Visual Processing relies on our brain "working out" the image from our eyes. White light contains the colours of the rainbow and for some, these interfere with visual processing causing distortions, discomfort, headaches and eyestrain. More info at


DOES YOUR CHILD PUT NUMBERS IN THE WRONG COLUMN? Students with Irlen Syndrome often do this, especially on white paper. If so, try different coloured paper as white paper is a distraction so numbers can be misaligned but the student is not aware.

Did your child do as well as you hoped at school last year? Bookings are coming in for February and March with parents t...

Did your child do as well as you hoped at school last year?

Bookings are coming in for February and March with parents telling me their child is struggling with reading and writing.

Parents are telling me they don't want another year like the last one when schoolwork was a huge struggle.

46% of those having difficulty reading will be dealing with Irlen Syndrome/Visual stress either on its own or in conjunction with another difficulty. It makes sense to check for Irlen Syndrome first.

These children are often also having difficulty concentrating as they are so easily distracted.

The solution is to identify the particular wave lengths of light causing the difficulty in the brain and filtering those particular wavelengths out by using specially tinted glasses.

I see this when teaching music, often before a classroom teacher will notice as I am only working with 1, 2 or 3 childre...

I see this when teaching music, often before a classroom teacher will notice as I am only working with 1, 2 or 3 children at a time.

MUSIC NOTES AND LINES CAN MOVE! Many children who come to see us have music lessons and for some, they stop because it is "too hard". When playing, lines and notes move\fade but they don't tell anyone. Coloured paper will generally help.


Hello Susan,
So far so good. Night driving is so much easier now, it’s crazy that it doesn’t make it look darker at night. My headaches have reduced dramatically!! I think that is my favorite part. the computer looks a bit different now too. I am really happy with them. After a little more time with these to make sure they are right and won’t need any changes, I am considering getting another pair or two as backup and for a change every now and then.
Thank you,


Housing Industry Association, 25 Blackhawk Boulevard, Condon
Townsville, QLD

Opening Hours

Wednesday 9:15am - 4pm
Saturday 9:15am - 4pm



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