Episode 2 in our series, helping you to understanding family violence laws for migrants.
We highlight which visas have support for migrants in the family violence provisions.
Comment VISA below if you would like more information on this matter.
#regionalmigrationaustralia #melbournemigration #migrationagents #partnervisa #migrationnews #migrationupdates #familyviolence
You are not alone! We are providing a video series throughout the next four weeks to help you understand family violence laws for migrants in Australia.
Australia's migration laws include safeguards to ensure migrants on Partner or Dependent visas are not forced to remain in violent relationships to secure their visa status.
Watch this video in full to understand your options. This series will be posting every Wednesday!
#familyvisa #partnervisa #holidayseason #regionalmigrationaustralia #migrationagents #melbournemigration #immigration #traveltoaustralia
The Government is introducing a new prioritisation system for offshore Student Visa (subclass 500) processing. The Government is making sure that international students get even more access to depth and breath of Australian education.
If you would like more information comment STUDENT below.
#studentvisa #studentupdates #australiavisa #australianstudentvisa #migrationupdates #migrationnews #migratetoaustralia
Did you know that when applying for a Partner Visa, you’ll need strong evidence showing you’ve been together for at least 12 months?
State’s and Territories also have their own equirements for registering a relationship.
Stay informed and let us help you navigate the process! 🌟
#partnervisa #migrationdypport #visatips #regionalmigrationaustralia #DIYpartnervisa
We were fortunate enough to go on a team trip to Sydney!!
Sailing the Sydney Harbour was a great experience and s great way to celebrate a successful year!!
#regionalmigrationaustralia #Sydney #Melbourne #travelaustralia #migrationagents #christmas2024
Are you looking to apply for a Student visa?
We've got some great trips on how to successfully lodge your application.
If you need any help or guidance regarding your student visa, then drop us a comment below!
#studentvisa #migrationupdate #melbournemigration #migrationagents #traveltoaustralia #internationalstudents #immigration
The new Skills in Demand visa has been set to launch by the end of this month, replacing the Temporary Skill Shortage visa. This new visa will offer skilled workers pathways to work and settle in Australia permanently.
Learn all about the Skill in Demand visa streams, updated requirements, and how this could be your opportunity to build a future here 👉 https://bit.ly/4egxMdy
#skillsindemandvisa #skillsindemand #skillsindemandinaustralia #regionalmigrationaustralia #migrationupdate #migrationnews #melbournemigration #traveltoaustralia
Are you sitting the Australian Citizenship test?
Make sure you study! Here are some top tips on how to sit your Australian Citizenship Test confidently, did you know you need to pass by 75%?!
Comment 'Australian Citizenship' below if you need help on your Australian Citizenship Test.
#australiancitizenship #regionalmigrationaustralia #citizenship #citizenshiptest #citizenshiptestprep #migrationagent #traveltoaustralia
Have you heard of the 12 month cohabitation rule? This is something you need to consider when applying for your Partner Visa.
Depending what state you are based in Australia, you will need solid evidence that you have been together for the last 12 months.
If you need help with your Partner Visa the comment below.
#partnervisa #cohabitationrule #fourpillars #cohabitation #regionalmigrationaustralia #migrationupdates #migrationnews
A 30 second breakdown on how to apply for a Student visa!
Comment below if you would like us to help with your application.
#immigrationlaw #regionalmigrationagent #regioanlmigrationaustralia #immigration #studentvisa #howtoapplyforastudyvisa #studentexemption studentexem
Becoming an Australian Citizen!! 🇦🇺
Becoming an Australian Citizen means you have the right to live, work and vote in Australia.
Follow our steps to ensure a successfully application. If yiu need any help with this comment below!
#australiancitizenship #australiancitizenshipceremony #migrationagent #australianmigration #immigrationupdate #melbournemigrationagent #regionalmigrationaustralia
Do you know how to renew your travel facility on your permanent visa? Your PR usually allows you to travel for up to 5 years.
What do you do after that? Apply for a RRV. We can help you with this! Just comment below and we will send you a message.
#rrv #australianvisa #visaupdate #regionalmigrationaustralia #migrationagent #migrationadvice #regionalvictoria #toptips #migrationupdate #melbournemigration #immigration #permanentresidency