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Mirror of Eternity The Mirror of Eternity, a pilgrimage to the ancient Temple of The Cosmos, Egypt. Follow the spiritua

Metaphysical tours of Egypt led by an Egyptologist who specialises in the religion of the Ancient Egyptians, their spirituality and mystic wisdom teachings.

This shot of the Temple of Hathor and Maat at Deir El Medina clearly shows the temenos wall that still surrounds the pre...

This shot of the Temple of Hathor and Maat at Deir El Medina clearly shows the temenos wall that still surrounds the precinct. The top of the wall was always built to look uneven, as it represented the waters of the Nun, the watery abyss from which everything was created. Each temple represented the very first land that arose from the Nun and was sacred and dedicated to a God or Goddess.
Small group tours of Egypt.
April 2025 tour booking now

from the roof of the Temple of Hathor at Dendera, looking towards the southern mountains. In the foreground you can see ...

from the roof of the Temple of Hathor at Dendera, looking towards the southern mountains. In the foreground you can see the broken remains of the temenos wall that once surrounded the whole of the sacred precinct.
Small group tours of Egypt.
Know what you are seeing, understand what you are feeling.
April 2025 tour booking now.

Yesterday I heard the first storm bird of the season, it is about a week earlier than normal. They usually arrive around...

Yesterday I heard the first storm bird of the season, it is about a week earlier than normal. They usually arrive around the 11th to 14th of September and leave again in March.
They lay their eggs in the nests of other birds and watch as their chicks are brought up by other, often, much smaller parents. But when the time comes to leave, those chicks know exactly who they are and fly away with them.

The White Chapel of Senwosret at Karnak Temple. It is exquisite with some beautifully detailed and unusual scenes carved...

The White Chapel of Senwosret at Karnak Temple. It is exquisite with some beautifully detailed and unusual scenes carved onto the walls. Well worth taking your time to find it, especially if you want information on the Pharaohs relationship with the Gods.
Understand what you are looking at.
Exclusive small group tours of Egypt.
For the metaphysically minded traveler.
April 2025 tour booking now.

A quiet early morning at Karnak temple, plenty of time to walk around and explore.  I am so blessed to have had these ti...

A quiet early morning at Karnak temple, plenty of time to walk around and explore. I am so blessed to have had these times of silence and aloneness in these sacred spaces. It has been one of the greatest blessings of my life. For years, after the revolutions, the tourists stayed away, but I kept going and I have never regretted it for a second.

Someones home, over their shop, Esna market place. If a shop owner is hassling you to buy something, this is why. I know...

Someones home, over their shop, Esna market place. If a shop owner is hassling you to buy something, this is why. I know it is a bother sometimes, but life is hard and if they do not sell, the family do not eat. Remember how utterly blessed we are.
Small group tours of Egypt. For the metaphysically minded.
April 2025 tour booking now.

The Ab, sculpted on a wall at the temple of Kom Ombo. The Ab is the heart, taken out of the body and mummified separatel...

The Ab, sculpted on a wall at the temple of Kom Ombo. The Ab is the heart, taken out of the body and mummified separately before being put back inside. In the judgement, the Ab is weighed against the feather of Maat, as the heart contains the truth of us, all we have been and all we did.
In the end, all we take with us is our heart and everything it contains.


Small group tours of Egypt.
Understand what you are seeing.
April 2025 tour booking now.

Dawn on the Nile at Aswan and already a boat full of excited tourists is crossing the water, the start of a new day of a...

Dawn on the Nile at Aswan and already a boat full of excited tourists is crossing the water, the start of a new day of adventures, making memories to last a lifetime.
Small group tours of Egypt.
April 2025 tour booking now.

My self, taken some years back, standing near the doorway to the Sanctuary in Edfu Temple. The doors are long gone now, ...

My self, taken some years back, standing near the doorway to the Sanctuary in Edfu Temple. The doors are long gone now, probably because they were coated with electrum and would have been stripped and the metal melted down. But long ago no one would have been able to see into the sanctuary unless it was the Pharaoh, High Priest and his assistants. In fact, very few people would ever have made it this far into the temple. We forget how blessed we are to be able to walk through these sacred places and see them in their entirety.
Understand what you are seeing, be a visitor, not just a tourist.
Exclusive small group tours of Egypt.
April 2025 tour booking now

A palette belonging to the mortician Anomeer. Each indentation would have held one of the 7 Sacred oils used to purify t...

A palette belonging to the mortician Anomeer. Each indentation would have held one of the 7 Sacred oils used to purify the body of the deceased. Found in the Tomb of Teti at Saqqara.

Exclusive small group tours of Egypt.
April 2025 tour booking now.

A policeman in his summer uniform on the Giza Plateau.

A policeman in his summer uniform on the Giza Plateau.

I photographed this little girl on our cruise boat on 2008, she was one of the best belly dancers I have ever seen, taug...

I photographed this little girl on our cruise boat on 2008, she was one of the best belly dancers I have ever seen, taught by her mother, the lady in the silver dress.
Sometimes it is not the monuments, it is the people who make the best memories.
Exclusive small group tours of Egypt.
April 2025 tour booking now.

Every temple in Ancient Egypt had a sacred lake close by, and this photo is of the now dry sacred lake at the Temple of ...

Every temple in Ancient Egypt had a sacred lake close by, and this photo is of the now dry sacred lake at the Temple of Hathor, Dendera. As you can see, at the bottom of the steps, there is a doorway and it is not the only one. Here we see secret under water entrances into the temple, now blocked with debris.

My photo from 2016.
Exclusive small group tours of Egypt for the metaphysically minded traveler.
April 2025 tour booking now.

Wepwawet on the Royal Standard. Image from the Temple of Pharaoh Merenptah, Luxor. On the standard beneath him is the pl...

Wepwawet on the Royal Standard. Image from the Temple of Pharaoh Merenptah, Luxor.
On the standard beneath him is the placenta of the Pharoah. Wepwawet went "before Him" to safely open the way from the womb to the outside world, ensuring a safe and easy delivery. When the Pharaoh dies, Wepwawet will "open the way" for him to safely and easily journey from this world to the next.
Wepwawet is a god to make friends with, especially if you desire to have out of body experiences and safely come back again.


Exclusive small group tours of Egypt for the metaphysically minded.
April 2025 tour booking now

The God Wepwawet from the Temple of Seti 1st at Abydos. Wepwawet is the "Opener of the Ways", the one who "goes before',...

The God Wepwawet from the Temple of Seti 1st at Abydos.

Wepwawet is the "Opener of the Ways", the one who "goes before', making a journey safe, especially the journey between the realms, from one life to another, from one dimension to another. For those interesting in Heka, "Cosmic Magic", he is an interesting and indispensable aid.


Exclusive small group tours of Egypt for the metaphysically minded traveler.
April 2025 tour booking now.

In Ancient Egypt temples were often built on top of existing temples. Sometimes they were filled with sand or silt from ...

In Ancient Egypt temples were often built on top of existing temples. Sometimes they were filled with sand or silt from the Nile floods, or sometimes a different epoch of time caused them to be deliberately filled in and a new one built on top of the old one.
In this small side room at Dendera we can clearly see that the floor of the temple we are in is built upon the roof of the temple beneath. In the centre of my photo, you can see the tops of pillars from the temple underneath us.

Exclusive small group tours for the spiritually curious.

April 2025 tour booking now.

When I took this photo of the Bent Pyramid, many years ago, I was using a film camera. of course, those went away when d...

When I took this photo of the Bent Pyramid, many years ago, I was using a film camera. of course, those went away when digital came in. Well, lo and behold, a few days ago I took one of my digital cameras in to be fixed and in the shop was a wall of film and the new cameras that use it. Film is making a comeback. The assistant told me that in the last few weeks they have sold dozens of the new cameras and that they sell up to 150 rolls of film in a day.
So, Egyptian businessmen, heads up, time to start selling rolls of film again outside all the temples.
I have to say I am thrilled at this, as there is something about film that is so much more satisfying than digital. Film is more honest, it takes a great eye for the perfect shot and a bit of luck to get it, rather than digital manipulation to create the finished product.


This image of course is not real, but the story of the great flood is real, and attested to my many ancient civilisation...

This image of course is not real, but the story of the great flood is real, and attested to my many ancient civilisations across the globe. What is particularly interesting about this image is that there is more than one mention of the great flood in Egypt, one of these in a papyrus and another at Edfu temple.
The Edfu text says that "after the great flood, the 7 Sages came back to teach the remaining population how and where, to rebuild the temples.
This speaks of an Egypt that is far more ancient than we are led to believe. Do I believe this? Yes, I most certainly do and there is evidence within Egypt to support this view.
Exclusive small group tours of Egypt.
April 2025 tour booking now.

Another thing I am most definitely looking forward to on the October Tour is being back on Lake Nasser, on this magnific...

Another thing I am most definitely looking forward to on the October Tour is being back on Lake Nasser, on this magnificent cruise boat, the best one on the lake. The boat is lovely, and Lake Nasser is incredible, the largest manmade lake in the world. In some places it is quite "otherworldly", as if we have sailed into a parallel universe. It is a wonderful way to start the tour, as it breaks people away from the rest of the world and into "planet Egypt".

Exclusive small group tours of Egypt.
April 2025 Tour Booking now.

A very big thank you to everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday. I have tried to respond to everyone personally, but if ...

A very big thank you to everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday. I have tried to respond to everyone personally, but if for some reason I missed you, it was not on purpose. xx

Something else I am looking forward to on the next tour. Something so simple, yet so profoundly moving, just being on th...

Something else I am looking forward to on the next tour. Something so simple, yet so profoundly moving, just being on the Nile in Aswan. There is something so special about this, some dee and ancient Aswan magic that occurs. Only those who have experienced it will understand.
Exclusive small group tours of Egypt for the metaphysically minded
2025 toures are booking now.

Things I am looking forward to seeing again on the October Tour. Well, how could I go past this, the Great Pyramid, not ...

Things I am looking forward to seeing again on the October Tour. Well, how could I go past this, the Great Pyramid, not just looking at it from the outside, but being inside, just my group and I, for a Private Access. The feeling upon leaving after the private Access is like no other, it has to be experienced to be understood and properly valued.
All throughout the journey I will prepare you for this incredible experience.

Exclusive small group tours of Egypt.
April 2015 tour booking now.

With the October Tour coming up in just a few weeks I have been thinking about what I am looking forward to seeing again...

With the October Tour coming up in just a few weeks I have been thinking about what I am looking forward to seeing again in Egypt, and one of the those things is the incredible sunrises and sunsets over Lake Nasser and the Nile, where Ra really shows of his beauty and magnificence.
This photo was taken from our Lake Nasser cruise boat by amazing photographer, K.p. Rao.

Exclusive small group tours of Egypt.

2025 tours booking now.

Emma Morales, you asked about the Goddess Hathor, so here is the information.Hathor is the Goddess of Love, Beauty, Musi...

Emma Morales, you asked about the Goddess Hathor, so here is the information.
Hathor is the Goddess of Love, Beauty, Music, Dancing, Sensuality and Joy. She is the ultimate feminine Goddess and her beautiful temple at Dendera still resonates with feminine energy that is easily felt by all who visit it, especially if they have an Hathor Archetype.

This image of her is from the Tomb of Queen Tausert in the Valley of the Kings, Luxor.

www.mirrorofeternity. com

Exclusive small group tours of Egypt.
Bookings for the 2025 tours are open now.

As expected, I have had people disliking my comment about the "Lions Gate" on the 8th August.Below is one of my photos o...

As expected, I have had people disliking my comment about the "Lions Gate" on the 8th August.
Below is one of my photos of the Ancient Egyptian Calendar, from the Temple of Kom Ombo.
August, and all our other months did not exist in Ancient Egypt, our calendar was brought in thousands of years later. August commemorates Emperor Augustus, the renamed Octavian who defeated Cleopatra 7th in battle.
So, in Ancient Egypt, it was impossible to have August 8th, as it did not exist.
Exclusive small group tours of Egypt for the metaphysically minded explorer, who wants to discover the truth.
April 2025 Tour Booking now.

So, it is the 8th of August and FB will be flooded with the Lions Gate Portal" and all it is supposed to mean.The Ancien...

So, it is the 8th of August and FB will be flooded with the Lions Gate Portal" and all it is supposed to mean.

The Ancient Egyptians made no mention of the "Lions Gate" or any other portals or stargates. This is another "new age" fallacy. Although there are many sacred sites that can act as such, the only portal or stargate that means anything is the one inside you. It is the one inside you that reacts to the sacred places, without ego, with humility and with the knowledge that you cannot go to the 7th initiation without first passing the other 6.

Deluxe small group tours of Egypt for the metaphysically minded explorer.
April 2025 tour booking now.

Image, the 7 Gates of Initiation, Temple of Osiris Heka-Djet

For all the people who have asked me for more information on astrological signs and the Egyptian Gods, especially Gonda ...

For all the people who have asked me for more information on astrological signs and the Egyptian Gods, especially Gonda Lievens and Lins DeBr, here it is.

The sign of Aries= Osiris
The Sign of Ta**us = Hathor
Gemini =Thoth
Cancer = Nephthys
Leo =Horus
Virgo = Geb
Libra + Isis.
Scorpio = Anubis
Sagittarius = Sekhmet
Capricorn = Set.
Aquarius = Maat
Pisces = Nut

Deluxe small group tours of Egypt.
April 2025 tour Booking now

There is a mistaken belief that if you are born under the sign of Leo, the Goddess Sekhmet will be your patron, but in f...

There is a mistaken belief that if you are born under the sign of Leo, the Goddess Sekhmet will be your patron, but in fact the God who is patron for all Leo's is Horus, the King, son of Osiris and Isis.
This beautiful image of Horus is from the Tomb of Queen Tausert in the Valley of the Kings.
Exclusive small group tours of Egypt, April 2025 tour booking now.

The God of the Nile, Hapi and the Goddess of the Fields carry offerings, Hapi of life giving water and the Goddess of th...

The God of the Nile, Hapi and the Goddess of the Fields carry offerings, Hapi of life giving water and the Goddess of the Fields carries grains, fruits and flowers.
Temple of Hathor Dendera.



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Our Story

Hi, I am Amber St Clare, I am an Egyptologist, but not a regular Egyptologist, as I specialise in the mystic and metaphysical aspects of Ancient Egypt. I run Mirror of Eternity, Metaphysical tours of Egypt and also teach Ancient Egyptian Mysticism, this is my mission and my passion. So, as we travel through Egypt, you are able to learn some of what the Ancient Egyptians said about themselves, the mysticism of their religion, their Gods and the destiny of mankind. This information was given to the priests and priestess of the temples, it enabled them to live life differently, it prepared them for the ascension process in the Great Pyramid and enabled them to step out of the constant cycle of physical death and constant rebirth. The things they learned taught them how to become God Like Beings themselves, as this is the only way we are able to leave and live life with the Gods. This was the ultimate goal.

Unlike most of the religious beliefs that followed, the Ancient Egyptian Spirituality taught that life was meant to be not only fully experienced, but it should be an enhanced experience, the physical senses heightened to a greater level.

The Ancient Egyptians were ethical and moral, but not prudish, and so even the sexual part of life was meant also to be enhanced and experienced on a higher level. Priests and priestesses married and were meant to find the bliss that comes from the Cosmic Or**sm, the fusion of the self to the Gods, the Cosmic state of Oneness. They drank alcohol, they danced, they lived life to the full, but remained in a mystic state whilst doing so.

In this tour we take the Path of Ascension taken by the ancient mystics and we follow that path through Egypt ending in a private access in the Great Pyramid of Giza.