Energetic House and Land Clearing provides a specialized service for those people who wish to cleanse their homes and land of negative energies and earthbound spirits or what may be deemed 'ghosts' as well as curses, magic and more. They are done either in person if you live in Sydney by Susan or in Melbourne by Sheila
Or they can be done remotely. Doing a session remotely is just as effective as
in person - so wherever you live in the world is fine. A personalised house clearing is for those who either:
Want the personalised individual touch rather than using our DIY solution. Or if you have something beyond what a general house cleansing can deliver. For example vents, portals, energetic gateways, entity presence, special site considerations - ie sacred sites, sites where battles or something strange has happened. You or members of your family may be experiencing severe mood swings or just be behaving in ways which are not normal for you or them. Your space may feel cold or 'weird', you may hear odd sounds or just feel very unsettled and strange in a space which did not feel this way before. These specialised cleansings require specific sounds and techniques which go beyond what is included in our DIY solution below. If you require this type of session due to the issues mentioned above - you will know! You will receive a personal set of sounds to play at home to keep your space clear. Some clearings are akin to 'peeling an onion', in that as one layer is cleared another is exposed. And so in some instances multiple sessions may be necessary.