The sound of the Southern Ocean 🌊
#southaustralia #southernocean #thebigduckboattours #visitvictorharbor #fleurieupeninsula #feelitcalling #encounterbaymarinepark #seesouthaustralia
Can you hear that?
If you’ve been on our cruises at Victor Harbor, you might’ve been lucky enough to meet Maggie! 🐬 With her deformed blowhole, she lets out a unique ‘fart’ noise when she breathes — always a crowd favorite and guaranteed to make you smile!
#southaustralia #seesouthaustralia #thebigduckboattours #visitvictorharbor #encounterbaymarinepark #satourism #feelitcalling #fleurieupeninsula
Love watching the speedy common dolphins! 🐬 Always a thrill to see them in action! 🌊
#southaustralia #seesouthaustralia #thebigduckboattours #fleurieucoast #visitvictorharbor #encounterbaymarinepark #satourism #feelitcalling #fleurieupeninsula