Field of Lights spectacular, 3 very different ways to view it depending on the experience you are after.. #Figtreetravel
Day 4 WA - Hyden to Kalgoorlie via Southern Cross and Coolgardie, 100kms of dirt road, Wild flowers then our highlight the Super Pit Mining Tour, spectacular! #figtreetraveltours #Kalgoorlie
Huge thanks for everyone who supported team Figtree Travel today at Relay for life we appreciate it and all the donations, thank-you!
Roof top bar Nha Trang, best panoramic view of this city, definitely worth a visit, free admission to non guests just need to buy a drink. #figtreetravel
Nitmiluk (Katherine) Gorge NT cruise an up close and personal way to see the gorge and it’s many water ways #figtreetraveltours #figtreetravel #Nimiluk
Uluru Morning Base Tour
Uluru up close and personal, today it’s all about the Rock, and we recommend that you must use AAT Kings guides for the full history and cultural experience. #aatkings #figtreetravel
Footage of Ice breaking away from the face of the Glacier.. very lucky to catch the end of the ice hitting the water. The boat was over 5km away from the face of the glacier and the face of the glacier is nearly 200m high!!
Float plane over Vancouver city.. amazing!
Vivid Sydney 2022
Sydney Vivid 2022 with #figtreetravel #captaincookcruises group tour No.2, enjoy the view.
Tasmania and South Australia
With Australia opening up, we have availability on our Tasmania and South Australian tours, see our ad below #figtreetraveltours #figtreetravel
Save up to $2,000 per couple including a $500pp flight credit when you book Viking’s 11-day Passage to Eastern Europe river cruise! #figtreetravel #vikingcruises
Save up to $5,200 per couple including flights up to $1,800pp on Viking’s 15-day Grand European Cruise. #vikingrivercruise #figtreetravel