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Un pakete di lès di Fundashon Históriko Kultural Boneiru (FuHiKuBo) den kolaborashon ku SGB Scholengemeenschap Bonaire
Ku preguntanan manera: Kua ta famianan ku por haña bèk den registro di katibu? Den bo famia ainda tin historia i kantikanan tokante e pasado di sklabitut? Kon bo famia a yega Boneiru? Ken ta un ‘Boneriano di bèrdat’? Kiko ta e historia di e bario kaminda bo ta biba? Bo bario tin opheto ku ta sirbi komo un rekuerdo di sklabitut? Ki funshon e tabatin i kiko su funshon ta awor?
Ku un tim di dosente entusiasmá di SGB, e proyekto aki lo laga studiantenan di SGB pone atenshon i buska informashon riba nan identidat, bario i isla. Nos ta deseá pa por haña bèk e historia ku ta pèrdí of skondí. Esaki lo duna pasado un karakter diferente. E studiantenan ta bai deskubri e ‘berdat diferente’ tokante famianan, edifisionan i susesonan. Nos ta spera ku esaki lo krese e konosementu di e studiantenan tokante e historia ku nan ta kargando. E historia di mayornan i antepasadonan ta determiná ‘ken bo ta’.
E proyekto aki ‘Ken ta…?’ ta trata na duna un base fuerte na e studiantenan Boneriano pa komprondé i apresia tur parti di nan identidad.
“Wil men de valse voorstelling in ’de geschiedenis’ ontmaskeren, dan zullen echter vele van de onbeschreven ‘feiten’ in de schijnwerper moeten worden geplaatst.”
Waldo Heilbron ta introdusí e termino ‘deskubrimentu’ den su buki: ‘De toekomst van het verleden’ (2024),
Den yüni e tim di dosente a risibí un treinen di Fawaka Ondernemersschool tokante e efekto ku e temporada di sklabitut tin awe. Banda di esaki, nan a haña un pakete di lès di historia inspirativo, titulá: ‘10x Meer Geschiedenis’ tokante sierto susesonan importante den historia ku sistimatikamente a keda silensiá. Por usa e lèsnan aki den e materia di ‘Suidadania Mundial’ ku diferente ehèmpel práktiko. Ta bai pa laga studiantenan konta nan ‘mes historia’ dor di investigá e konekshon di nan mes famia, komunidat i isla. Entre otro tópikonan manera idioma, religion, músika i maneranan di pensa.
E kasnan di katibu di Boneiru ku ainda ta presente for di 1850 ta un bon ehèmpel kon rekordamentu di e di dos siglo di periodo di sklabitut (1650-1850) ta keda lubidá i no kontá. E kasnan ta manera un ‘testigu mudo’ ku ta konta solamente ‘algu chikitu’ di e historia di sklabitut na Boneiru den e último 13 aña promé ku abolishon di sklabitut na aña 1863. Pues e kasnan aki ta sirbi komo un ehèmpel di ‘un historia falsu’.
Te ku awe, pa un gran parti, e historia di Boneiru ta deskribí for di un perspektiva euroséntriko. Nos ke pa e studiantenan investigá i buska e ‘historia diferente’. Dor di laga nan hasi preguntanan fundamental ku por krea un bista nobo, ku un ‘perspektiva múltiple’.
Dia 15 di desèmber lo habri un eksibishon den Terramar Museum Bonaire ku e deskubrimentunan mas importante ku e studiantenan di SGB a entregá. E eksibishon lo ta habrí pa algun siman sin gastu mará n’e, ku akseso pa tur habitanten di Boneiru.
Pa mas informashon òf un entrevista:
Cees Luckhardt, Lider di proyekto, +31619849375 of [email protected]
Ken Ta...? - The Other Truth of Bonaire.
An educational project by Fundashon Históriko Kultural Boneiru (FuHiKuBo) in collaboration with Scholengemeenschap Bonaire (SGB).
With questions like: Whose family name can be found in the slave registers? Are there still stories and songs about the slavery past in your family? How did your family end up on Bonaire? When are you considered a 'true' Bonairian? What is the historical story of the neighborhood you live in? What silent witnesses in the neighborhood remind you of the slavery past? What was the function of this building, and what is its function now?
With an enthusiastic team of SGB teachers, this educational project at SGB will focus students' attention on their identity, their neighborhood and their island. We hope to rediscover a lost and/or obscured past. This will give the past a different character. The students will uncover the "other truths" about families, events, and buildings. We hope this will increase the students' awareness that they carry this history with them. After all, the history of parents and ancestors determines who you are.
This educational project "Ken ta...?" aims to give Bonairian students a strong foundation to understand and cherish all aspects of their identity.
"If one wants to expose the false representation in 'history,' then many of the undocumented 'facts' must be brought to light."
So says Waldo Heilbron in: "The Future of the Past" (2024). He introduces the significant term "revealing" for this purpose.
In June, the teaching team received training from the Fawaka Entrepreneurship School on the impact of the slavery past. Additionally, they received the inspiring history lesson package titled "10x More History" about "the systematic silence" of important historical events. These lessons can be used in the subject of World Citizenship with various practical examples. The goal is to encourage students to tell their "own story" by investigating the connection of their own family, neighborhood, and island with intangible matters such as language, religion, music, and ways of thinking.
The still existing "slave huts" from 1850 are a good example of how memories of the two centuries of slavery period before (1650-1850) can be "forgotten" and silenced to this day. The huts, as "silent witnesses," only tell something about the history of slavery on Bonaire in its last 13 years before abolition in 1863. The huts can thus be described as an example of "a false history."
Until now, the history of Bonaire has largely been described from a Eurocentric perspective. We want the students to investigate the personal "other story" in their family, their neighborhood, and/or their island by asking fundamental questions that can shed new light from a multiple perspective.
On December 15, the exhibition with the most significant findings provided by the SGB students will be opened at the Terramar Museum. The exhibition will be accessible for free to all island residents for several weeks.
For more background information or an interview:
Cees Luckhardt: Project Leader: +31619849375 or [email protected]