What a gr8 start of a new week, with today's riders from Nevada, Washington state and Ontario Canada. Wanna get in on the fun? Then BOOK NOW: arubamotorcycletours.com
#arubatourism #thingstodoinaruba #eaglerider #aruba #travel
Holland, USA & Canada justbreturning from another great tour with Aruba's #1 Harley-Davidson Tour Company! Who's next? BOOK NOW: arubamotorcycletours.com
#arubatourism #thingstodoinaruba #harley_davidson_lifestyle #harleydavidson #eaglerider #aruba
Aaaaaaand here we go again, today Gus is going out with our riders from New York.....and all was good and wonderful! Who's next? BOOK NOW: arubamotorcycletours.com
#harleydavidson #arubatourism #harley_davidson_lifestyle #thingstodoinaruba
We were happy to have Mr. Big John from Canada with us on tour....
He's a real biker living the biker live and his lovely other half supports him all the way..
We had a great ride , lots of sun ,empty roads so full throttle...
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Happy rentals enjoying our bikes.....
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Tourguide Chucco on tour with guests from California.
They had a blast.
Coming with a cruiseship and only so much time to see the island.
This is the way to do it....
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#vacation #harleytouring #sightseeing #harleyrental #california #Aruba #detroit #newyork #honeymoon #newjersey #harley #Canada #islandtour #islandtour
ESPECTACULAR said Luli, who rode as a passenger for the 1st time in her life with Silvia, a very good lady rider from Paraguay, who rented the same bike as she rides back home. Graçias damas, hasta la proxima vez! Who's next to tour the island with us? BOOK NOW: arubamotorcycletours.com
....and another lady rider showing off her skills, kudos to Michelle who came off our driveway like a boss! Who's next to explore the island with one of our skilled and friendly tourguides? BOOK NOW: arubamotorcycletours.com
England on tour with us today....you can tell by the way they're dressed as they are wearing rainjackets already! Crazy Limeys 🤣......who's next to see the island on 2 wheels with us? BOOK NOW: arubamotorcycletours.com
#arubatourism #harleydavidson #thingstodoinaruba #harley_davidson_lifestyle #eaglerider #aruba
John from Leicestershire, England and Juliana from my favorite city in the world, Medellín, Colombia, out for a tour this morning with Chucho.....ay que chimbaaaa! Who's next? BOOK NOW: arubamotorcycletours.com
New Jersey on tour with Gus! And what a blast they had! Who's next? BOOK NOW: arubamotorcycletours.com
#arubatourism #thingstodoinaruba #harleydavidson #harley_davidson_lifestyle
Happy people today.
Originally from Jersey but now living in Charleston. Going to explore the island