Alternative Lifestyle Federation Aruba

Alternative Lifestyle Federation Aruba Alfa ta un fundacion pa personanan cu sentimiento homosexual funda 8/06/05.


Awe e prome pareha di mes un s**o a registra na Aruba pa e partnerschap registratie
Pabien Aruba i pabien na e damanan J and J


Love=Love! 🏳️‍🌈❤️

Be proud and celebrate with us!
In honor of Pride Month, we are offering complimentary pool access to our Sunset Bistro guests this weekend and the next one (June 12 & 13).
Boost your morning with our Super Breakfast with endless mimosas or indulge in our new Blu Lunch Combo, and discover your to our swimming pools, adult whirlpool, 3 daily happy hours and spectacular ambiance.

Reservations required to receive complimentary pool access. Please call 526 5025 or 526 5026 (Monday to Friday - 9AM to 5PM).


BE the YOU you've always been, PROUDLY.
Show us your pride moment. Happy Pride Month 🏳️‍🌈

Be proud and yourself

Be proud and yourself


Despues di a pospone e reunion dos biaha, diamars proximo, dia 16 di februari, Parlamento ta bay trata e cambionan den Codigo Civil cu tabata pendiente pa wordo introduci desde september 2016. Banda di actualisacion di derecho civil den su totalidad, e proposicion di gobierno no ta inclui tur derech...

Durf di defende e derochonan di LGBTQ+ Cu tambe ta bo derecho

Durf di defende e derochonan di LGBTQ+
Cu tambe ta bo derecho


Following Pope Francis’ comments on God loving LGBTQ+ children, he’s now endorsing same-s*x civil unions. Same-s*x relationships are traditionally frowned upon in the Catholic Church, but Pope Francis seems to be moving with the times. The Pope apparently made these comments in his featu...

Awe coming out day.Sea bo mes i orguyoso ken bo ta como persona.Tribi di bisa ken bo ta stima i kier comparti bo bida cu...

Awe coming out day.
Sea bo mes i orguyoso ken bo ta como persona.
Tribi di bisa ken bo ta stima i kier comparti bo bida cune.


Dear participant, My name is Robert Wester, I am a student at the University of Aruba, Faculty of Hospitality Tourism and Management Studies. I am conducting a research project on Le***an Gay Bis*xual Trans (LGBT) Tourism as part of my Bachelor's thesis. The questionnaire should take approximately 1...


Still thinking of hooking up...

Love = Love Pride month 2020.Diversidad ta parti di nos cultura.

Love = Love
Pride month 2020.
Diversidad ta parti di nos cultura.


Despues cu Costa Rica a join a banda corecto di historia, tin 29 pais rond di mundo cu no ta discrimina contra parehanan di mesun s**o. E 29 paisnan aki ta forma 1,1 BIYON hende, of 15% di poblacion di nos planeta.

Abo ta sostene Aruba bira e di 30 pais?


(Visit: A look at PrEP, a prevention strategy for people at high risk for contracting HIV. Researchers at the University of California e...


Ami ta bisa, BOYCOT e concierto/honramento aki tanten cu Jose Sophia ta parti di e evento!

E ta inacceptabel cu un pastoor cu a abusa di mucha y a lidera un marcha contra derechonan di LGBT mag di participa na un evento cu ta honra un di e pilarnan mas grandi di nos cultura.

Abuso y odio no mag di ta parti di nos cultura. Unabes NOS cuminsa bisa NO, cos por cuminsa cambia.

Share y like e post aki y mustra e organisadornan cu tanten cu Jose Sophia ta forma parti di e evento,


P. O. Box 5183, Royal Plaza



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