SEBS International Office

SEBS International Office International office Students exchange programs are a chance of a lifetime. It is an adventure that you can only have when you are a student!

The School of Economics and Business (SEBS) is both a national leader and an internationally recognised academic and research institution in the fields of business and economics. It strives to be perceived as the world-renowned institution for the quality of its academic programmes and achievements in education and research. In view of this, our school welcomes applications from exchange students

and visiting students who study at other business schools, universities and colleges based in Europe or overseas and seek to spend a semester or a year abroad. It is also an investment in your future. Going from the familiar to the unfamiliar will provide you with a unique experience for your personal and academic development. Student exchange programs can enhance your language skills and help you prepare for the challenges of the global employment market. Exchange students and visiting students are a vital part of the SEBS community as we encourage a flow of talent and aim to provide opportunities for networking with peers from different countries of the world and from different backgrounds.

📍Univerzitet u Sarajevu - Ekonomski fakultet  is once again activating and enhancing the Alumni Association with the aim...

📍Univerzitet u Sarajevu - Ekonomski fakultet is once again activating and enhancing the Alumni Association with the aim of strengthening the network of former students and employees, fostering mutual support, exchanging experiences, and organizing joint activities.

➡️As an important step towards strengthening our alumni community, we have launched a LinkedIn group – SEBS Alumni, a place where we can stay connected, share business successes, updates from the School, and opportunities for collaboration.

🌟We invite you to join this group and invite your colleagues, associates, and acquaintances from the academic and business sectors who are part of our alumni network. The more of us there are, the stronger and more influential our community will be!

📌 Join the LinkedIn alumni group here:

📌 Follow the SEBS Alumni page on Facebook:

✅Together, we are building a strong and inspiring SEBS!

📍 Graduation day at Univerzitet u Sarajevu - Ekonomski fakultet ✨🎉🎓

📍 Graduation day at Univerzitet u Sarajevu - Ekonomski fakultet ✨🎉🎓

The countdown is on! ⏰📚 Exams are just around the corner, and we know all our students are ready to demonstrate their kn...

The countdown is on! ⏰

📚 Exams are just around the corner, and we know all our students are ready to demonstrate their knowledge and skill.

🎓 Take a moment to reflect on all your hard work and use it to fuel your confidence as you tackle each exam.

✨ Stay organized, stay focused, and know that we’re cheering for your success. Best of luck as you wrap up the semester—your dedication will shine through!

➡️Sjajna prilika za  studente i studentice II i III ciklusa studija - The British Scholarship Trust stipendije za kratko...

➡️Sjajna prilika za studente i studentice II i III ciklusa studija - The British Scholarship Trust stipendije za kratkoročna istraživanja 📌

Ministarstvo civilnih poslova Bosne i Hercegovine obavještava da The British Scholarship Trust nudi stipendije za kratkoročna istraživanja (trajanje 1 do 3 mjeseca) na univerzitetima širom Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva diplomiranim studentima iz Bosne i Hercegovine, Hrvatske, Kosova, Crne Gore, Sjeverne Makedonije i Srbije.

📌Glavni kriteriji:
- kvalitet rada pojedinca i mogućnost postizanja značajnog napretka;
- kandidati treba da budu studenti II ili III ciklusa studija u svojoj zemlji i obično bi trebali biti mlađi od 30 godina, ali se mogu uzeti u obzir izuzetne okolnosti.

📌Rok za podnošenje prijava❓ 01. april 2025. godine i odnosi se na stipendije koje će biti dodijeljenje za posjete realizovane između septembra 2025. godine i augusta 2026. godine.

📌Prijave se mogu podnijeti na adresu Ministarstva civilnih poslova Bosne i Hercegovine (Trg Bosne i Hercegovine br. 1, 71000 Sarajevo; sa naznakom da se radi o prijavi za The British Scholarship Trust stipendiju) ili dostaviti direktno na email adresu fondacije: [email protected].

Više informacija o kriterijma i uslovima zainteresovani kandidati mogu pronaći na našoj web stranici u rubrici Konkursi i pozivi.

🎓Prof. dr. Ljiljan Veselinović visited Vienna from December 15 to 21, 2024, as part of the Erasmus+ exchange program wit...

🎓Prof. dr. Ljiljan Veselinović visited Vienna from December 15 to 21, 2024, as part of the Erasmus+ exchange program with WU Vienna (Vienna University of Economics and Business).

🌍During his stay, prof. Veselinović delivered lectures on microeconomics to WU students and had the opportunity to visit the WU Vienna FLEX Center, which offers advanced facilities for enhancing teaching and research processes through the use of video and audio studios, as well as laboratories for immersive technologies such as virtual reality.

In addition to the lectures, prof. Veselinović held a meeting with a representative from the Institute for Advanced Studies in Vienna. The discussions focused on labor market policies and methodologies for their evaluation, along with an exchange of experiences aimed at advancing research work.📚✨

This week, we had the pleasure of hosting Professor Oana Ruxandra Bode from Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, Roma...

This week, we had the pleasure of hosting Professor Oana Ruxandra Bode from Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, as part of the Erasmus+ mobility program. During her teaching visit to our School of Economics and Business, Professor Bode joined Professors Merima Činjarević, PhD, and Ljiljan Veselinović, PhD, in their Managerial Economics class. She delivered an insightful lecture on "Demand, Supply, and Market Equilibrium."

We are delighted to welcome Professor Bode and wish her a wonderful stay at our faculty and university. Here’s to fostering meaningful academic exchanges and future collaborations! 🌍📚✨ Oana Bode

🌟 Exciting News! 🌟We are proud to announce that Univerzitet u Sarajevu - Ekonomski fakultet Vice-Dean for International ...

🌟 Exciting News! 🌟
We are proud to announce that Univerzitet u Sarajevu - Ekonomski fakultet Vice-Dean for International Cooperation, Professor Kurtić, has been appointed as a Vice-Governor of the Centralna banka Bosne i Hercegovine / Централна банка Босне и Херцеговине! 👏

Congratulations, Professor Kurtić! 🎉 SEBS is proud of you! 💙💚

📢 Prof. dr Emir Kurtić imenovan za viceguvernera Centralne banke Bosne i Hercegovine 🟦🟩

Sa ponosom objavljujemo da je naš dr. Emir Kurtić, vanredni profesor na Katedri za menadžment i organizaciju, imenovan za viceguvernera Centralne banke Bosne i Hercegovine.

Profesor Kurtić će na novoj funkciji upravljati Sektorom za statistiku, servisiranje vanjskog duga, evropske integracije i platne sisteme.

Profesionalna interesovanja dr. Kurtića obuhvataju korporativno upravljanje, strateški menadžment, menadžment ljudskih resursa, organizacijski coaching i menadžment u sportu. Od 2009. godine zaposlen je na Ekonomskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Sarajevu, na Katedri za menadžment i organizaciju, a od 2022. godine je u zvanju vanrednog profesora. Obavljao je funkcije prodekana za normativna pitanja (2018–2022) te prodekana za međunarodnu saradnju (2022–2024).

Čestitamo profesoru Kurtiću na ovom značajnom uspjehu i želimo mu puno uspjeha u budućim izazovima! Ovo imenovanje predstavlja izuzetno priznanje za njegov stručni rad i bogato iskustvo.

Univerzitet u Sarajevu - Ekonomski fakultet ponosan je na svoje profesore koji svojom ekspertizom aktivno doprinose razvoju institucija, ekonomije i društva u BiH.

🔵🟢 Welcome to 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣5️⃣! 🎊✨ To our brilliant students, dedicated staff, and esteemed professors, may this year bring ...

🔵🟢 Welcome to 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣5️⃣! 🎊

✨ To our brilliant students, dedicated staff, and esteemed professors, may this year bring you new opportunities to grow, collaborate, and inspire.

🤝🏼 Let’s continue building a global community of learning, innovation, and excellence. Together, we will make 2025 a year of progress, impactful connections, and meaningful achievements.

🎉 Wishing you all a year filled with success, joy, and endless possibilities!


🌍Meet Nuriddin Fakhrutdinov! He's an exchange student from Rome, Italy, and this is his first time in Bosnia.He says, "T...

🌍Meet Nuriddin Fakhrutdinov! He's an exchange student from Rome, Italy, and this is his first time in Bosnia.

He says, "The cities in Bosnia impressed me with their underrated charm and warm hospitality. People were kind, helpful, and spoke English, making every interaction effortless."

Our academic community is enriched by students like Nuriddin, who bring passion and determination to their studies.📚✨

Meet Ezgi from Manisa Celal Bayar University in Turkey, who joined us at SEBS through the Erasmus+ program.We are deligh...

Meet Ezgi from Manisa Celal Bayar University in Turkey, who joined us at SEBS through the Erasmus+ program.

We are delighted to support her journey and celebrate her success in this incredible cultural exchange!✨🗺️

🔵🟢 Na master studiju Ekonomskog fakulteta u Sarajevu (predmet Svjetska trgovinska organizacija), u organizaciji prof. dr...

🔵🟢 Na master studiju Ekonomskog fakulteta u Sarajevu (predmet Svjetska trgovinska organizacija), u organizaciji prof. dr Snježane Brkić i u saradnji sa Centrom za međunarodnu saradnju, 16.decembra 2024. godine održano je online predavanje doc. dr Radovana Kastratovića.

Dr Radovan Kastratović je docent Univerziteta u Beogradu Ekonomskog fakulteta na Katedri za međunarodne ekonomske odnose. U okviru svog nastavnog i naučno-istraživačkog rada bavi se međunarodnom ekonomijom, a posebno međunarodnom trgovinom i međunarodnom trgovinskom politikom, te stranim direktnim investicijama.

Predavanje na temu „Srbija u međunarodnim ekonomskim odnosima” obuhvatilo je analizu vanjske trgovine, vanjskotrgovinske politike i općenito trgovinskih odnosa Srbije (uz komparaciju sa zemljama regiona), analizu procesa uključivanja zemlje u regionalne integracije i multilateralni trgovinski sistem, te analizu stranih direktnih investicija.

Koristimo ovu priliku da se zahvalimo doc. dr Kastratoviću na odličnom predavanju, te njegovoj spremnosti da detaljno odgovori na sva pitanja studenata.

🔵🟢 At the master's program at the School of Economics and Business in Sarajevo (subject: World Trade Organization), organized by Prof. Dr. Snježana Brkić and in collaboration with the SEBS International Office, an online lecture was held on December 16, 2024, by Assistant Professor Dr. Radovan Kastratović.

Dr. Radovan Kastratović is an assistant professor at the University of Belgrade's Faculty of Economics in the Department of International Economic Relations. As part of his teaching and research activities, he focuses on international economics, particularly international trade, international trade policy, and foreign direct investments.

The lecture, titled "Serbia in International Economic Relations," covered an analysis of foreign trade, trade policy, and Serbia's overall trade relations (with a comparison to other countries in the region), the process of the country's integration into regional and multilateral trade systems, and an analysis of foreign direct investments.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Assistant Professor Dr. Kastratović for his excellent lecture and willingness to answer all students' questions in detail.

🎓✨ This week, we had the pleasure of welcoming Professor Boris Najman from the Faculté des sciences économiques et de ge...

🎓✨ This week, we had the pleasure of welcoming Professor Boris Najman from the Faculté des sciences économiques et de gestion in Paris to the School of Economics and Business! 🌍📚

Professor Najman’s visit is part of the Erasmus+ mobility program, fostering international collaboration and exchange in academia. During his stay, he delivered insightful guest lectures on EU Economics, enriching our students' understanding of this dynamic and ever-evolving field. 🙌💡

We extend our gratitude to Prof. Dr. Adnan Efendić, who served as his gracious host, and wish Professor Najman a memorable and pleasant stay in our vibrant academic community. 🌟🛡️

🌎Happy World Science Day for Peace and Development! 🔬 Today, we celebrate the incredible impact that science has on our ...

🌎Happy World Science Day for Peace and Development!

🔬 Today, we celebrate the incredible impact that science has on our world and its potential to contribute to global peace and sustainable development.

✨ Let's continue to use science for the greater good and promote a peaceful and prosperous world.

🔵🟢 Ekonomski fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu posredstvom svog Centra za međunarodnu saradnju kontinuirano provodi aktiv...

🔵🟢 Ekonomski fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu posredstvom svog Centra za međunarodnu saradnju kontinuirano provodi aktivnosti povezane sa međunarodnom akademskom saradnjom, te tako, između ostalog, podstiče mobilnost nastavnika u okviru različitih regionalnih programa.

🤝🏼 Zahvaljujući programu koji finansira Western Balkans Fund (Supporting Common Projects: Move Grants)
prof. dr Snježana Brkić gostovala je na Ekonomskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu u periodu 21-25. oktobra 2024. godine.

🏢 U okviru svoje studijske posjete, prof. Brkić održala je predavanja na I i II ciklusu studija na predmetima iz oblasti međunarodne ekonomije i poslovanja, te se susrela sa kolegama sa Katedre za međunarodne ekonomske odnose sa kojima je razmijenila iskustva o nastavnom procesu na srodnim predmetima i razmotrila različite oblike buduće saradnje.

📚 Ujedno je posjetila beogradski Sajam knjige radi nabavke stručne literature. Koristimo ovu priliku da se zahvalimo Western Balkans Fund na finansijskoj podršci za ovo studijsko putovanje, kao i kolegama sa Ekonomskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu na gostoprimstvu i organizaciji gostovanja.

🌟 Last week, we had the pleasure of hosting guest lecturer, Prof. Albana Kastrati, at our faculty! 🎓✨  📚She delivered an...

🌟 Last week, we had the pleasure of hosting guest lecturer, Prof. Albana Kastrati, at our faculty! 🎓✨

📚She delivered an insightful lecture on Property, Plant, and Equipment as part of the Financial Accounting course taught by Prof. Sevala Isakovic-Kaplan

🏢 Thank you, Prof. Kastrati, for sharing your expertise with us!

🔵🟢 Last week, we had the honor of hosting Professors Maria de Conceição da Costa Tavares and Rui Pedro Marques from the ...

🔵🟢 Last week, we had the honor of hosting Professors Maria de Conceição da Costa Tavares and Rui Pedro Marques from the University of Aveiro, Portugal.

Their lecture on digital transformation and sustainability in accounting, as part of the Business Informatics course taught by prof. Amra Kapo, left a strong impression on our first-year students.

✨ Thank you for the inspiration!


🔵🟢 Održan konačni sastanak EcoFin projektaU okviru bilateralne saradnje u području nauke između Republike Austrije i Bos...

🔵🟢 Održan konačni sastanak EcoFin projekta

U okviru bilateralne saradnje u području nauke između Republike Austrije i Bosne i Hercegovine (BiH), Ekonomski fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu implementira naučno-istraživački projekat Finansiranje ekološki prihvatljivih i održivih pametnih gradova (EcoFin) koji ima za ima za cilj doprinijeti razumjevanju i učenju najboljih praksi u implementaciji i finansiranju ekološki prihvatljivih i održivih pametnih gradova.

Analizirajući implementaciju ekološki prihvatiljivog i pametnog javnog gradskog prijevoza u gradovima njemačkog govornog područja i u Sarajevu (Kantonu Sarajevo), u konačnoj fazi projekta razmatrani su ostvareni rezultati i zaključci EcoFin projekta.

Tokom implementacije projektnih aktivnosti u okviru projekta EcoFin, a u saradnji sa ključnim interesnim grupama s kojima su sprovedeni polu-strukturirani intervjui, objavljena su dva naučno-istraživačka rada o čijim rezultatima i implikacijama na stanje i perspektive javnog gradskog prijevoza u Kantonu Sarajevo je diskutovano tokom sastanka.

Studenti Ekonomskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu aktivno su učestvovali u raspravi nakon prezentacije glavnih rezultata sprovedenih istraživanja, te su dali korisne komentare i prijedloge za daljnja istraživanja u ovoj oblasti.


Trg Oslobođenja-Alija Izetbegovic 1

Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 16:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 16:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 11:45
Thursday 08:00 - 10:00
14:00 - 16:00
Friday 08:00 - 13:45


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