Since 2008, Bloom has been offering students a holistic learning environment, integrating academic, social-emotional, physical, and spiritual learning. Our goal is for children and youth to develop all of the skills and competencies they need to put knowledge into action, and be of service to their community.
Bloom’s mission is to empower children, youth, and the adults who accompany them.
At Bloom, children and youth are given maximum responsibility for their learning process to develop intrinsic motivation, exercise strong values, and demonstrate excellence in all aspects of their lives. Our school is designed to offer children and youth a holistic learning experience, integrating academic with social-emotional, physical, and spiritual learning. Ultimately, our goal is for students to develop the skills and competencies they need to put knowledge into action, and be of service to their community.
Bloom School Sarajevo is a preschool, primary school, and international high school that welcomes children and youth from age 3 through 19. Bloom is a registered Bosnian education institution that welcomes children and youth from age 3 through 19. Our curriculum meets the rigorous standards of the Montessori Evaluation and Accreditation Board, the Cambridge International Assessment Education programme, and Bloom operates as a regional training centre for teachers and school leaders in Southern Europe.
All children are taught in at least two languages, starting in the preschool community. Exposure to more than one language is achieved through lessons taught in English, Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian, French, and German. Performing and visual arts, health and nutrition, spiritual empowerment, and movement education are core components of our holistic education.
Through an integrated, thematic approach, our curriculum ties separate disciplines into coherent studies of the physical universe, the world of nature, and the human experience. We offer an extended day schedule and after-school programming to accommodate working parents, and to extend a diverse set of learning opportunities to students. You can learn more about our curriculum, assessment methods, digital learning portal, and Earth School/pedagogical garden at, and our Bloom Earth School page.
Od 2008. godine, Bloom svojim učenicima omogućava holističko okruženje i iskustvo, integrirajući akademsko, socijalno-emocionalno, fizičko i duhovno učenje. Naš cilj je da djeca i mladi razviju sve vještine i kompetencije koje su im potrebne kako bi primijenili svoja znanja i bili korisni svojoj zajednici.
Bloomova misija je osnažiti djecu, mlade i odrasle koji ih prate.
Naš kurikulum
Bloom School Sarajevo se sastoji od predškolskog odjeljenja, osnovne škole i međunarodne gimnazije koju pohađaju djeca i mladi uzrasta od 3 do 19 godina. Bloom je registrovana odgojno-obrazovna institucija u Bosni i Hercegovini koja zadovoljava stroge standarde Montess odbora za evaluaciju i akreditaciju, Međunarodnog obrazovnog Cambridge programa za procjenu, te djeluje kao regionalni centar za obuku i akreditaciju nastavnika i voditelja škola u Bosni i Hercegovini i cijeloj Evropi.
Nastava se izvodi na najmanje dva jezika, počevši od predškolskog odjeljenja. Izloženost višestrukim jezicima postiže se kroz nastavu koja se izvodi na engleskom, bosanskom / hrvatskom / srpskom, francuskom i njemačkom jeziku. Izvedbene i vizuelne umjetnosti, zdravlje i zdava ishrana/nutricionizam, duhovni rast te pokret predstavljaju ključne komponente holističkog obrazovanja u našoj školi.
Kroz integrisani tematski pristup, naš kurikulum povezuje odvojene discipline u koherentne studije o fizičkom univerzumu, svijetu prirode i ljudskom iskustvu. Uvažavajući obaveze zaposlenih roditelja, škola obezbjeđuje produženi boravak/prošireni dnevni raspored kao i vannastavne aktivnosti čime se otvara raznoliki set holističkih prilika za učenje. Više o našem nastavnom planu i programu, metodama ocjenjivanja, digitalnom portalu za učenje i „Školi Zemlje“(Earth School) / pedagoškom vrtu možete saznati na i našoj Facebook stranici Bloom Earth School.