Reincarnation of La Galerie as The Gallery:
An Art Gallery with a Difference, Spirit of Freedom and Liberation War
" In the modern world 'ART' is a big business. An 'art gallery' is the market place for art. To look at the balance-sheet of an art gallery from the point of view of a mundane accountant would be very wrong because in most cases it will be in the red before the profit margin begins
to rise in a disproportionate upward curve. Therefore all who are involved in the 'art gallery' trade are a breed of their own. There is a bit of business acumen, love for art and a lot of eccentricity. A successful art gallery owner is one who can bring together the art, artist and the connoisseur together. The business of 'art gallery' never took on in Bangladesh until very recently. Art Ensemble, the first art gallery in this country was opened in 1962. The initial contribution came from journalist Sadeq Khan and a social activist Mrs. Farida Hassan. This became like a society of artists and art lovers promoting prominent and young artists by organizing exhibitions, auctions and as a painting outlet. The society finally dissolved in 1975. For over three decades non-commercial institutional galleries like the Institute of Fine Arts, Shilpokala Academy, Alliance Francoise, Goethe Institute and a couple of others have been sponsoring exhibitions sporadically. Then there were the 'other' Galleries like Jiras, Saju, Cezzane, Hoque, Tivolli etc. In 1988 La Galerie emerged ushering in a new trend in the art galleries and its business. La Galerie, the first of its kind opened its door in June 1988 in an effort to make art more accessible to the public and raise the awareness of these artists' interpretation of the the world. La Galerie was the impulse of an interior designer and his American wife to provide a place for artists to exhibit their works and for art-loving homemakers (or corporate offices) to see and buy them. In 1991 La Galerie introduced another trend in the art business by holding 'art auction'. It has held 3 such auctions, since then, making a ripple in the public interest in art. Until 1996 La Galerie held over 150 exhibitions, which included paintings, sculpture and photography. They have also held specialized exhibitions on furniture, clothing and handicraft as well as hosting plays and seminars. La Galerie made a dent in the realization that art and artists are just not to be patronized for the sake of art but can have economic and aesthetic value. Since 1992 many more galleries have opened up in Dhaka and most of them have become commercially viable because the 'art market' has at last been created. Awareness has been established about the aesthetic and economic value of art whereby there are more buyers for artwork. Many new homes and offices are showing greater interest to hang paintings on their walls. This trend is excellent for artists and the galleries. Art collection has also caught up and there are quite a few individuals and corporate buyers who make the 'exhibition circuit' looking for new works to add to their growing collection. This positive trend will definitely help our growing art market and give the impetus needed to our artist's investment. Art collection can be like an addiction and once an interest is grown the collector will have the tendancy to add new and interesting work to his collection. He or she will make the exhibition circuits and visit galleries to see what is hanging and what the new trend in the artwork is. Art as object of collection, investment and beauty began to catch the eye of successful and sophisticated businessmen. Some business houses began to open up private galleries with their collection. Although these galleries were restricted to the guests of the particular Business house and usually located in the lobby of the corporate headquarter. In this matter one has to mention the name of Duncan Brothers, which took a leading role in establishing such a gallery. In fact their collection of artwork is probably one of the largest in private collection. The gallery is a part of the lobby and the mezzanine floor. The World Bank has set up a smaller gallery with an intention to show the works of local artist and introduce them to their various visitors. This trend of using artwork, as a part of wall covering is a good trend because this will encourage the sale of art works and support artists. La Galerie was closed down in 2002 but I always had the intention to reopen it someday. I am glad to be able to restart the gallery and take in new partners so that it becomes more financially viable. Engineer Md. Nurul Hoque Bhuiyan has come forward to be partner with us and support the belief of the La Galerie philosophy of the spirit of freedom and our liberation war and that of supporting and promoting art and culture. Of course it is not going to be a philanthropic organization. As we need to make sure we are financially viable The Gallery will venture into various activities other than simple art exhibitions to draw the crowd and generate funds. Art auctions will be reintroduced as an annual feature, regular cultural programs will be hosted and a membership drive will be launched. Besides we will have art fairs, art resorts, art excursions and exchange of art and artists with different galleries and countries. I am really excited with the new possibilities and this great venture we are embarking into and look forward to all our artist friends and the art lovers to come forward and join us to make this endeavors a grand success". Akku Chowdhury