😃 Are you looking for a fun TEAMBUILDING activity? 😃
With our Segways we can offer a range of fun activities to do within the city center.
From our classical history tour, to cone parcours and much more. These are just a few possibilities we have.
You have your own idea of a fun teambuilding activity with our Segways?
Don’t hesitate to reach out to us and we can work something out 🙌
🎖🎖🎖 Each year, Travellers' Choice recognizes travelers' favorite attractions around the world based on reviews and ratings from the past year.
This year, Segway Bruges belongs to the top 10% of the favorite attractions again.
👉So be sure to book your Segway tour now:
#bruges #brugesbelgium #brugge #TripAdvisorTravellersChoice2023 #tripadvisor #segway #guidedtours #visitbruges
Binnenkort komt er een nieuwe reeks van Vlaanderen Vakantieland op Eén waarbij men reizen in eigen regio zal promoten: https://www.facebook.com/100044262317712/posts/308647917287283/?d=n
We werkten met onze segways alvast met veel plezier mee aan de promospot.
Van zodra wij van de overheid info krijgen over een herstartdatum, zullen jullie zeker van ons horen! We hebben er nu al terug zin in om jullie kwaliteitsvol te ontvangen.
It’s the perfect day to do some cruisin’! Join us today to have the best of times in Bruges... Wooohooooo! •
#segwaybrugge #segway #segwaycitytours #citytoursbrugge #brugge #bruges #exploremore #sightseeing #onwheels #onaroll #staycation #vlaanderenvakantieland #bezoekbrugge #visitbruges #visitflanders #imaginebruges
The fastest way to get from #BurgSquare to #MarketSquare? By Segway offcourse! 😜 #Timelapse in #Breidelstraat on a lovely fall day. #SegwayBrugge #Segway #poth #Bruges #VisitBruges #Brugge #GroupEvent
Early morning in Ostend today! Did you know we also do tours on location? Contact us for more info! #segwaybruggeonlocation #segway #segwayatsea #teamevents #teambuilding #contactus
They see me ridin’, They see me rollin’ on a Segway! The sun is out and so are we!!! Let the good times roll! ☀️😎👏🏼💨 #SegwayBrugge #VisitBruges #Brugge #Segway #GoodTimes #Sightseeing #Recommended #TripAdvisor #CertificateOfExcellence