Your Bruges

Your Bruges A fun way of seeing the hotspots of the wonderful Bruges. Not the average umbrella holding up tour, All served with a light "sauce", easy to digest.

When coming to Bruges, it's difficult to see the wood for the trees... or better, to know what you're looking at. We bring you a fun walk, filled with historical facts, but not in such a way you'll "zone out" after a few seconds. Legends, interesting things, the growing of Bruges through the ages. Not your ordinary "umbrella-holding-up" walk, but with tips and tricks to find the gems of Bruges, po

ssibility to take pictures from the most scenic views and hints on where to go (and staying away of tourist traps), all brought to you by a local.

When old and new meet, it needs to be able to coexist next to each other. Not always easy, not always appreciated… so we...

When old and new meet, it needs to be able to coexist next to each other. Not always easy, not always appreciated… so we throw in a sunset to give a more !

Personal post, but proud to announce the   of our third   ! Scotty was born today, 28 January at 10:29!

Personal post, but proud to announce the of our third ! Scotty was born today, 28 January at 10:29!

  of saints can be found anywhere in the   of Bruges! This makes the   a special place to   as there are things to   on ...

of saints can be found anywhere in the of Bruges! This makes the a special place to as there are things to on different levels!

Through the   the   of Our Lady peeks over the rooftops. January is a   and   time in   !

Through the the of Our Lady peeks over the rooftops. January is a and time in !

If you’re in Bruges on the 1st of February, most definitely worth attending!Costumés in Brugge

If you’re in Bruges on the 1st of February, most definitely worth attending!
Costumés in Brugge

During Wintergloed the Jerusalem   was illuminated in a   way!

During Wintergloed the Jerusalem was illuminated in a way!

The roof is on   ? No, lights and clouds playing, while the bright   Venus is seen next to the mill!!! Bruges is beautif...

The roof is on ? No, lights and clouds playing, while the bright Venus is seen next to the mill!!! Bruges is beautiful to discover in the dark.

To all  I would like to wish you a happy New Year and a smashing 2025. May it be filled with love, laughter and good hea...

To all I would like to wish you a happy New Year and a smashing 2025. May it be filled with love, laughter and good health!

Being in   and in   on a very   location in the city, which is built with tombstones!!! Oh, the   of some of the   we gu...

Being in and in on a very location in the city, which is built with tombstones!!! Oh, the of some of the we guides can tell you!!!

Be the early bird, and   a   which is still peaceful.

Be the early bird, and a which is still peaceful.

Early walk through the   offers those desolate images bringing   views!!!

Early walk through the offers those desolate images bringing views!!!

With over 300 (!)   of Our Lady Bruges has a   thing to   !

With over 300 (!) of Our Lady Bruges has a thing to !

Finding a   sign is always a treat!

Finding a sign is always a treat!

While researching for my new book found this   of Market Square in 1898. The   seen was constructed in 1846, taken down ...

While researching for my new book found this of Market Square in 1898. The seen was constructed in 1846, taken down in 1899. A true treasure hunt in while writing!!!

Visiting the     with your   and finding a scene with   is just making the visit   !!!!

Visiting the with your and finding a scene with is just making the visit !!!!

Taking the time to welcome the latest followers!!! Wonderful having you join us, helping to grow this page! Spread the w...

Taking the time to welcome the latest followers!!! Wonderful having you join us, helping to grow this page! Spread the word!!!!

Joe Knight, Hong Jin

     !!! Made with   !

!!! Made with !




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