Jean Katambayi Mukendi working on a new commission @uzbrussel following an invitation by @luklambrecht
#jeankatambayimukendi #uzbrussel #luklambrecht
RP @bkkartbiennale • The countdown is over—BAB2024 is officially open to the public! 🎉
Join us under the theme Nurture Gaia, running from 24 October 2024 to 25 February 2025, as we showcase 76 leading artists from 39 countries across 11 vibrant venues! 🌍✨ While most venues are now open, a couple will launch later, with One Bangkok welcoming visitors from 25 October onwards and Wat Arun opening from 10 November.
The build-up to this moment has been exciting, featuring numerous local and international press tours, artist talks, and events. Over the next few days, we have an exciting lineup planned, including the BAB2024 Symposium and live performances from our featured artists. Stay tuned!
Nurture Gaia draws inspiration from the maternal figure of Mother Earth, embodying her historical role as a nurturer and giver of life across cultures. This year, the Bangkok Art Biennale will explore essential contemporary themes, including anthropology, collectivism, ecology, feminism, and the politics of time and place.
Prepare to be captivated by a constellation of artworks—many on display for the very first time! From drawings and paintings to sculptures, videos, and installations, our collection features both established and emerging artists and collectives.
Stay connected for continuous updates! We can’t wait to welcome you to our exciting venues. When you share your experience on social media, don’t forget to tag us! 📸✨
For more information about our artists, artworks, or venue directions, visit Let’s celebrate art together!
#NurtureGaia #BAB2024 #BangkokArtBiennale #Bangkok #ContemporaryArt #davidshongo #filipvandingenen #woutersgallery
RP @ccstrombeek_expo • “Als een leeuw in een kooi”, Elen Braga’s first institutional show in Belgium, will exhibit a body of new video performances. With the support of @kunstplaatsvonk she produced “Flesh, stone, iron and clay.” (2024) in three parts. They’ll all be on view in a couple of weeks!
“Flesh, Stone, Iron and Clay” is a study of the gestural movements of the individual or collective body in the rhetoric of power and authority. It is also an exploration of the influence of collective ideologies and beliefs and their impact on the lives and choices of individuals. The video incorporates personal narratives interwoven with images from social media and television news.
“Als een leeuw in een kooi”, Elen Braga’s eerste institutionele tentoonstelling in België, zal onder andere haar nieuwe oeuvre aan video performances laten zien. Met de steun van @kunstplaatsvonk produceerde ze het voorbije jaar “Flesh, stone, iron and clay.” (2024). Part 1, 2 en 3 zullen over enkele weken samen te zien zijn!
“Flesh, Stone, Iron and Clay” geeft een studie weer van de gebaren die het individuele of collectieve lichaam gebruiken in een retoriek van macht en autoriteit. Het onderzoekt ook de invloed van collectieve ideologieën en geloven en diens impact op het leven en de keuzes van individuen. Het werk belichaamt persoonlijke narratieven verweven met beelden van sociale media en tv journaals.
RP @elenbraga_arts • See you this friday!!
On September 27, the Vonk Centrale will be turned into a stage for performances and visual installations during Performa6!
With Pieter Van den Bosch, Tine Deboelpaep, William Ludwig Lutgens, Thom Trojanowski, Fanfaar Fatal, Lukas Gilissen, Laila Marie Costa, Joke Hansen, DE MOND x Maarten Raskin and Elen Braga.
Performa6 is happening on Friday September 27th from 18h. Parts of the exhibition will be running throughout the weekend.
📍Vonk Centrale, Maastrichterstraat 19, 3500 Hasselt @tine_deboelpaep @williamludwiglutgens @thomtrojanowski @fanfaar.fatal @lukas.gilissen @lazyliberty @joke_hansen @de_mond__ @maarten_raskin @elenbraga_arts
Image: Elen Braga, “Flesh, stone, iron and clay” , video still, 2024. Produced by VONK. Participation of @vandevelde.michiel
Camera: @bertwarson
Makeup lenadoryn
#elenbraga #vonkcentrale #performa6 #woutersgallery
Performance by Elen Braga at De Single art center in Antwerp.
Friday June 7 and 8, at 7pm (1h)
« Three dancers struggle at the hands of this enormous figure named Bababuá. »
‘Brazilian artist Elen Braga develops performances, videos, installations and textile works. In her practice she unravels myths and how they survive in contemporary beliefs and behavior.
She creates a unique performance in front of the enormous wall of DE SINGEL. She immersed herself in local stories about giants, from which she developed her own giant. Three dancers struggle at the hands of this enormous figure named « Bababuá ». Against the backdrop of a burning building we see the eternal cycle of power building and power decline.’
#elenbraga #desingel #bababua
“On the occasion of our film series #LynnHershmanLeeson: Moving-Image Innovator, frequent Hershman Leeson collaborator #TildaSwinton sat down in one of MoMA’s theaters to revisit their 2002 project #Teknolust. Swinton, who plays four different roles in this “sexual biogenetic comedy,” notes just how prescient the film is about now-commonplace topics like online dating, cloning, and AI—and how rare it is to encounter these themes without a dystopian edge. “It’s very, very unusual for anybody to talk with such a sense of optimism about the relationship between AI and human energies.”
🔊🔺The film series Lynn Hershman Leeson: Moving-Image Innovator is on view in MoMA’s theaters June 7–20, 2024. 🔻📣
opening this Saturday: FELIPE TALO - ‘Gintong Panahon’
curated by Pilar Soler Montes
opens Saturday June 8, 5-8pm
at Wouters Gallery
GINTONG PANAHON is the second chapter of Cuerda y corazón. A project by Felipe Talo, curated by Pilar Soler Montes, which explores his autobiography.
#felipetalo @felipetalo
#pilarsolermontes @pilarsolermontes #gintongpanahon #goldenage
Wouters Gallery, in collaboration with Rectangle, is pleased to present “Guardians,” a group exhibition by pioneers Auriea Harvey, Joan Heemskerk, JODI, Lynn Hershman Leeson and Julia Scher. This exhibition explores the multiple dualities and interpretations of guardianship, from historical mythological figures to contemporary societal and corporate control. It highlights how this concept transcends physical boundaries to become a pervasive force in our digital lives, shaping our identities in a world increasingly determined by algorithms.
April 24 – June 1, 2024
Opening Wednesday 24 April 24, 2024, 5–8pm
a joint project of Wouters Gallery | Rectangle, Brussels.
exhibition text by Barbara Cueto
Image 2: Julia Scher @kunstverein_moenchengladbach
Image 3: Lynn Hershman Leeson @labiennale
Image 4: Auriea Harvey @movingimagenyc
Image 5: JODI @centrepompidoumetz_ @juliastoschekfoundation
image 6: Joan Heemskerk @rectangle_be
#guardians #aurieaharvey #joanheemskerk #JODI #lynnhershmanleeson #juliascher #barbaracueto #netart #digitalpioneers #newmediaart #woutersbrussels #rectanglebrussels #brusselsartweek
11 April 2024 – 2 February 2025
9 April 2024, 6–10 p.m. (Artist talk: 6:30 p.m.)
The Julia Stoschek Foundation is excited to present “Lynn Hershman Leeson: Are Our Eyes Targets?”, the first solo exhibition by the renowned artist and media pioneer in Düsseldorf. Spanning the entire second floor of the foundation, the exhibition features videos, photo-collages, and interactive and mixed-media installations that delve into the artist’s groundbreaking practice.
2024 marks the fortieth anniversary of the epic video installation, “The Electronic Diaries of Lynn Hershman Leeson 1984–2019” (1984–2019), which forms the centerpiece of the exhibition. Hershman Leeson examines her personal experiences of abuse and illness and the relationship between technology and self, amid the global political context. As the work shifts between time frames and perspectives, viewers encounter the evolution of multiple, sometimes contradictory personas that represent the artist. These slipping identities lead us to question how much of what we see on our screens is true, revealing a gap between reality and our mediated images of it. Set against the contemporary media landscape, Hershman Leeson’s work rings truer than ever.
Curator: Lisa Long
Assistant Curator: @lineajan
Inspired by the iconic work “The Electronic Diaries of Lynn Hershman Leeson 1984–2019” (1984–2019), the group exhibition “Digital Diaries“ (opening the same day) will look at how artists have experimented with diaristic forms in video and digital art from the 1970s to today.
📹 @bureauborsche
@lynn.l.leeson #lynnhershmanleeson #areoureyestargets #electronicdiaries #cyberroberta #shadowstalker #paranoid #juliastoschekfoundation #jsf @juliastoschek
‘The motif of death equally thrives in the universe of Angélique Aubrit and Ludovic Beillard. During the performance inaugurating the exhibition, they maneuver three characters in altered states of consciousness. While Ed enjoys his cosmic journey, Al resists his bad trip, and, as he dozes off, they try to revive Bob’s corpse. This theater of living effigies derives its macabre aesthetic from death masks that were customarily made to immortalize the deceased. Performed or not, their characters remain without expression nor presence. Rather like in the bloody orgies in Dennis Cooper’s 1993 short story “Jerk”, featuring a puppet theater full of teenagers thirsting for sex and blood, no one ever truly dies.’ (…)
Excerpt of exhibition text @lila.torqueo
you crack me up!
Angélique Aubrit & Ludovic Beillard
Victoria Palacios
exhibition text by Lila Torquéo
March 2 - April 6, 2024
opening Saturday March 2, 5-8pm, with ongoing performance
#youcrackmeup #angéliqueaubrit #ludovicbeillard #victoriapalacios #lilatorquéo #woutersgallery
RP @wouters.sablon • Join us tonight for some coconut water, courtesy of the Afro-Brazilian painter, Alcides
Alcides Pereira dos Santos
Agua de Coco (detail)
85 x 115 cm (34 x 46 in)
Acrylic on canvas
#galleryopening #alcidespereiradossantos #wouterssablon #selftaughtartist