Men at work. 👨🏼🔧
Blades also need every once in a while. 🛠️ Would you be brave enough to climb up a blade like this?
Credits: @dk_hoo
Offshore wind farms are usually connected to just one country’s electricity network. But did you know they can also have connections to more than one country? Or to an energy island? Europe already has one of these projects. The Kriegers Flak offshore wind farm is connected to 🇩🇪 and 🇩🇰.
But why would we connect them to multiple countries?
It gives us more options for where electricity gets transmitted to. ⚡ Electricity can go to the country where it is most needed at that moment. And it can also improve general electricity flows between different markets. By doing this we can save lots of money and much more ocean space free in the future. 🌊
Up there in the snowy clouds ❄️💨
Happy New Year to all of you! 💫 Did you spend your Christmas holiday doing any exciting winter activities? ❄️ Like skiing next to these wind turbines in Austria? 🤩
Just before you wind down for Christmas and enjoy your well-deserved end-of-year celebrations, why not use this downtime to prepare and send us your abstracts for WindEurope's #Technology #Workshop 2024?
👉 See instructions here:
#event #conference
A bit of fine tuning and… wait for it, wait for it... it’s spinning! 🌬️⚙️
#WindIsBeautiful #WindEurope
Video credit: @julian_al_gon
💡 Discover the latest #windenergy data and maps from across Europe on WindEurope's Intelligence Platform – a valuable resource for anyone interested in wind energy, including policymakers, industry professionals and the general public. Our newly revamped interactive tools allow you to explore #windpower installations, financing and investment trends, country-specific statistics, #turbine orders and much more.
👉 Start exploring here:
Germany used uncapped negative bidding in its recent offshore wind #auction – the costs will now have to be shouldered by consumers and the supply chain.
🧐 But what's the right auction design for #windenergy?
In the latest episode of Giles & Pierre on #Windflix, WindEurope's CEO Giles Dickson and Chief Policy Officer Pierre Tardieu unpack Germany's 7 GW offshore wind auction and France's latest onshore auctions.
And they are diving into the latest political developments in Brussels: what can the wind industry expect from the Net Zero Industry Act, the EU's strategy to strengthen clean tech manufacturing in Europe? How are talks on electricity market design progressing?
All this and much more in this 4-minute episode 📹 ▶️ 👇