Brussels City Tours

Brussels City Tours Brussels City Tours provides guided excursions and tours in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg.


Experience the magic of the tulips in the Netherlands with Brussels City Tours! 🇳🇱🌷

Do you dream of walking among thousands of tulips, exploring a rainbow of colors and fragrances? Your adventure begins at the spectacular Keukenhof, the largest flower garden in the world!

🗓️ This year, Brussels City Tours invites you to immerse yourself in the unparalleled beauty of the Netherlands during its most vibrant season. Our exclusive Keukenhof tour will guide you through winding paths among over 7 million flowers in full bloom. From delicate daffodils to the most majestic tulips, prepare for a visual and olfactory experience you will remember forever.

🌷 ¡Vive la magia de los tulipanes en los Países Bajos con Brussels City Tours! 🇳🇱🌷

¿Sueñas con caminar entre miles de tulipanes, explorando un arcoíris de colores y fragancias? ¡Tu aventura comienza en el espectacular Keukenhof, el jardín de flores más grande del mundo!

🗓️ Este año, Brussels City Tours te invita a sumergirte en la belleza sin igual de los Países Bajos en su época más vibrante. Nuestro exclusivo tour de Keukenhof te llevará por senderos serpenteantes, entre más de 7 millones de flores en plena floración. Desde delicados narcisos hasta los más majestuosos tulipanes, prepárate para una experiencia visual y olfativa que recordarás por siempre.

🌷 Vivez la magie des tulipes aux Pays-Bas avec Brussels City Tours! 🇳🇱🌷

Rêvez-vous de marcher parmi des milliers de tulipes, explorant un arc-en-ciel de couleurs et de parfums? Votre aventure commence au spectaculaire Keukenhof, le plus grand jardin de fleurs du monde!

🗓️ Cette année, Brussels City Tours vous invite à vous plonger dans la beauté sans pareil des Pays-Bas durant leur saison la plus vibrante. Notre tour exclusif du Keukenhof vous guidera à travers des sentiers sinueux, parmi plus de 7 millions de fleurs en pleine floraison. Des délicats narcisses aux tulipes les plus majestueuses, préparez-vous pour une expérience visuelle et olfactive que vous n'oublierez jamais.


🇬🇧 Wishing you a 🎄 Merry Christmas 🎄 and a Happy New Year! If we haven't had the pleasure of seeing you this year, we lo...

🇬🇧 Wishing you a 🎄 Merry Christmas 🎄 and a Happy New Year! If we haven't had the pleasure of seeing you this year, we look forward to welcoming you in 2024. 🎉

🇪🇦 ¡Te deseamos una 🎄Feliz Navidad🎄 y un Próspero Año Nuevo! Si no hemos tenido el placer de verte este año, esperamos recibirte en el 2024. 🎉

🇫🇷 Nous vous souhaitons un 🎄Joyeux Noël🎄 et une Bonne Année ! Si nous n'avons pas eu le plaisir de vous voir cette année, nous avons hâte de vous accueillir en 2024. 🎉

🇬🇧 Celebrating an unforgettable year with our incredible team of guides! 🚌✨ Yesterday, we shared a delightful breakfast ...

🇬🇧 Celebrating an unforgettable year with our incredible team of guides! 🚌✨ Yesterday, we shared a delightful breakfast to express our gratitude for the incredible work and dedication each of our guides has brought to the tours. 🌍👏 Thank you for making every journey a unique experience. Let's continue exploring together! 🚀📸

🇫🇷 Célébrons une année inoubliable avec notre incroyable équipe de guides ! 🚌✨ Hier, nous avons partagé un délicieux petit-déjeuner pour exprimer notre gratitude pour le travail incroyable et la dévotion que chacun de nos guides a apportés aux tours. 🌍👏 Merci de rendre chaque voyage une expérience unique. Poursuivons notre exploration ensemble ! 🚀📸

🇪🇦 ¡Celebrando un año inolvidable junto a nuestro increíble equipo de guías! 🚌✨ Ayer compartimos un delicioso desayuno para expresar nuestra gratitud por el increible trabajo y dedicación que cada uno de nuestros guias ha aportado a los tours. 🌍👏 Gracias por hacer posible que cada viaje sea una experiencia única. ¡A seguir explorando juntos! 🚀📸


🇬🇧 We are delighted to share some of the feedback from our satisfied customers. These reviews motivate us to keep improving🙌.

🇫🇷 Nous sommes ravis de partager certains avis de nos clients satisfaits. Ces avis nous motivent à continuer à nous améliorer✨.

🇪🇦 Estamos encantados de compartir algunas de las opiniones de nuestros clientes satisfechos. Estas reseñas nos motivan a seguir mejorando💪.


Day: Ghent awakens with the sunlight, revealing its historic architecture and vibrant life. 🌞

Night: When the moon rises, this city transforms into an illuminated fairy tale, with its canals shimmering under the lights. 🌙

Two worlds in one place: Ghent, where beauty unfolds 24 hours a day. ✨ Come and discover it. "

Jour : Gand s'éveille avec la lumière du soleil, révélant son architecture historique et son ambiance chaleureuse. 🌞

Nuit : Lorsque le soleil se couche, cette ville se transforme en un conte de fées illuminé, avec ses canaux scintillant sous les lumières. 🌙

Deux mondes en un seul endroit : Gand, où la beauté se déploie 24 heures sur 24. ✨ Venez le découvrir.

Día: Gante se despierta con la luz del sol, revelando su arquitectura histórica y vibrante vida. 🌞

Noche: Cuando la luna se alza, esta ciudad se transforma en un cuento de hadas iluminado, con sus canales brillando bajo las luces. 🌙

Dos mundos en un solo lugar: Gante, donde la belleza se despliega las 24 horas del día. ✨ Ven a descubrirlo.


🍂 Discover Luxembourg in Autumn 🍂 Our tour takes you to explore the city under the hues of autumn, when the sky is adorned with grays in contrast to the beauty of its landscapes. 🏞️ Join us on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays to experience something truly unique. Plus, don't miss our stop in Dinant, a charming place that will captivate you.

🍂 Descubre Luxemburgo en otoño 🍂 Nuestro tour te lleva a explorar la ciudad bajo los matices del otoño, cuando el cielo se tiñe de grises que contrastan con la belleza de sus paisajes. 🙌 Únete a nosotros los martes, jueves y sábados para vivir una experiencia única. Además, no te pierdas nuestra parada en Dinant, un rincón encantador que te cautivará.

🍂 Découvrez Luxembourg en automne 🍂 Notre visite vous emmène à la découverte de la ville sous les nuances de l'automne, lorsque le ciel se pare de gris en contraste avec la beauté de ses paysages. 🚌 Rejoignez-nous les mardis, jeudis et samedis pour vivre une expérience unique. De plus, ne manquez pas notre arrêt à Dinant, un endroit charmant qui vous enchantera.


🇬🇧🌍Today, we celebrate International Tourism Day. At Brussels City Tours🚌, we are committed to connecting people with incredible destinations and enriching cultures. Thank you for trusting us to make your travel dreams come true♥️.

🇫🇷🌍 Aujourd'hui, nous célébrons la Journée internationale du tourisme. Chez Brussels City Tours🚌, nous nous engageons à connecter les gens avec des destinations incroyables et des cultures enrichissantes. Merci de nous faire confiance pour réaliser vos voyages de rêves♥️.

🇪🇦🌍 Hoy celebramos el Día Internacional del Turismo. En Brussels City Tours🚌, estamos comprometidos a conectar a las personas con destinos increíbles y culturas enriquecedoras. Gracias por confiar en nosotros para hacer realidad tus sueños de viajar♥️.

🇬🇧 Did you know that some houses in Amsterdam are tilted? This happens due to the marshy ground on which they were built...

🇬🇧 Did you know that some houses in Amsterdam are tilted? This happens due to the marshy ground on which they were built. Over the years, these houses have settled in a unique way, giving them their characteristic tilt. Although it may seem curious, they are completely safe and add to the city's charm! 😊🏠 Have you seen them yet? If not, this is your chance!!!.
Our Amsterdam tour departs every Sunday at 8:30 AM.
Reserve your spot now! 🙌.

🇫🇷 Saviez-vous que certaines maisons à Amsterdam sont penchées? Cela est dû au sol marécageux sur lequel elles ont été construites. Au fil des années, ces maisons se sont installées de manière unique, leur donnant leur inclinaison caractéristique. Bien que cela puisse sembler curieux, elles sont parfaitement sécuritaires et ajoutent du charme à la ville ! 😊🏠 Les avez-vous déjà vues?
Si ce n'est pas le cas, voici votre chance!!! Notre visite d'Amsterdam a lieu tous les dimanches à 8h30 du matin.
Réservez dès maintenant votre place 🙌.

🇪🇦 ¿Sabías que algunas casas en Ámsterdam están inclinadas? Esto sucede debido al terreno pantanoso en el que fueron construidas. A lo largo de los años, estas casas se han asentado de manera única, lo que les da su característica inclinación. Aunque pueda parecer curioso, ¡son completamente seguras y forman parte del encanto de la ciudad! 😊🏠 ¿Ya las has visto?
Si todavía no lo has hecho, esta es tu oportunidad!!!. Nuestro tour por Ámsterdam sale todos los domingos a las 8:30 a.m. ¡Reserva tu plaza ahora!🙌.


🇬🇧 We depart to Ghent and Bruges, our magical cities 🏰, at 9 am every day.
Haven't secured your spot yet? Don't miss out on the magic!🧙, Reach out to us and let our guides reveal the secrets of these destinations and discover the wonders that await.✨

🇫🇷 Nous partons chaque jour à 9h vers Gand et Bruges, 2 villes magiques de notre fabuleux pays🏰. Vous n'avez pas encore réservé votre place ? Contactez-nous et laissez vous emporter par nos guides afin de vous dévoiler les secrets de ces destinations et découvrir les merveilles qui vous attendent🧙✨.

🇪🇦 Salimos hacia Gante y Brujas, nuestras ciudades mágicas✨🏰, a las 9 de la mañana todos los días, ¿Aún no has asegurado tu plaza? , Ponte en contacto con nosotros y deja que nuestros guias desvelen los secretos de estos destinos, y descubre las maravillas que te esperan🧙.

Another fantastic tour to Antwerp with our guide Jasmine!

Another fantastic tour to Antwerp with our guide Jasmine!

🌷 Magical Delft & Keukenhof - Tulips Galore!🇳🇱 From early April to mid-May, we take you to the Keukenhof to see the tuli...

🌷 Magical Delft & Keukenhof - Tulips Galore!

🇳🇱 From early April to mid-May, we take you to the Keukenhof to see the tulips at their best. Seven million flower bulbs in unforgettable colours! During your leisurely drive you’ll see vast bulb fields in full blossom as well as the typical windmills. We will first guide you through the most charming town of Holland, Delft. You will marvel at the picturesque canals, the city hall, the Old and the New Church with the crypt of the Dutch Royal Family. During your free time for lunch you will have the opportunity to browse through the countless crafts shops.

💐 Driving to the Keukenhof estate you will learn about the history and importance of tulip growing. You will enjoy the many gardens and fascinating pavilions which show a great collection of tulips, hyacinths, daffodils, orchids, roses, carnations, irises, lilies and other flowers. The colours and smells will overwhelm you and exactly this is what gives the Keukenhof its worldwide reputation.

ℹ️ More information & bookings:

🤘 Ready for Rock Werchter, one of Europe's best and finest music festivals? Taking place from 29 June until 2 July 2023 ...

🤘 Ready for Rock Werchter, one of Europe's best and finest music festivals? Taking place from 29 June until 2 July 2023 at the Festivalpark in Werchter, Belgium.

🎸 Rock Werchter is one of the best known pop-rock festivals in the world, since the first edition of the annual event took place in 1975. Rock Werchter books acts from all kinds of genres. Belgium's largest summer festival is a unique experience.

✨ Want to enjoy the festival without any concerns? Check out our all-in-one festival packages, created with love and provided by Keolis Travel and Brussels City Tours!

❓ What’s included?
- A four day combi ticket for Rock Werchter;
- Four nights in a spacious room with a double bed;
- Full breakfast;
- Transfers to and from the festival area;
- VAT and city tax included;
- An awesome and worry-free festival experience!

👉 Do not hesitate to book your Rock Werchter experience still today by sending an e-mail to [email protected]!

In cooperation with Novotel - Crowne Plaza Hotels & Resorts - Penta Hotels.

Keukenhof is absolutely beautiful again this year! Over 7 million flowers blooming! Every Sunday until 14 may we welcome...

Keukenhof is absolutely beautiful again this year! Over 7 million flowers blooming! Every Sunday until 14 may we welcome you on a full day guided journey to picturesque Delft and Keukenhof from Brussels on one of our coaches!
We already had an amazing day ourselves yesterday!

Dinant has been chosen by Travel + Leisure as one of the most beautiful villages in Europe. Don't miss the opportunity t...

Dinant has been chosen by Travel + Leisure as one of the most beautiful villages in Europe. Don't miss the opportunity to visit it in our excursion to Luxembourg and Dinant with Brussels City Tours

Une distinction de plus pour la Cité des Copères.

🇬🇧 Today is international day of tourism guides. We wish to give our guides an extra thank you for their effort in provi...

🇬🇧 Today is international day of tourism guides. We wish to give our guides an extra thank you for their effort in providing our tourists an unforgettable experience and present our destinations in a fantastic way.

🇪🇸 Hoy es día internacional del guía de turismo. Aprovechamos para agradecer a nuestros guías por sus esfuerzos en brindar experiencias inolvidables a nuestros clientes y presentar nuestros destinos de manera fantástica.

🇫🇷 Aujourd'hui, c'est la Journée internationale des guides touristiques. A cette occasion, nous souhaitons remercier nos guides pour les efforts qu'ils déploient afin de faire vivre chaque jour à nos clients des excursions inoubliables.

🇳🇱 Vandaag is het de Internationale Dag van de Toeristengids. We willen onze gidsen vandaag extra hard bedanken voor hun inzet, om onze toeristen een onvergetelijke ervaring te bieden en onze bestemmingen op een fantastische manier op de kaart te zetten.

🚨 Brussels City Tours IS BACK! 🎉We can finally welcome you in our beautiful and huge NEW OFFICE at : "Rue du marché aux ...

🚨 Brussels City Tours IS BACK! 🎉

We can finally welcome you in our beautiful and huge NEW OFFICE at : "Rue du marché aux herbes/Grasmarkt 61 - 1000 Brussels" where the meeting point is located.

We are starting to open again very slowly, a small reminder of our sightseeing tours available:

•Ghent & Bruges tour
•The Grand Brussels Experience Coach ⠀ ⠀⠀
•Tour Luxembourg and Dinant
•Amsterdam tour
•Battle of the Bulge
•Flanders Fields
•Antwerp tour
•Leuven Half Day

ℹ️ More questions? Contact us by email: [email protected]

📍 NEW MEETING POINT: Grasmarkt 61 - 1000 Brussels

🕘 Office open on TUESDAY / THURSDAY / FRIDAY / SATURDAY /SUNDAY: from 8am to 4pm

✅ Make your reservation on our website:

⚠️ Excursions can be cancelled if the number of participants is not reached and we will refund our customers.

✨ We also provide private tours which are of course tailor made according to your desire:

😷 We take every precaution to ensure the safety of all our clients. What you can expect during your visit: hand sanitizer available to travelers and staff ; social distancing enforced throughout experience ; regularly sanitized high-traffic areas gear/equipment sanitized between use and transportation vehicles regularly sanitized. 🙏



Grasmarkt 61


Maandag 08:00 - 17:00
Dinsdag 08:00 - 16:00
Woensdag 08:00 - 16:00
Donderdag 08:00 - 16:00
Vrijdag 08:00 - 16:00
Zaterdag 08:00 - 16:00
Zondag 08:00 - 16:00


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Brussels City Tours

We offer well organized excursions to the most beautiful and important landmarks of Belgium and its surroundings. Our team is our biggest asset: we work with full time professional and multilingual guides who are highly knowledgeable about their tours.

Our luxury coaches and the professional drivers will take you comfortably and safely to the destination of your choice, while our planned itineraries will help you see everything and take in every moment. Brussels City Tours will make your time in Belgium one to remember.